List of Postings of User gomb

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 25-7
Darwin Fish 9-5
Musicians? 21-3 21-4
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 79-4 79-6 79-8 80-1 80-2 80-4 80-7 81-2 81-3 81-5 82-4 82-6
Metric USA 20-3 20-4
How many atheists are there in the world? 10-6
What is it like to be an atheist in your country? 7-6
Atheist Attacked in Toronto 3-4
A Brief History of Disbelief 1-3 1-5
Brutal discrimination against an atheist 3-10
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 18-8
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 13-1
Atheist swearing 7-2
The OUT Campaign 14-4
Population control 10-4
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 14-1
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 21-9
Any good theist forums? 1-7 5-5
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 12-3 12-5
My Problem with Atheists 15-8
The Picture Thread 45-6 46-1
1/5 of all Americans cannot locate the U.S. on the map? 6-3
Is Time Linear? 3-4 3-8 3-9 4-2 4-4
Why do Atheists believe in science? 32-3 32-5 32-8 34-5 39-5
Why doesn't ''God is everything'' make sense to materialists 5-1
The thin edge of the wedge in Canada? 4-1
are you alone too? 2-3
physical origin of conciousness 1-9
two dimensional what 1-2
Would atheists marry? 1-2 1-5 2-5 2-9 3-1
"Free Thought" movements 1-1
Positive Atheism. 1-5
Admitting the possibility that you're wrong 1-3
god is everywhere 1-3
Why do you post here? 2-7
I have been invited to attend a church 1-10
Jaded non-believers 2-6
Taking legal action to prevent religious psychological abuse 1-4
cause before effect? 3-4
Pat Condell 4-7
Ariel Sharon: The original Terminator? 1-1
This is daunting, USA Today Poll 1-4 1-5 1-7
The Bible knew scientific facts about the world before Scien 1-3 1-5
Why can't theists accept "I don't know"? 1-1 1-3 2-6
godisnowhere 2-9
Evolution of Human Curiosity about the Cosmos 1-2
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 25-2
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 1-8
Asylum for US Atheists 1-8 2-5
a Victory for Reason! 1-4
Atheism and community 1-1 1-4
Why the Hostility? I'm curious 1-3
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 7-6
Second Life? 2-6
the ultimate boeing 747 challenge 4-9
Brainstorm: Hacking away at religion 3-4
What's the point? 3-3
what is the relationship between foul language & religion? 1-8
Is atheism reviled because of political correctness? 1-8
Atheism defeated 2-5
Desperation takes hold 1-6
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 1-2 2-5 2-7 4-9 5-3 5-9 7-4
Why should we have morals? 2-1 2-3 3-4 3-6 4-1
Muslim girl strangled to death by father 1-1 1-5 1-8 2-5 2-8
Religion In USA High School 2-2
Rapid acceleration in human evolution described 3-3
Russia is showing off.. 1-9
I NEED HELP 1-2 1-4
It's all Atheists fault 1-4 1-5 1-9 2-5 3-6 3-9
"Tick None" Campaign 1-2
Dawkins and Dennett Blamed for Colorado Springs Shootings 1-7
atheist grace 2-5
(Barely) Coping with a Devout Family 1-3
Truth is God 5-2
Should we even label ourselves "atheists"? 1-6 1-9
How do you spell zitegist? 1-2
Candle in the dark 1-2 1-4
*Very off-topic* Any completely free GNU/Linux distro users? 1-7
forming an atheist society 1-2
Dinesh D'Sousa: Misquoting THIS SITE 1-3
where would be a good place to meet an atheist girlfriend? 3-3
Sam Harris and 'The End of Faith' 1-7
Most badass name for a god.... 1-1 1-5
Creationists plan British theme park 3-3 7-10
This whole Christmas fiasco 1-1
Does your work involve reason/science/religion? 6-7
The Atheist Bloc 1-8
Hoodies 2-7 2-10
Tonight's University Challenge 1-6
The Third World War, a Warning 1-6
Deluded in Jerusalem 1-2 1-4
A New Flea for the New Atheists? 1-9
Atheists - Leave Christmas Alone (R2 18/12/07) 2-3
Open links in new window 1-1 1-3
Holographic pattern recognition 1-1
Need a good book 1-3
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 1-9
Should logic be a mandatory curriculum item in schools? 1-2
"God keep our land..." 1-2
Freethinking and atheism - synonyms? 1-6
Religion is not meek (A criticism of religion from a theist) 1-9
Assistance with a few churchies at work. 2-2
Site Traffic 1-9
WWGHA site and videos attacked? Currently down.... 2-6
How do we deal with the fundies who won't listen? 2-8
