List of Postings of User birdman

Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 113-2 117-7 118-3 118-5 119-3
Sexual shaming, anger, leaving Mormonism, and circumcision. 1-1
problem: faith & religion on public radio in America 1-1
donating books & esp. audio versions to libraries in Ame 1-1
West Valley City in Utah (USA) promoting religion? 1-1
Are Chiropractors full of S@%t? 7-2
Pat Condell 11-1 13-3
Reza Aslan on A World of Possibilities radio show 1-1 1-2
Sam Harris: The Problem with Atheism 2-5
in Utah: exmormon foundation conference - Oct 12-14 1-1
earliest memories of disbelief? 4-5
Wrong to label children "Atheist kids?" 3-2 3-9 5-4 5-7 6-1 13-2
What's the Big Deal about Science? 3-2
Former Atheists roundtable on EWTN's The Journey Home 1-1
Casserole: Tuna with oatmeal and collard greens? 1-1
feminism and stuff 7-4
Noetic "science?" - Nassim Haramein - like Deepak Chopra? 1-1 1-3
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 28-4 33-6
Did you ever really believe? 13-1 13-7 13-9
The Great Tantra Challenge 6-5
Creating The "Discovery Enterprise"? 1-2
Atheism's attraction to the self-righteous. 8-5
Hitchens v. Hitchens 7-3
The wireless internet world - and stealing/borrowing it 3-9
"What can Mormons learn from Atheism?" video 2-8 3-8 4-2
Is it really true that no two snowflakes are alike? 1-2
Evolution as the exception (in the rest of the universe) 1-2
An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 5-3
Modern transportation & ability to mate in far off lands 2-2
atheism is not the truth 12-6
A question on The God Delusion 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-4
Video w/slide showing evolved soap nozzle? located ok 1-1 1-2
What is 'self'? Substance, abstraction, illusion or...? 1-2 5-8 5-10
Mercy killings - always wrong? 1-2
Non-technical Science Publications 1-2
Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight - Thom Hartmann 1-2
Morality = God vs Darwinian morality 1-2
Mormons 2-9
Female vs Male Circumcision 45-6
Islam keeps women under wraps, & multiculturalism 1-1 1-4
(US) Swing States - Received your free FEAR DVD? 2-3 2-5 2-8
Low testosterone,which man of science should I believe? 3-2 3-6
questions from a girl - feedback requested 1-1 1-3 2-1
Free Speech? 1-6
A simple question to Richard 1-2
Elegant Universe & string theory -- hokum? & books 1-1
Apes exchanging money for sex - book reference? 1-1 1-3
human apes in cities versus the plains or small towns 1-1
Ashton Kutcher attacks Mars & space exploration 1-1 1-7
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 45-1
"Speaking of Faith" program on public radio in US - problems 1-1