List of Postings of User oldvan

Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 13-5
Elton John wants religion banned 4-4
Creationism / ID - lets see your evidence 28-4 30-1 35-5 35-6 36-3 37-3 39-1 39-3 40-8 45-1 45-8 46-6 49-9 56-2 65-10 66-6 67-2 67-9 68-5 69-4 70-9
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 19-4 19-5 22-1 22-6 22-9 23-2
Ten Things You Like About..... 9-7
The War on Christmas 35-3 37-4
What did you get for Christmas? 3-7 3-8
Remember how God used to Talk? 2-1
Sharing some (possibly) relevant funnies 1-1 1-2
WHY 3-7
People's impressions of atheists 2-5
After reading this topic .. you will beleive in a Designer 2-3 5-3 6-6
Public Knowledge of Science, and Jesus Camp 2-1
The Carbon Dioxide Delusion. 5-9 6-6 6-10 7-1 7-3 7-5 7-7 7-9 8-1 8-3 8-7 8-8 9-2 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-10 10-4 10-6 10-8 11-1 11-5 11-9 11-10 12-2 12-3 12-6 12-9 13-4 13-6 13-8 14-1 14-5 14-7 14-8 14-9 15-2 15-4 15-8
Does the earth orbit around the sun or vice versa? 4-8 5-4
This macho "killer dog" culture 4-3 6-5
How would you like to be buried? 5-6
Discrepancy in Age of Earth -vs- Creationist 's claim 1-1 1-8 1-9
Kirk Cameron & Ray Comfort Full Banana Episode 5-10 8-4
I might as well have called her a two-cent whore... 4-3 4-4
Jena 6: Shocking racism in modern america. 4-2
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 2-6 2-8 3-3
Atheists object to passive religious practices 12-4 20-10
Pot calling the Kettle black... 1-1
Why do Atheists believe in science? 8-8 8-10 16-2
What value is atheism? 11-4
I'm a Christian -I'm also an atheist ! Confused -you will be 3-6
Halelujah! 1-9
Are nuclear plants REALLY about electricity? 1-1
SUV/Truck ban 4-6 4-10 5-7 6-6
Bavarian politician wants law to allow 7 year itch 1-2
A better definition for the kilogram? 1-6
Burglarize a good Christian, get a hot meal! 1-1
Editorial suggesting a link between atheism and pedophilia, 2-1
atheist with a sense of humor... 1-1
-The Death Penalty- (Part 1) 81-7 81-10 82-4 82-9 83-2 83-8 83-9 83-10
Mercury - mysterious blue stuff 1-3
Give me your animal photos! 1-4
Too much Information 2-8
Avagadro's number: 6.02 x 10^23 1-2
"God bless you" after you give a donation 4-9