List of Postings of User DJ1

Help Science to help you, volunteer your spare CPU!! 21-4
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 17-2
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 41-4 72-4
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life 5-9
Large Hadron Collider 57-2
The Cambrian Explosion 1-5
Craig Venter: first genome transplant/artificial life 2-2
To convince a creationist? 1-6 1-10
Free Will Challenge 5-1 5-5 5-7 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-8 7-2 7-3 7-6 7-8
MEAT 19-3
Can anyone debunk this? 2-9
God ,Devil and Nothing : A political philosophy 1-2 1-7
Expanding universe question 1-1 1-4
Cambrian "explosion" 1-2
Help with daughter's RE homework 2-8
IQ vs. Religiosity ; The graph 1-7 2-3
What % of Scientific Community Believes in Evolution? 3-3
Extraterrestial life's impact on religion? 1-10 2-3 2-4
On Genesis 1:1, to the apple thing 1-4
Should we create a human-chimp hybrid? 1-2
Velociraptor had feathers 1-2
POLL: If Evolution were to be proven impossible tomorrow... 1-9
Carl Zimmer wins 2007 Communications Award 1-2
Christians taking FSM as a direct insult to the Christian fa 3-1
Fish spends several months out of water 1-9
Prehistoric animals 1-4 1-5 2-4
PROOF of a Young Earth! 3-7
How do you answer the fine-tuning argument? 38-1
Romania Removes Evolution from Curriculum 7-7 8-1 8-2
Help Explaining Evolution 2-7
The Blind Watchmaker didn't do it for me.... 1-10
Evidence that we definatly are evolved from lower species? 1-9
Girl switches blood type after liver transplant 1-4
Badly designed eyes and venom? - Not really. 2-7 2-10 3-2
Gould? 1-5
Genes -> Instinct - How? 1-9
early man vs today's man 1-2
How should we greet a theist? 7-4
What type of theist are you? 1-1 1-4 2-1 2-5 2-6
Venter's comments on molecular taxonomy 1-1 1-2
Fundies are spying this site 1-10
How many species are represented by the entire fossil record 2-5 2-7 11-10
Coming soon - World Wide Telescope 1-4
How many times has endothermy occurred? 1-2
The Evolution of the Eye 2-5
Local Evolution/Creationism Poll 1-7
Catholic doctrinal contradictions and the Old Testament 1-10
Is there a reason why God is Dog spelled backwards? 1-2
Dual interpretations of Genesis and the Bible 1-3
A challenge for all creationists 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-2 2-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-8 3-10 4-4 4-6 5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 9-10
Is Irreducible Complexity logically impossible? 2-3 2-8
Creationist case not viable after the big bang 1-4
Transitionary fossils with evolution 3-10
The Hovind Scale 5-2
The Mother of All Non Sequiturs 1-6
Spiders with primitive web-weaving capabilities? 1-4
ICR Graduate School hearing 1-1 1-5
Darwin's Errors 2-9 2-10 3-2
Questions on Punctuated Equilibrium 1-3
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 1-2
100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid' being shown @ my school 1-3
Greetings from Australia 1-8
Debunking Darwinism 2-3
Eye socket Conundrum. 7-4 7-10
An invite to the neo-creationists. 1-2
Videos/website for fighting creationism 3-5
Why Is The Universe SO BIG? 2-2
Good article by Shubin 1-4
SAD 59 debates teaching of evolution 1-1
Survey: What Do You Believe? Using Dawkins' Likelihood Scale 8-8
Creationists again 5-9 6-3
ICR Responds to Decision by Education Officials 1-1
Ask a fundie!!! 5-7
Darwinism aka evolution disproved by nostrilless cell 2-3
Book Suggestions? 1-4
When did birds begin singing? 2-2
"In Defense of Intelligent Design" 1-8 4-6
flying fish 2-6
Should I write a book about the forum & stuff? 2-5
New Gene Arising From Noncoding DNA 1-2
Resurrection Of Extinct DNA 1-2
A Creationist World 1-3 1-4
Proving God and Christianity 4-7 4-9 6-10's Anti-Venom: My first youtube video! 1-9
The missing link. 1-7
Evolution of Monkeys to Man?? 6-2
arguments AGAINST irreducible complexity 1-6
6th Annual International Creationism Conference 2-6
Youtube Censorship - ExtantDodo 1-1 1-4 1-7
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part II 6-3 21-1
A note on Born-Again Former Atheists 1-2
Young Earth Creationist Poll! Take it! Skew it! 1-9
Evidence AGAINST Noah's flood? 1-7
Darwinism proof on a time scale? 2-3
Mysterious insect found at the Natural History Museum 1-3
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 16-6 16-10 17-2 17-3 18-5
My son is being taught creationism in science class! 3-5
I have found Irreducible Complexity! 2-3
Maybe we should 'teach the controversy' 2-3
how do you deal with the which evolved first? 1-4
Dinosaurs and Humans on youtube 1-9
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin - derail thread 3-1
HERV-K provirus in Chimps and Gorillas but not in Humans 1-1 1-3 1-9 1-10
How smart are chimps? 1-9
Dinosaurs helped build the pyramids, school director says 3-9
Jail for creationists? 1-3
Help Identify a Spider 3-2
Family asking me to go to AiG's Creation Museum on Sunday 4-8
Ken Miller youtube thread 1-1 1-3 1-6
Endogenous Retro Viruses disproved 2-5 3-6
Youtube creo-crushers ExtantDodo suspended again 3-2
Classification of Creationists 1-10 2-1 2-3
Intelligent Design Being taught in Queensland 1-6 3-7 4-5 4-7 4-9
If any evolutionists are up for an argument... 1-9
Transitional forms 1-6
Evolution vs Creation : # 1 Introduction 1-4
Institute of Creation Research attempting censorship 1-1 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-3 2-4 2-8
Christian vs Atheist: Evolution 1-6
Essential threads, links, and videos debunking creationism 1-8
Dawkins video DMCA'd on YouTube 1-1 1-6 1-7 1-9 2-1
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube PT. II 48-9
Evolution Debate - djarm67 vs Dr Steve Kumar 1-2
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 10-6 19-1
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 8-8
Is Dawkins doing the cause of atheism good or bad! 7-4
Copyright claim against Dawkins video 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-6