List of Postings of User gamerunknown

Definitions of Faith 26-8 44-6 46-3
Jesus Camp : The Movie 42-2 43-6 61-10 71-1 83-2 83-6 83-10 87-9 88-10 89-2 89-5 90-3 91-5
Kent Hovind 22-8
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 40-5 46-4 46-8 49-5 56-3 57-5
Buddhism? 46-5 46-8
Mornington Crescent anyone? 59-8 60-5 61-7 62-5 63-1 69-6 70-3 72-3 75-2 79-9 88-6
Creationist Museum - Kentucky, USA 25-4 27-9
An excellent argument for Gods existence! 8-2 9-5 12-10 16-2 21-2 22-8 25-7 26-5
BUDDHISM - the intellectuals' religion? 29-3 31-10
The Blasphemy Challenge 35-8 41-3 41-6 42-4 42-7 42-9 47-1 47-3
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 12-9 13-1 13-3
What's your partner believe in? 8-9
Mithras, wow if this is true it's pretty amazing. 15-6 15-9
Pagan Christs - is it worth arguing the case? 8-2
What is the story behind your username? 25-5 37-3
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 16-4 24-8
Imagining the Tenth Dimension 2-3 2-6
"Conservapedia" 12-8 16-3
Assuming God Exists... 2-10
Making a new and better religion 4-5 4-7 5-3
What would you like on your Tombstone? 8-3 10-5
Life Evolving on Several Occasions 6-3 6-6
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 17-5 18-2 19-7 42-10
Give blood against Jehovah's Witnesses' Dogma 19-6 21-7 25-9 27-1
"Pagan" vs. Jewish origins of Jesus story (Acharya 17-5 21-2 22-5 23-6 24-1 24-7 25-2
Going to talk to a ghost, need some help. 5-10
Righteous Response Squad 9-5
Johnathan Sarfati response to RD's review of Behe HELP ME 2-8
Transcendence Of God 12-9 12-10 18-1 19-10 22-6 23-4 23-6 24-2 24-5 24-7 28-7 31-9 33-4 35-5 35-7 38-10 39-6
Christopher Hitchens' Challenge 6-1 6-5 6-10
What if there is a God? 7-9
Theists: Why is your 'God' worthy of praise and/or worship? 3-1
Why are atheists so threatened? 9-4 39-4 39-6
Love 1-6
My individual problem with God... 1-1 1-3 2-5 3-1 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-9 3-10 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-8 4-9 5-1 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-9 5-10
Does foreknowledge equal predestination? 1-2
¡Viva Cristo Rey! 3-1 6-3 7-10 8-2 8-5 9-1 9-10
Garbage 8-7 10-2
Theists: How many friends do you have in hell? 7-1 7-2 8-2 8-6
What is it called when you believe something to be ... 1-1 1-7
All I have is questions 1-3 1-7
Why be Decent Human Being? 3-4 3-10 6-6
dot 1-10
How can they ignore the word of god? 1-9
I've got a paraphrase from the maxim of the Saint of my... 1-1 1-4
It is We Who have Created you: why will ye not witness the T 6-1
My friend saw an angel 1-4
I think one of the major things ... 1-1 1-3
Found Where God Lives 4-5
Islam - What do you think 6-1
Inadequate dismissal of Bible, help please! 3-7 4-3
Vatican Airways!!! 2-4
Beware the prayer attack 2-2
Get rid of Atheism 3-6
The Picture Thread 48-8 53-7 57-6 59-2 65-9 68-8 69-2 89-2 92-5 94-6 94-9 96-10 99-10 100-2
Who are more peaceful, Religion, Atheist or Mystics? 6-1 6-4 9-4
The Picture Comment Thread 74-10 75-5 75-7 82-8 83-3 87-1
Quick question about the Quran 1-4
Who can remember ever believing in god/s? 2-1
Comeing out to parents 4-6 4-8
Which is the greatest enemy? 1-7
I thought I should share this. 1-1
People who make up their own belief system 4-8
If all religions ceased to exist... 6-6
God loves you in your room 6-9
If God *were* to exist, what would they be? 1-1 1-4
