List of Postings of User NoDelusion

What are you currently reading? 121-5
Do you think 0.9999999~ infinite is exactly equal to 1 60-9
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 55-4
Monarchism 26-5
Atheistic quotes 8-10
Insidious Communism on the Boards! 31-7
does the universe, life, etc. have to have a meaning? 2-7
Favourite YouTube Videos 97-8
Greatest movie of all time 15-10 16-2
Atheism and science are based on blind faith assumptions too 39-7 39-9
Organ donation - presumed consent 8-9
Atheist swearing 26-5 26-7
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 16-10
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 8-6
Panorama Nazi David Irving, Hitchens... 2-4
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 57-8 58-8 59-1 90-7
whats the point of philosophy? 2-9
Hello, good evening and welcome 1-1
God loves you in your room 6-4
Spiritual but not Religious 4-1
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 5-1
The Sunday Programme - Radio 4 Sunday Mornings 7:00am 1-3
Ernie Chambers suing god. 7-5
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 23-7 24-2
Islam is Peace 4-10
The Myth of the Self 2-1 2-5 3-8
What room for artists in a money-less society? 1-1 6-2 6-4
Do animals have rights? 3-3 4-2
'New Humanism'.. you wot? 1-10
US places "unprecedented" sanctions on Iran 19-2
The Putin system. 6-2
Can Someone Explain To Me 5-3 6-1 6-9 7-2 7-7
The 'Lyrical Terrorist' 2-2
What do you think about the Green Party? 3-4 3-7
One Person One Vote. The basis for democracy. 2-1
Royal Mail..... 4-5
British Newspapers 2-8
Quick evolutionary morality question 1-3
Best Philosophy Book 1-7
Racism or road deaths? Which is more serious? 1-5
Texas School Board Now Run By Creationist 1-3
Describe your political inclinations 1-9 4-5
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god. 3-3
Climate change "unequivocal." What to do? 1-9 2-5 2-10 3-2
The risks of accepting homeopathy 2-1
Man marries 15 year old daughter 2-8
President Putin rattles nuclear sabre at Nato 2-7 2-9 3-2
Free Speech 4-10 10-7
Towards an accurate representation of David Irving 1-2 8-10 9-7 14-9 24-10 25-2
Muslims up in arms over Muhammad Teddy bear 32-2 37-4 38-4
Next UK elections: Who would you vote for? 4-1
Islamaphobia - a rational response to irrationality 2-10 6-1
Morrissey in "racism" row 1-6
Was there always something? 1-6 3-8 3-10
More Americans believe in devil than Darwin - poll 1-5
'Christianophobia' Warning From MP...... 1-5 6-4
'Iran not a nuclear threat' says US report 1-1 2-7
Hindu gods get summons from court 3-1
CIA destroys interrogation tapes 2-8
Archbishop of York cuts up his dog collar... 1-10
Russia is showing off.. 5-6 6-1
End of the world cult, Channel 4 7-8
The New E.U Treaty 1-2 12-6 85-4
Is Racism acceptable in a Democracy? 1-9 3-3 7-9
Creationists plan British theme park 6-10
Romania Removes Evolution from Curriculum 1-4
Bush and Cheney: All Dressed up and no Place to Go 1-5
BBC bans the word "faggot" from 20-year-old Xmas hit... 3-2
LibDems leadership / Clegg and God 1-1 1-3 1-6 5-2
Is it ethical to kill animals? 19-10
Non-Believing U.S. Voters feel demonized 2-1
Al-Qaeda to give 'open interview' 2-7
Dignity and choice, and how right-wingers DON'T GET IT!!! 2-2
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 1-9
Bhutto killed in suicide attack 1-1 2-4 4-1 4-7 5-7 8-4
Places in England worth living? 4-10
ISP filtering: conservative censorship/pragmatic protection? 2-9
