List of Postings of User Koppis

Why I am not an agnostic 5-7 8-7 8-8 8-9 9-4
Video games - why demonise? 18-1
VenomFangX: Young, deluded, Hovind wannabe at YouTube 11-1 12-3 12-10
Jokes Philosophic and Scientific 7-5
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 13-6 14-1 14-10 15-2
Have any atheists here had "religious" experiences? 5-5
Nationalism vs. Theism 5-2 5-8 5-10 6-7 7-6
Paul Davies, cosmic feedback loops, retrocausality 4-10
Is this science or pseudo science? 1-3
"New born atheist" with a few skeptic questions 1-3
'God is not Great' - STOLEN! 1-7
"Closed-minded" 1-3
All UK 'must be on DNA database' 18-6
Why Christians are so, well, stubborn 1-3
Hardline takeover of British Mosques 1-5
War on Islam 3-3 3-5 3-7 6-2 6-6 7-5
Can anyone debunk this? 1-7 2-6 3-6
Conspiracy 1-5
What makes your day? 1-3
Should we avoid pairing atheism and Science? 2-9
Atheists, Your Strongest Pro-Theism Arguments... 2-1
France Warning of War with Iran 5-4
Muslim astronaut to blast off during Ramadan ... 1-9
opinions of islamic veil 3-6
5 fundamental easy-to remember arguments 3-8
"the growing gulf between the Army and the nation". 6-2
Islamic bank accounts!? 2-10 3-6
Youtube Video Enough is Enough! Kathy Griffin 1-8
Penn and Teller's comments 1-4 1-10 2-4 2-6 2-8
Is it ethical to yield to majority in the expense of the few 3-7
Is Google censoring 1-1 1-3 1-6 2-7
Parallel universes exist - study 1-6
LMAO Gays get the fundies all kinda stired up. 6-7 6-8
one soul at a time 6-10
Why do we think rape is wrong? 5-4 6-10 7-2 7-3
Just how much do you 'like' your things? 3-4
Is evil justified if it leads to scientific progress? 3-3
Gay Bomb Revisited 1-8 1-10
Status of the Finnish State Church in 2007 2-7
Infinity 4-8 5-1 7-1
Your Political Beliefs? 1-6
"abandoned to fanatics" 1-3
Al Gore gets Nobel prize. 9-6 9-7
Islam is Peace 6-1 6-5
Help Counter the New Atheist Crusade to 'Evangelize' America 2-6
What role does God have in ethics? 1-4
Determinism 4-8
Would God Understand the Atheist Mindset? 3-9
War, what is it good for? 3-2 5-2
The large amounts islam constributed to humanity...BULLSHIT! 1-9 7-10
The Putin system. 6-9 7-5 7-7 15-6
Hate literature found in British Mosques 5-2 5-6 6-9
Are you a phoney liberal? 2-2
Philosophy. Why bother? 4-5 5-9 7-4
Musharraf imposes emergency rule 2-7 3-4
Do theists have a point here? 1-9
The List of Religions and Why Each One is False 6-7
Another anti-gay gay busted 2-6 2-9
Is Religion all bad? 3-2
The Jokela murderer acted in the name of "natural selection" 1-2 3-5 5-10 6-3 6-5 6-9 7-3 7-8 8-7
Iranian leftists banned by Brit leftists for anti-clericalis 1-6
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 1-5
Do you challenge authority? 2-7
Atheists Against Abortion 9-4 10-6 13-6
What do you think about the Green Party? 8-3 8-4
This is kind of funny... 1-1
Riots break out in Paris suburb (again) 2-2
Hip-Hop culture. Sigh. 7-8 7-10
Animal heads 'impaled outside Islamic school site' 4-8
Question about arguments 1-4
“We are at war with all Islam” Ayaan Hirsi Ali 3-1
A Radio 2-8 3-9 3-10 4-3 5-1
Reason and logic will not work 3-10
Turning beds toward Mecca.... 1-8
Women in the military (ground forces) 1-4 3-2
This is just sad. 1-1 1-6 1-8
How not Why 3-5 4-1 4-2 4-3
God's Rock 2-1
Astronomers find the Christmas star 1-7 2-5
Freethinking and atheism - synonyms? 1-5
Can the universe be conscious? 1-5
My critique of moral objectivism. 1-1 1-3
The Finnish ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs comes "out" 1-8
On this forum, Nationalism trumps Humanism 1-8 1-9 9-4