It's a little basic, but why does this forum include... 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-9 1-10 2-1 2-3
Adam and Eve 4-8 5-1
how it really is with fundamentalist christians 2-2
Mental health and religion 2-1 2-3
The cracks in discussions: how to keep it going? 2-1
Crap! I live in a society with no morals! 1-2
Lack of challenge 1-4
I think Satan and God are in on this together... 1-7 1-9 4-3
Christian Colleges 2-5
Christians: What public/political figure best... 2-8
OCD and religion? 2-1
teaching about hell is child abuse 2-1
Which Religous film did you enjoy, atheist or believer 4-2
The New Testament overrules the Old Testament? 1-7
I'm fairly sure I'm a confirmed atheist now. 1-1
What do you most dislike about religion? 2nd attempt 3-3
Free Will Challenge 1-6 2-6 8-1
Dear, beloved Atheists. 1-1 1-5 1-8 2-2 2-6
Shroud of Turin and crying statues. 2-9
omnipotent god obviously not possible? 3-1
UK Faith Schools 1-5 2-1 22-3
Channel 4 to air advert for Christianity 2-6
Practical Mythology 1-2 4-5
I saw this in the Sunday Times, it's sort of relevant. 1-1 1-3
Jews as Slaves in Egypt 13-4 14-1
An Argument for Religion 2-1
opinions of islamic veil 5-5 8-1 9-5
Are you leaving your religion? 2-7 6-3 8-7 10-1 11-5 11-10
How does religion explain Menopause? 1-1 2-4 3-6
Vestigal fear of hell. 1-7
My email to my local MP regarding 'Faith Schools'. 1-2
They get so angry 3-2
Respecting Islam. 13-3 13-10 16-1 18-7 18-10 20-1 21-2 22-4 27-1 27-4 27-7 28-5 40-4 48-2 60-4 66-3 66-10
The God Conclusion 2-10
Religion = Child Abuse (In action) 1-4 1-5 2-8 3-2
Worshiping the Golden Eucharist: I cut my teeth 1-3
Is life a test? 1-3 2-10
An alternative to religion! 1-5
Islamic bank accounts!? 1-8 3-9
Still many gaps in science for God 3-1
Bible question - Laws from OT made obsolete in NT? 1-6 1-8 6-3
The Good Samaritan 1-7
Return of Orthodoxy in Russia 1-2
Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia - Comments 2-4 4-7 6-3 7-2 12-8 17-3 17-9 19-6 27-1 27-4 32-9 33-7 33-9 34-4 39-3 41-9
Christianity vs. Islam 2-10
Pretending to believe as a pay-off for belonging to a group 1-10
Bible Historicity 2-9 2-10
Thoughts about God 2-9
Russel's comet 1-6 1-9
GI says he's harassed for atheism 5-7 8-8 8-10
Forum 1st Birthday Party !!! 8-8
confesion 2-7
Why Dosen't the Gospel Praise Intelgence? 2-10 3-6 5-6
Has Christianity and the buy-bull ever gotten anything right 1-6
Are Sacred Texts Sacred? the Challenge for Atheists 2-4
Is there anyone you feel it's unfair to reveal the truth to? 1-1 1-5
Lets think about this, shall we? 1-3
I need advice for a debate on another forum 1-6 4-4
Greetings from a Christian 5-9
Am I a slave? 1-5
A criticism of the Quran... (English translation) 1-1 1-2 1-5 1-6 1-8 1-9
Much Ado about Nothing 1-6
Turn the other cheek? 1-3
Fundies are so nasty... but moderates? They're great! 1-4 8-5
Faith Schools and BBC Have Your Say. 1-4
First cause 4-5 9-4 9-5 10-7 12-4 13-10 14-6 18-6 19-3 19-8 19-10 20-7 22-8 22-10 23-8 23-10 24-5 24-10 41-10 42-2 44-10
Islam, perhaps you don't know why we don't like you. 2-4
Good quotes on belief: 1-1
can God be Both Merciful and Just?? 2-5
Do the 10 Commandments Belong in Public Schools? 1-9
The Bible - Infallible, inerrant, perfect? 3-4 5-1 14-6 15-7 15-9 16-5 16-7 17-4 18-3 18-6 18-8 19-1 20-9 21-10 24-2 24-9 25-2 26-3 26-5 26-8 27-2 27-5 27-7