Why is Africa the basket case of the World? 1-3 6-4 6-7 69-2 70-6
What language is this? Help! 1-1 1-5 1-10
On this forum, Nationalism trumps Humanism 3-5 3-8 4-7
BBC vs. low-energy light bulbs? 1-6
Regulation planned for Homeopathy 1-2 2-9 4-7
David Icke: "George Bush [snr.] is a notorious paedophile" 1-5
CofE bishop - Islamic"no go" areas - now receives threats 2-3
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 5-8 9-3
Illegal Immigration, Should We Just Shoot Them? 32-2
Cheer me up. 1-5
Accidental Incest 2-6
Roll on the end of oil 1-9
The BBC, Islam and Political Correctness 2-10 32-1
is tipping necessary? insulting? expected? 4-9 5-10 6-5 6-10
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 68-6 69-7 69-9
Stephen Hawking Becomes a Born-Again Christian 1-10
Best Wine 6-10 7-2
Crystal healer opened near me. 3-8
Should Kevin Rudd apologize to aborigines? 1-5 1-8 3-1 6-2 7-2
Moved by classical music 1-6
Agnostic/Modern European Monarchies? 4-7
Do you see Jesus? A new low... 1-2
awful movie clichés 4-10
How to deal with conspiracy theorists? 2-8
Iranian government outlaws pet dogs 6-2
Fluoride 18-9
The virgin birth? 2-2
Attacks on Israelis 23-10
Arguments against gay marriage/adoption 33-7
Lebanon 8-4
Hizbullah announces Imad Mugniyah killed 2-8 3-2
Internet Terrorists freed. 3-8
Girls: take the power back with Rapex. 3-7
Two year study - mixed culture schools 1-6
Kosovo - Another cancerous Islamic victory 5-10 7-3
Why has intelligence become a negative trait? 5-8
The moral argument for the existence of a God 6-10
Anyone else think that there should be more abortions? 10-4
Which Star Wars movie is the best? 2-2
Pakistan Blocks YouTube Website 1-4
A simple argument to negate the world's reality 5-6
Criticising Islam 3-3
Beheading and Halal slaughter - NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH! 3-2
How to fix the Palestinian problem 2-7
Does anyone have any information on African philosophers... 1-3
Benny Hinn robs some people 1-2 1-4
Earthquake UK 00:56 27Feb 5.2Rs Market Rasen 3-8
Have the Dutch become racists? 1-5
Muslim shock !!! 13-3 13-10
Small race riot: should this have been in the news? 1-4
Record for Afghan poppy planting 1-2 1-4
The EU Treaty (aka The EU Constitution) - Yes or No? 1-9 2-4 2-10 3-10
What Muslims really think 1-8 3-4
Is Iran just posturing? 1-7 1-9
Nick Clegg on the Euro Constitution 3-6
Vatican-Muslim talks due in Italy 1-4 1-10
politics (Zimbabwe) 2-4 4-5 5-7
Was the invasion Of Iraq legal ? 3-3
Earth Hour: Google goes black 5-1
Race Part 1: race and rape 3-6
Marine threw himself onto grenade 1-3
Immigration 'small benefit' to UK 1-4 2-5 2-8
The Olympic Torch 2-9
Islamic danger in the U.K. and the BNP 4-8 6-3 6-10 8-7
Should Squirrel be on the menu? 2-3
Richard Dawkins on The Big Question 06/04/08 5-2
Regrowing Limbs: God can't do it so we have to 1-2
Are you a Mro? 2-1 2-6
Breeding animals for tourist hunting 2-2
Motion Sickness 2-9
Is the US Constitution in Jeopardy? 1-2
The “Good Old Days” were shit 9-5 10-3
"The neocons may yet get their war on Iran." 3-8
Do you want Australia to become a republic? 11-5
Brigitte Bardot Arrested For Thought Crime 2-2
Possible cure for cancer 1-3
Is culture product of race? 2-3 3-2 4-4
Why shouldn't I put animals first ? 5-5
If the holocaust had been partially successful, 1-8 3-4 7-4 9-3
Peak bad will it get 7-2 16-2 16-8 22-8
Would a nuclear Iran nuke Israel? 2-3 2-5