What is the point of art? 2-7
Multiculturalism Defend or Condemn 7-9 34-10 35-2
Is it better for religion to evolve or die? 1-5
Is zero even or odd or neither? 5-5
Science Wars 1-1 1-4 2-5
Justice vs. Revenge 3-2 3-3
'Missionary' atheism? 3-6
Change the Rules! 1-10 2-5 3-2 3-4 3-6
Implications of Materialism 5-7 5-8
most good 2-2 3-1 3-3 3-8 3-9 4-1
The Invisible 4-10
Muslim woman doubles her claim against hair salon 6-2 7-4 7-5 8-1 8-2 8-8 11-3 11-4 11-8 14-5 15-10 18-8 19-1 19-5 19-8 19-10 20-3 20-5 20-7 20-8 20-10 23-2 23-3 23-4 39-3 39-9
Probability Question and Ethics 1-10
Scientistic Fundamentalism: Who should address this problem? 10-3
My Challenge To Moral Atheists. 5-6
Turban wearing motorcyclist 7-3
Price of alcohol and levels of alcoholism 4-3
Group proposes $5 monthly unlimited song downloads 2-2
MMORPG thought police...? 1-4
Canada's Theocracy in waiting.....first glimpse 1-6 6-4 7-2 7-3 9-9 9-10
Given a choice, Denmark says “no thanks” to muslim refugees 1-4 3-9
Burn Down Danish Embassies & slaughte Danish: 1-2
Is the human race becoming physically weaker? 1-7
"Hate Crime Legislation Worries Religious Broadcasters" 1-8 4-4 4-5 6-9
More fuel for the right to bear arms debate 4-6
An Atheist Easter? 1-10
Do you find people just dont get it? 2-2
What happens when plastic is not disposed of properly ... 1-3
A Question for Critics of Philosophy 4-6 6-6 6-8
Debating "every opinion is deemed equal" type of people. 4-6
Postmodern[ism/ists]: your opinion? 5-6
atheist opinions regaurding Zionism and Israel. 15-10 16-1
Darwin rejected (Belgium) 4-5
Peak bad will it get 8-9 10-5 12-4
why are you an atheist? 3-5
What's Killing Europe 4-5
Islam must be criticised! - maryam namazie blog 3-10
The ban on blood donations from homosexuals 1-10 2-3 2-6 2-7 2-9 3-9 3-10 4-2 4-8 5-4
Philosophical implications of evolution... 1-4 2-6 4-5 4-6 5-4
Battleground God 2-10
Existence as an "idea" or a "thought" 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 1-8
Why should'nt I steal 12-6
[POLL] Spill your political opinions! 3-7 4-3
Finally getting the courage to face the world as it is 1-4
Theists' #1 argument 1-1 1-4
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 1 4-3 4-4 4-5 10-1 10-6 14-6 14-8
Genuine Arguments against Homosexuality? 6-7
Noel Edmonds takes a stance against the BBC licence 14-5 15-1 16-2 16-5 16-6
Would you convert for the sake of love? 6-9
Austrians vote, big gains seen for far right 8-4 8-5
This statement is false 1-4
What is Primary Reality (do we live in the Matrix)? 4-7
Why do mirrors flip the image left to right ... 3-7 4-6 4-9 5-1 5-3 5-8 7-9 11-2
Who would you vote for? (NON-Americans only) 1-8
Going Green - It's the little things ! 2-8 3-3
US Presidential Election 2008 - Post Mortems 5-1
Nuclear Power 4-8
Save one or save many - a thought experiment 4-3
List of BNP members posted online 12-3 13-5
14: too young for sex? 11-1
Torture and the terrorist 5-1 8-1 8-8 8-10 9-4 9-6
Terrorist Attacks 2-5
Is anything worth dying for? 3-10
Channel 4 Christmas Speech 6-10
Crumbling economy nothing compared to Atomic Iran? 12-9
If there are an infinite amout of parallel universes... 2-3 3-9 4-4
Self-defense 1-1 1-6 1-8 1-10
Should prostitution be legal? 10-6
Israel launches covert war against Iran 11-8 12-1
Is the Flag of Israel Appropriate? 3-8
"I'm a successful Somali pirate" 7-1 7-2 8-7
‘Swine flu’ not kosher 4-3
Just another moral dilemma... 1-1 1-3 1-6
The Trolly Dilemma (Trollyology) 2-1 2-3
Make Me Not A Libertarian 4-10 5-7
Atheistic Faith - 2, the Problem of Value 5-5