The body count of 'atheist' wars 1-7 3-1
An observation 2-2
Brain -> Robot 1-1 1-6 1-9 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-7 4-9
Where should I move? 1-1 1-4 1-8 1-10 3-4 3-6 4-1 4-8
C.G.Jung misunderstood 2-5
Intolerance towards faith? 23-8
How many Christians banned? 8-3
Creationism and Intelligent Design 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-1 2-6 2-7
Non-sense from Hitchens? 1-8
A year of celebrity atheists taking potshots at God 2-1
What are your New Year's Eve plans? 1-6
i've felt the presence of the lord? 1-5
The New Atheism by Brendan O'Neill. 1-3
How about a music section? 6-9
Canadian vs. American McDonald's 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-8 2-1
Naming conventions: Follow them. 1-1 1-6 1-9 2-2 2-5
Evangelicals, scholarship and the Bible. 1-2
No Joke, Geocentrist PhD 1-6
Mother Nature is Not Our Friend 1-6
Nontheist Nexus and e-zine 1-2
Baptist Minister takes the Iowa Caucus 1-7
Drugs - an alternative opinion 3-1
Help me, I've upset someone ... 3-5
Questions For Atheists To Answer. 15-2
Is Technology Making Us Stupid? 1-10 2-6
O'Reilly on suicides in Sweden 1-9
Bible Belt vandalism in the Netherlands 1-3
elfprincess on The God Delusion 88-2
Size Matters. 2-5
"How to Pusuade an atheist to Become Christian" on Wikipedia 5-4 5-5
Ali G vs. A bunch of people (including Kent Hovind) on crevo 1-1
CBC Feature: "Where is God Today?" 1-5 2-4
The God Delusion is REQUIRED reading in my philosophy class. 2-3
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 3-2 3-6
Annoying atheists: please, just shut up. 1-1 1-4 1-5 2-1 2-2 5-5 5-6 7-1
Coming 'out' on Facebook 9-3
Perception & damage to Broca or Wernicke's areas 1-1 1-4
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 43-5
Christian Forum Fun 5-4 5-8
Mechanical evolution 3-4 3-5
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 1-10
Canada is the Best! Is the U.S. really THAT bad? 3-8 4-2
Who blasphemes against islam shall be killed 4-3
God has to be undetectable by current Science/technology 4-8 5-6
ANONYMOUS War on Scientology 1-6 1-10 2-10 3-5 5-10 11-9 12-10 13-3 15-9 16-9 17-1
Would you move to an "atheist/agnostic" city? 1-5
The "You cant disprove god" argument 1-2
Sleep Paralysis 1-7
"We come from apes" vs "we are apes" 3-4
Atheism Not the Answer for Me 3-6
An Atheist Cannot Be An Artist 8-3
This is how I argue agaisn't a higher being. 1-6
Honk if you hate Scientology video 2-9
Canadian government to close science advisor's office 1-3
Mock funeral for Richard Dawkins 3-8
Pro Life, Pro Choice, Pro Discussion 1-5 2-2
MySpace: No place for Atheists? 1-2
"Multiculturalism" 1-1 1-4 2-2 2-4 3-10
Seriously F*cking Brilliant!! 2-9
What's a great name for a school atheist / humanist society? 2-5
Would you date an evolution denier? 6-7
Why Xtianity is so effective 1-3 1-9
Do you get tired of it all 2-1
The Gays are Coming to Your Town!!!! 2-4 2-8
"Stupid beliefs" 1-1 1-3
Laws for an Atheist Court 2-3
This Lent give up Christianity 1-1 1-3
Oh, this is just great... 3-5
Does our dear leader ever post on these forums? 2-8
Some music by me 1-1
"There is nothing random in the world. Ever." 3-9
How did we come to atheism? 2-2
Iranian man explains God to his four year old son 1-6
Why God Exists 10-8 11-2 11-8 12-5
The argument from Ugly. 2-4 3-10 4-1
Southern Baptists to the Olympics? NOOO! 1-2 1-4
"imagine" theres a song for our generation. 2-3
Telling people I'm Atheist 3-9
Crockiduck 2-4 3-2
[VIDEO] A Question of Origins 1-2 1-5 2-1 2-3
"I used to be atheist" 1-1 1-3 2-6 2-9 3-6 6-2 9-7
The Golden Compass Wins an Oscar 1-8
I live in America and saw "The Root of All Evil" 2-8
Iraqi tv debate- is the earth flat? 1-6 2-5
How should we greet a theist? 1-2
You want proof? 1-2 1-3
Criticising Islam 1-3
An(other) Atheist Organization We Can Be Proud Of 1-10
I need some advice or kind words 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-9 2-2 2-9
Scientists Predict When the World Will End 2-3
Quantum Theory and Death 1-8
Being An Atheist 4-9 6-3 6-10 7-2 7-5
Spontaneous Human Combustion 1-10
Happy day! 1-1
Canadian Silliness 1-2
Fuel prices 5-2
One world government 11-4
Jungian/Analytical Psychology 1-7
Moral Orel 2-2
The Rational Response Squad 6-4 7-2 9-1 9-3
The New World Order 3-3
NEW Forum guidelines (commentary) 79-9