Formerly a Category 5 atheist, graduating to 6.5 1-3
New to the Forum. 1-3
What's Killing Europe 2-2
Marxism 16-10 17-3 17-9
Welcome to China. The land where babies are prisoners. 3-6
Surveillance cameras. Sinister Big Brother spying state? 4-4 4-9
Should we regulate having children? 5-5
what is art? 2-5
Father imprisons daughter for 24 years. 1-6 4-7 5-8
Veil in passport photos 4-5 6-9
Gordon Brown Fiddling While Britain Burns........ 1-8
Men could have kids with chimpanzees - gov must act 4-7 7-10
London Mayor is Boris Johnson 4-8
Canada raises age of sexual consent to 16 1-3 3-2 3-6 5-7
The speed of Time 1-2 1-6
Blast at Yemen mosque, casualties feared: source 2-7
What's the most wicked religion? 2-3
The BNP, what can be done? 1-3 3-3 5-8
Yet another bent preacher? 1-3
This smearing of Israel's critics must stop 2-5 4-4 4-10
Ever fallen out with a boss? 1-5
Free Will 44-7
Lightning storm generated by chilean volcano 1-5
Great extinction episode 'under way' 1-1
Wannabe “Virus” Prince Philip Attacks Big Families 3-4
Bush go to your room, you are GROUNDED!!! 2-1
The global warming religion Pt. 1 85-9 87-3 92-2 92-10
[POLL] Spill your political opinions! 8-8
Israel / Palestine Conflict 3-10
Court to Decide 'Under God' and 'In God We Trust' 18-1
Heinz pulls TV ad showing men kissing 3-9
The harsh reality thread. 49-8 49-9
Fierce fighting in breakaway Georgia republic 37-7 68-2
Muslims' renewed bomb attacks kill five in China 1-5
Iraq: This is now an illegal occupation. 1-2
What do you get all irrational about? 3-5
Saudi man kills daughter for converting to Christianity 3-1 finally happened 4-3
Fox News Cuts off 12-Year-Old Ossetian Girl 3-7
Terror arrests at U.K. airport 4-10 6-3 6-6 7-1 9-6
Chi 1-2
Weak British public... 3-3
So owning 'terrorist' literature makes you a terrorist? 1-1
What are you drinking tonight? 26-8
A new Taliban? 1-3
The mistress of "To what are you listening?" 38-2
democracy 7-10 8-3 11-10
Creationism SHOULD be taught in schools, top scientist says 7-4
Scottish independace. 3-9
Your proposal to save your country 1-2 1-7
Noel Edmonds takes a stance against the BBC licence 6-9
BNP Exposed - The Secret Agent (video) 1-3
Ruth Kelly resigns! 2-8
US Presidential Election 2008-VP Candidate Sarah Palin, 3 89-3
Austrians vote, big gains seen for far right 8-6 8-9 10-10
Officer resigns over BNP badge 1-8
Met Chief Ian Blair resigns (or did Boris push him?) 1-2
OJ found guilty 1-3
Margaret Thatcher - Great or Terrible? 9-3
Parents Outraged Baby Doll Mumbles Pro-Islam Message 2-7
Why are drugs illegal? Druggie Pride! 6-9 8-3
U.S. to take N. Korea off terror list 1-3
If we could only tell when politicians are lying to us... 1-2
Help - a mini crisis of non faith! 1-8
Briggs-Myers Test 1-10
Animal rights 18-9 19-2
What human achievements trumps Darwin's discovery? 2-5
ps3 game to be delayed due to religious sensitivity 2-5 4-2
RD's chapters about the bible aren't solid enough. 11-4
What's happening in North Korea? 1-2
X-Box 360 or PS3? 1-6
Epilepsy is possession! 1-5
questions from a girl - feedback requested 1-10
Do you play the lottery? 1-10 4-8
What Does it Mean to be a Person? 3-6
Donkey bomb? 1-5
US Aircraft attack Syria border 1-1
What is Primary Reality (do we live in the Matrix)? 5-10
Barama and a World who Holds their Breath 2-4
Stealing the US election Part III 3-7
US Members - What do you think of Little Britain? 1-9 2-4
