List of Postings of User Tyr

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 18-4 18-9
Photos of animals. 38-2 38-3
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 51-10
Post here your affirmation of FAITH! 6-3
Atheist Tattoo 3-9
Intelligent Design debate on walls of toilet 4-10
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 7-7
The issue of Abortion 75-9
The Picture Thread 29-4
The Picture Comment Thread 66-4 66-6 66-8 66-10
The Religion of Science. 28-3
Giant Spider Web--Cool! 1-9
Richard Dawkins in Private Eye 1-6
Our best weapon. 1-8
Help! I think I'm stuck... 1-1 1-3
David Attenborough on Global Warming 1-2
Give A Toss For Britain 4-9
non-silly god arguements 4-3
Why do Atheists believe in science? 5-3 5-8 6-6 6-7 9-9 10-4 12-4 12-5 12-9
Pendulum, dowsing, radiestesia 8-9 9-1 10-7
Living Proof Dinosaurs Existed With Humans Found! 1-9
Dear Atheists... 2-5
DNA Database 1-1 1-5
are you alone too? 4-3
Dawkins says no freedom? 1-7
Vegetarianism 12-7 12-9 14-5 14-7 15-3
Oh the things your 3 year old says!! 2-1
Need a question answered 2-5
UK students face less study hours? 1-4 1-8
I am a theist--should I run for cover? 5-9 9-6
Sex before marriage? 1-10 4-5
Dawkins can't understand sophisticated theology 2-5
atheist forums.. 1-7
Believing Scientist/Engineer 7-10
Why do you hate God? 46-1
Education everywhere but no one uses it 4-9
Anti-Dawkins Event in Leicester tonight 1-9
So does Atheism have a code of morality? 2-2
Reality is bleak 1-5
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 6-7
How many votes do you need to win an election? 1-10
Girlfriend's Fundy Parents Hijacking Relationship 2-1
Reasons for Adam and Eve being wrong 1-4
50 terabyte flash drive made of bug protein 1-10 2-3 2-5
The elementary of dear Dr (James) Watson 3-8
Free Will Crisis 15-7
Archbishop Rowan Williams defends irrationality 1-2
Greetings from Vulcan! 2-1
What do Atheists want? 1-4
What do you call an adult who believes in Santa Claus? 1-3
Atheists and Anger: Why Anger Is NECESSARY 1-2 1-8
Christiofascism Explained 1-2
Intelligent people and occult activities 2-9
Male - Female atheist ratio 5-8
Amazon: Dawkins 90%, McGrath 10% 1-3
Incomprehensible violence 1-5
head banging and brain damage 1-2
Are we all believers? 2-1
What's wrong with nipples? 4-8 6-9
How did you meet or find your significant other? 4-6
"No point" 1-2
Forum Scaling 1-1 1-3
99 bottles of beer on the wall 4-8 6-1 9-2
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 1-5
Brain circuits that control hunger identified 1-3
UFOS v Jesus 1-5
Cuddly microbes for Christmas 2-8
But no one believes 1-2
Dawkins on The Big Question 25th Nov 10am BBC1 8-7
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 41-6
No Atheist can solve......... 7-8
ps3 game to be delayed due to religious sensitivity 6-9
Atheist Bus Campaign 8-3
Looking for the best one-liner 3-6
What if Atheism Gets A Foothold In Our Culture? 2-6
ubelievers, heretics 9-10
Rational career/hair advice? 1-6
Where do you stand? 3-9