List of Postings of User Jezebel

Silver bullet argument against Christianity? 4-3
What would make you believe? 6-2
Marriage 29-9
You meet God. He slaps you with haddock. Do you NOW believe? 6-2
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 43-10 50-2 54-10
I'm Sorry 6-3 6-6
Sexuality according to the Word of God 1-9 2-2
Top ten sign you are a real Christian 4-4
HELP - My 12 year old is a believer!! Any Suggestions? 8-6
Church signs 15-5 15-6
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 21-5 25-4
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 5-6 6-1
Assuming God Exists... 2-9
What would you like on your Tombstone? 8-5
Would you like if there was an afterlife 7-8 7-10
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 8-1 8-4
Daily reminders that there is no god 6-9
Narrow Perspective 8-6
Why does EVERY Christian claim they used to be atheist? 8-10 9-5 10-1
Theists: Why is your 'God' worthy of praise and/or worship? 2-10
Why are atheists so threatened? 37-1 37-2 37-3
It's hard being an Atheist, when God is so Good! 3-3
All I have is questions 2-3
Your funny encounters, moments, with religious people. 11-1
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 2-2 6-1
Christianity Explained Easily 1-9 2-1
What is it about God and the Bible that scares you so much? 7-5
God loves you in your room 5-9 5-10
Is There a God? 1-2 2-5 2-10
Adam and Eve 4-2
how it really is with fundamentalist christians 1-10 3-1
Mental health and religion 2-4
teaching about hell is child abuse 13-4
Proof of God, the real one 3-8 11-1
What do you most dislike about religion? 2nd attempt 3-4
Why a Scientist believes in God 2-7 5-1 5-7
Proof that God exists 13-5 16-1
Shroud of Turin and crying statues. 3-1
MEAT 3-10
If Skyfairy was real... 3-3 3-4 3-7
10 Questions from the "God Is Imaginary" Website. 1-10 2-3 2-5 2-8 3-9 6-6
Did Jesus really die on a cross? 3-8
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 10-7 14-3
I'm a Christian -I'm also an atheist ! Confused -you will be 1-4
Question. 1-4
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 5-4
Ever been to a funeral where the Pastor tried to recruit? 2-6
A non-preaching argument for the existence of God 4-1 4-2
Help with daughter's RE homework 1-5
Paranoid question: religious posters! 4-3
"GOD DOES NOT EXIST" Is An Affirmative Claim 12-9
They get so angry 3-10
Is life a test? 2-8
Your Favorite/Least Favorite Part of the Bible. 3-2 4-10
Blood Sacrifices To God(s) 1-2
My belief. 7-8 7-10
Hotdogs vs Religion 1-3
Rapture Gag Video 2-5
Dawkins can't understand sophisticated theology 5-8
What do you find more ridiculous? 1-7
Has Christianity and the buy-bull ever gotten anything right 1-10
angelobrazil and god 9-3
Why do you hate God? 16-10
Fundies are so nasty... but moderates? They're great! 1-5 1-7 2-1 2-4
Why Is The U.S.A. The Only Devloped Nation Mired In Religios 2-5
The Bible condemned to Hell 1-5
God is a real thing; and he is EVIL! 4-6 8-4 23-5
I've just encountered the worst example of humanity I've see 1-4
The Virgin of Fatima 15-8
"God will Bless You" 2-9 4-5
He won't leave me alone! 3-7
Just left Mormon girlfriend, just want to vent about fairy t 2-10
I don't believe that believers actually believe 2-3
Unitarian Universalism 6-5
Capitalizing 'God' is just ordinary English convention 4-7
Come to know God in one easy step 5-5 5-9 6-5
I am experiencing God 31-4
Experiencing a fundamentalist site 7-7
LOL, TELL ME PLZ! 4-10 7-6
cure to the god delusion 8-1 15-7 30-5
