List of Postings of User Danger

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 11-1 11-3
Kent Hovind 6-4
Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 10-5
I don't believe in Atheism either...... 32-3
The Term "Bright" 8-2
Jesus Camp hits Internet 5-8
Happy Feet - An atheist dancing penguin movie? 3-1
Evangelism and Aetheism 1-5
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 6-8 10-4 19-5 20-6
The Historical Jesus - Did He Exist? 3-4
Hello all 1-1
Aethism and paranormal thoughts 1-6
Britain: A Christian Nation 2-2 2-4 2-8
The Lost Gospels (UK TV BBC4 Dec 4th 9pm) 3-1
A Question for Believers 4-2 8-9
The worst thing Jesus supposedly did 5-8 5-9 5-10
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 2-5
Science does not have all the answers 1-8
BUDDHISM - the intellectuals' religion? 3-10
atheist - amusing :) 4-7
More proof of God! 5-2
Made a conversion last night of a girl considering Islam! 1-10 2-2 2-5
i thought this site was about there not being a god...... 2-2
How did the snake actually talk? 3-2
How to argue with a theist? 1-3 1-8
If God where true, then he must have been an emotinal mess. 1-2
The Trouble With Atheism - TV programme 2-2 3-3 3-4 3-6 28-4 29-3 29-6 32-3
Atheists in Christian Schools 2-5
Being altruistic without religion 2-5
Rod Liddle 1-10
Death 2-3
The weakest flank of Fundamentalism, and how to attack it 4-3 4-4
Original Sin - Help me with a definition? 1-2
Atheism and suicide 8-7
Atheism vs. faith 1-6
Are Unbelievers really Atheists? 2-7
Reign of Fire: Attack of the Ubermen! 1-7
Political Correctness vs. Academic Freedom 1-3
Christianity & The Bible 10-3
Derren Brown - the thought experiment 4-4 5-4
Christians are basically DISFUNCTIONAL 9-2
Bush Admin. says Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood 7-2
The Morality Delusion 8-1 8-5 8-7 9-3 9-9 10-10
Christianity : Evolution of a Death Religion 4-2 4-4
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 3-1
Young Earth Atheists 3-10
Religion and the Borg 2-2
Internet experiment 1-5
dinosaurs 21-7
Church of England - Basically Agnostic? 1-8
You are a fundamentalist Christian if... 2-4 2-10
God? 1-9
Does this forum make sense? 3-9
Alien religion 1-6
Where theists Fear To Tread? 3-8 3-9
Do you feel superior... 4-4 4-5
Is Dawkins creating a new religion? 2-3
Having Faith is necessary 2-6
Who created first gene? 3-4
My faith and Dawkins' faith 2-5
Wikipedia`s God article 1-8
The Jesus Myth - The Case Against Historical Christ 2-3
Can you prove that the probability of god is small? 2-4
Say no to RPG! Join DADD today!!! 1-9 2-7 3-4 3-8 5-5
Adam and Eve and inbreeding 1-9
America 2-5
I Made a Christian Cry. 4-5
Should some fundamentalists be banned? 1-2
Do you find swearing offensive? 1-9
The case against free will 1-6
Atheists Arrogant? 3-6
is it a waste of time? 1-3
stuck for answers between God and erm...nothing 1-8
Does Milgram shed light on religion? 1-7
I was just banned or suspended off Teen Christian Forums... 7-3
AFdave's creator God hypothesis 6-9 8-1
This is TERRIBLE!! 4-8
Faith: a Release of Insanity That no Rubber Room Can Contain 5-7
Atheistic Bullshiters 2-10
Making a stand 1-1 1-3 2-1
Why do [some] christians hate gays? 2-2
The Atheists are Revolting! 3-6
Atheists are scientific hypocrites? 6-7
Atheist dare 3-6
He Who Has Ears Let Him Hear 31-10
The most hated family in America 4-10
Idle Speculation on Evolution and Atheism 1-5
God Wins, Evolution Loses! 5-1
Church attendence from the UK 1-4
Robert Winston: The Story of God 1-2
Religion as a source of bigotry 4-7
Why do YOU belive in God? 3-8 3-9
Dawkins as God 20-9
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 5-5 23-1
We shouldn't be selling atheism 5-9
The Ultimate Tasty Thing 2-5
Obama and Faith Speech 10-3
Leaving Islam 3-5
Scenario: Religion as a Mental Illness 5-4
Adnan Oktar persuades Turkish court to block Wordpress sites 2-1
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 5-1
The Alpha Course 2-7
Why do you hate God? 72-2
The "Wind" argument 3-2
The Gospel of Mark as Reaction and Allegory 2-5 3-7
Taglines for atheism? 2-7
Why do some atheists convert? 1-2
Humans are the only animals that know we are going to die 1-6
Since it disappeared... Why isn't there a "Book of Adam"? 1-7
Christianity vs. FSM 5-5
Eternal Life 3-8
Religion is good - the Dalai Lama 5-1
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 6-7
The atheist's real nightmare (not a banana) 5-2
Having Debate with Believer on MSN.... 2-3
Does god exist/not exist? 1-3
This just hit me 2-3
Jokes in the bible 1-2
Advice for an atheist asked to be a Lutheran Godparent 1-7
UK Politician declares his non belief status 1-3
A Satire Offensive 9-9
Buddhism is as irrational as Catholicism. 3-8
Russ Miller creation ministries 1-4 1-5
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 1-4 1-5 2-7 2-8 3-2
An Honest and Unbiased Look at Buddhism 10-1 12-5 12-7 13-9
Buddhism - Rebirth 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-8 2-1 2-9 4-1 4-2 5-4 6-2 6-5 6-10 7-2 7-4 7-6 7-8
Atheist sees image of Big Bang in Piece of Toast 3-2
90 Day Jane 2-10
Ever deconverted a theist? 1-7
Can an Atheist have a Spiritual Experience? 1-9
Why do we believe in God? £2m study prays for answer 2-3
Home Schooled kids & creationist museum tour 3-5
Creationist newbie 76-3
Angry Christians sue Google over internet ad 6-10
Rzeppa vs Dawkins 14-1 15-7 15-10 16-6
Sam Harris' nuclear first strike argument. 1-7
No god did not fargin save you 1-8
Irrationality in Atheists 3-9
Here we go again ... another preventable death ... 14-7
'Respect atheists', says Cardinal 5-7
Discussion With A Theist 4-8
Best Way To Respond To The Coincidence argument. 1-2
We evolved from the big bang. 8-2
Creationists whining.... over Spore 3-9