Russell Brand/Jonathon Ross Poll 1-5 2-6
US - 1Year in jail for wearing clothes improperly 3-7
A world without radio one and MTV 4-6
Vicar with potato stuck in his bottom 6-1
US election coverage: what's it like in your country 1-10 2-7
Best voice? 1-7
Town halls ban staff from using Latin words 4-4
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 72-8
US Presidential Election 2008 - Post Mortems 4-2
Happy non- americans 5-10 9-2
Do you like the European union? 2-4 2-10 4-2 4-10 8-6
Do revolutions require bloodshed 3-3 3-6
Obama vows change in policy for Cuba 3-4
Where do YOU get your morals from? 1-5 4-2
Nuclear Power 1-6
"The Beautiful Truth": Medicine's equivalent of 'Expelled'? 1-3
Gun Ownership: Assault Weapons, should they be legal? 1-5 5-4
Chavez mentions tanks if ally loses Venezuela vote 2-2
i was thinking 1-9
Protests at Radioactive Waste Transports 3-1
Humans, are we ready to be custodians of the planet 2-4
MP predicts backlash against Ex-pats in Spain 1-8 2-2
Finnish vicar plans to undergo a sex change operation 1-2
List of BNP members posted online 7-4 8-5 12-4 13-2 13-8 17-8
Talksport Sacks Jon Gaunt 2-5
No 7-6 8-7
AVAILABLE NOW! New God Delusion T-Shirt 1-8 2-7
Al-Qaeda welcomes Michael Jacksons conversion to Islam 2-9
Pirates 2-3
Terror in Mumbai 14-3
write your own faux bible verse 6-1
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 4-2
Austrian politician stripped of immunity, WHY??? 2-10 4-9 5-1
Should There Be More Star Wars Movies? 1-4 4-8
I miss you 1-9
Killing animals for fun 2-2
A evil democracy vs benevolent dictatorship 3-3
AFA and Costco 1-3 1-5
Churches find 'chocolate Jesus' tasteless 1-4
Brit ISPs censor Wikipedia over 'child porn' album cover 10-10
Should men be forced to pay child support if... 1-3
Mounties will not be charged in B.C. airport taser death 1-10
Has Mugabe Lost the Plot? 1-10
Bush's Final F.U. 2-5
You Havent Seen Brainwashed Until You've Run Across This Q&A 1-4
On living life to the fullest 1-3
Cartoon porn = child porn? 7-10
Will white people become myths in the future? 10-1 11-8
American beliefs 1-4
Outrage over proposals to boycott Jewish shops 2-6
Paki 2-8
Does anyone know what Marxism is? 2-4
South Carolina to outlaw profanity 1-5
Israel / Palestine Conflict Pt. 6 81-4
Why are Americans so uninformed? 4-10
Iranian Holocaust book to be issued in English 1-2 1-4 5-7
Obama's inauguration 8-4 10-7 13-8 14-10
Geert Wilders on "anti-Islam" charge 1-9
Is there a global Islamic jihad? 1-4
Communism 2-10 3-9
How would you feel if you were victim of collateral damage? 1-5
Daily Mail atheist link hacked 1-1
Do we need laws against hate speech? 2-3
Anti-Semitism, alive and well in Europe 3-1
Che Guevara 2-2
Church of England bans members from British National Party 1-4 1-8
US military blows up live pigs to test body armour 3-10
Swine Flu Pandemic Emergence: Apocalypse Finally? 9-8 12-6 26-7
"Swine Flu", H1N1. OPEN DISCUSSION 3-4
Iran launches air strikes on Iraqi villages 1-1
Recruitment Tactics of the British Army 6-8 7-6 7-10
Carla Bruni savages pope 1-2
Do you hate the BNP? 4-8
British Soap to feature Gay Muslim character 1-7 2-5
Any RevLefters here? 3-4
Griffin pelted with eggs outside Parliament 2-10 3-7
N.Korea Threatens "Merciless Offensive" With Nuclear Weapons 1-7
Should the Netherlands allow Sharia courts? 1-5
Do You Support Gay Marriage Pt I 6-8
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics VI 60-8 61-4