Attacking a whole religion is meaningless: labelling is bad 2-3
How do you react to (offensive) faithheads at work? 2-4
Oh Dear God.. 5-2
Superglue Kills New York Priest 2-3
Idiotic bible verses 5-7
jesus song in public place 2-9
God let Jesus die so all suffering ok, new wisdom from 12yo 1-3
Most badass name for a god.... 4-1
why does god allow satan? 1-4
Holy highway, Batman! 3-2
On Hell - my experience 2-6 7-4 8-1
Guilt trip. 1-3 1-5
Why not a "marriage"? 6-2
Can Weed help you lose religion? 1-5 3-6
Funny, new drama! 4-3
You Must Agree That Jesus Was A Good Bloke 17-3 17-4
Rapture Ready - amazing! 6-7 6-9 36-7
56% of all teens wait! 1-6 1-10 3-8
Check your shorts ........... 1-4 1-5
What sacrifice? 3-3
Are you even able to be a Christian? 2-8
Heaven 1-3 4-1 4-2 6-2
Lourdes, myth or...what? 2-6
"him that pisseth against the wall" 1-8
What's your favorite part of the Bible? 2-7 4-9 6-2
What do you really know about the bible? (poll) 1-6
Today is Good Friday 2008 2-6
Before God created the universe... 1-8
Why does God like to hide. 1-7
Which is your element? - Astrology 2-7 2-8
Making Up Stuff! 2-5 2-10
Some christians see 666 in the Obama logo 3-1
Creationist newbie 8-9
Why People Need Religion To Be Happy 2-4
unbaptized? 3-2
Where is God in the pain and sorrow 2-3
What to do if your God rapes you... 3-9
Problem: Death bed conversion? 2-5 3-4
Prayer as comfort 2-9 3-3
Convert me if you can! 6-2
Ask a fundie!!! 31-5 38-2
Ask a fundie part 2 73-10
What if God is evil? 1-3
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 12-5
Why I Prefer Atheists Over Reborn Christians 5-7
Whats with Jeebus? 12-3
Why Do So Many Adults Require Imaginary Friends? 2-3
Lady G Introduction 1-4
God and suicide. 8-3
The daftest theistic assertions 6-4
Praying to stop the floods in Iowa 1-7
Finally, a drug store that's not teeming with sluts 3-2
Christopher Reeve regaining some functions, a miracle? 2-2
Free Will and Heaven 4-10
If the Rapture really occurred, who would notice it??? 2-6
The Pointlessness of Deathbed Conversions 1-6
Jesus for president 1-4
I have a way to prove God!!! 24-9 64-10
Why wasn't Lazarus the most famous man in the world? 2-8
Dealing with offensive faithheads? 3-5 4-5
Godly chain mail 3-1
You did a "hell of a job" 2-2
"What holds the universe from flying apart? IT'S JESUS!" 1-6 9-3
My best friend believes I'm going to hell 1-3
Religion is Good 1-3
Everything can be found in the Bible? 5-2
Can I mix and customize religions for my taste? 1-2 1-8
How to not go to hell 1-6
Evidence comes ---- eventually 10-6
This posting was removed in 5 minutes from a fundie forum. 1-10
Is atheism a form of spiritual autism? 12-4
Grade 7 atheist pretending to be a believer... 1-9
Islamic Fundamentalist Org declares me a Military Target 1-9
God's Ubiquity 1-4
How does the bible explain black, yellow... people? 4-8
Ramadan is almost upon us again... 4-3
Evolution and the soul 3-9
Why do they go after Christians only? 4-10 6-8
Is it possible to trick God? 1-8
Noah's Ark & children 2-2
Everybody is a believer when the PAIN hit the door. 10-3
Atheist Do Not Know Women 7-2
Free Gas Giveaway To Show "God's Love" 1-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain Part 2 12-5
The invisible World 5-9
Chick's finally completely lost it 2-1
Before the creation of Earth 4-1
Up side of dying 4-4
Rapture Ready v YEC's 2-2
'Cleanliness is next to Godliness'? Explain. 1-6
Response from fundi 1-6
How can it hurt? 10-9
Who were you in your past life? 5-2
Brainwashed individuals on social networking sites 2-5
I might have found good morals in the bible.. yay!! 3-3
A new convert 7-10
A quick laugh for you 1-3
In the beginning was the Word, but what word was it? 4-2
Some more idiot end of world nonsense! 1-5
Do you think this is a good phrase? 1-9
Good Christian Versus True Christian 1-7
Atheists and death 22-10
A riddle, be prepared to laugh. 1-9
Is it true that a bible won`t burn? 5-3
Only one side will know they were wrong. 11-5
Girlfriend Not Having Sex Due To Religion 11-4
Dad links son's suicide to 'The God Delusion' 4-5
Christmas 2-7
I don't get it 1-8
Serious believers... 3-6
Woman: I Was Fired For Saying 'Merry Christmas' 1-10
Need help finding bible story 2-10
Stop me if you've heard/thought of this before. 2-8
Why is God really so ridiculous? 4-2
My Story (Final Edit) 1-8
God kills children for having a laugh at hair loss? 5-1 5-2 6-3
Ex-Masturbator t-shirts for teens! 10-1
Talk humanly about any religion 40-4
FSTDT No Longer Accepting Submissions 1-8
Absurd Bible Story Activities For Children 1-5
Delusional troll or atheist? 13-9
Apparently, God Doesn't Make Mistakes! 17-7
Tammy Faye Bakker redeviva? 1-10
The Rapture Readies are jumping the fence... 5-2
Jesus on my driveway 1-3
'Miracle' maple leaf Jeebus 1-3
So, I've given it a good few years of thought... 9-9
Whoa... Chick-Fil-A 3-10
Why doesn't "God" like suicide? 3-6
Christian school threatens suspension over prom. 3-6
There is something wrong with gays? 9-2 9-6
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 4-5
Why would you not be a theist? 17-1 17-2
Nature of sodomy 8-9
As an atheist, should I listen to Mozart? 4-8
Atheist's Children 6-2
One single question can destroy atheism 93-7
Wow... just f****** wow!! 2-1
Deathbed conversions 1-9
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 7-7
Where in the gospels is the BIGGEST lie of Jesus? 2-2 2-4 2-6
What the F'ing F 1-4
Ben Stein? Stein? Stein? 3-7
Anything weird happened after you started reading the bible? 1-10
What is the point of prayer? 1-8
Evidence to support the existence of God? (derail) 93-5
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 10-3
Bizarre Bible Lessons- Part 1 1-5
Poll;What is the most ridiculous religion? 3-8
Bizarre Bible Lessons-Part 3 1-4
Died for our sins- what does that mean? 3-10
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 9-8 20-1
Why Did Jesus Drive Out The Money Changers? 1-9
What are your favourite supernatural creatures? 5-4
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 29-9
Serious Question for Believers 1-8
You'll Never Know 2-3
My ordination upset the fundies 1-9 2-5
True Atheology 6-10
Proving God Right Here Right Now 11-4 21-1 37-6
OMG!!! The Danger of Celebrating Halloween! 3-9
Which do you have most belief in...? 5-5
Jesus walking on water explained 16-9
"Pray for Obama - Psalm 109:8" 1-3
Evidence for God from Personal Experience 16-6 16-7
What Evidence SHOULD there be? 3-7
Was The Tomb Empty? 11-4
How Often has Religion Been Wrong? 3-8
Malcolm's new novel 1-4 1-10
What have you planned for your Funeral 4-5
To all Atheists... what religion would you convert to? 7-5
What Would a True Christian Do? 5-4 6-1
What would you ask God? 5-9
The Ubiquity of god 1-4
My answer - Why god allows natural Disasters 7-9
Why are atheists patronizing religious people? 6-7
What Are the Gospels About? 1-3
POLL: Has God Actually Revealed New Useful Knowledge To Man? 2-8