OT vs NT 2-5
Is evil justified if it leads to scientific progress? 3-5 3-6
Politics the same as religion? 1-10 3-7
The Babble Bubble 1-9
Should we SUE Christianity? 2-7
Christianity Inflitrated my public school! 1-9
Council of Europe: Keep Creationism Out of Science Classes 1-4 1-6 2-6 3-1 4-3 4-8
Muslim Medical Students get picky.... 1-5 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-8 16-9
I have become a Christian, could you? 1-2 2-6
My sister has stopped going to church. 1-1 2-2 2-4 2-9
Do you feel insulted... 5-1
Jesus Christ: The Biblical King Arthur? 3-4
Preventing Childhood Religious Indoctrination? 1-8 2-3 2-9 3-3
Theists can prove the bible wrong! 2-4 2-8 3-8
Short letter to an atheist messageboard 4-9
What do most religious scholars say? 1-5
Jesus tells you not to go to church and prayer is useless. 1-4
Try to argue convincingly for the other side... 1-1
Church of FSM gaining news coverage 3-6
If there is a heaven can people have sex there? 3-8 4-1 5-9
Imaginary Friends 2-10
Muslims warn Pope "survival of the world is at stake" 1-7
An intelligent argument for God that needs debunking! 1-2 1-3
Boycott Baptisms? 2-9
I've just encountered the worst example of humanity I've see 1-1 2-2 3-10 4-1
And God is born! 1-5 1-9 2-9
Funerals for miscarried babies. 1-1 1-6 1-7
I can't think of any religious reason... 1-1 1-5 2-1 2-5
Honour crime fear of Syria women 1-2 1-4
Am I alone here in amazement... 1-1 1-4 1-8 1-10 2-4 2-9
Worship music! 1-9 2-2 3-9
How To Invent A Religion 2-7
If Dawkins converted.... 22-2
Religious Stance against interest payments - something good? 3-1 6-4 7-5
The Wicker Man 1-8 3-4 4-6 4-7 4-10
Criticism by Dr. Bart Ehrman on the Bible 3-2
What do you think about religion in the UK? 2-5 3-7
"Love the sinner, hate the sin" 1-10
Jehovah created "EVIL". Isaiah 45:7 16-3
Christmas Cards 8-3 8-5 9-7
Looking for feedback on a proposed argument 1-9
Would God Understand the Atheist Mindset? 4-5 5-10
"God will Bless You" 2-1 5-10 6-2
Bad religion and good (or at least not bad) religion. 10-3 11-2 12-2 12-9
Believers: you don't choose your beliefs - it's the memes' j 2-3 3-7
When USA becomes a Theocracy, what will you do? 1-7
Getting out of the church - want to watch? 1-10 4-7 6-3 7-3
Open question for theists: 1-9 3-9 6-2 7-2 7-7
Why this God? 1-7 2-1 3-3
Using the wedge strategy against the christian institution 1-3 2-4
The evolution of the abrahamic religions. 1-8
If all religious people acted like th amish would the world 1-2
Could Jesus have been gay? 1-1 1-8 2-9
I think the Golden Rule was meant as a metaphor. 1-1
Do faiths help hold a marriage together? 2-3
Satirical Danes upset catholics 1-2 1-4
Question regarding heaven 1-10 2-4 3-5 3-7
Another interesting question by a theist in need of debunkin 1-3
Approaching the spiritual fence without hopping over 1-4
More "proof" that god exists from another arrogant youtuber 1-3
I don't believe that believers actually believe 1-5
Why do you or did you go to mass? 1-1
Has paedophilia been observed in any other animals? 1-1 1-8 3-6 4-2
Minimal theism 3-7
The large amounts islam constributed to humanity...BULLSHIT! 8-8 9-2 9-9 10-3 10-5 10-6
More classic quotes from Cardinal Pell 1-3 2-8
I'm scared. 1-1 1-7 2-10
Freedom of Choice 2-1 2-4 3-3
Christian school does not endorse Haloween. 2-6
The argumentum ad Hitlerum and some Dinesh D'Souza points 1-8
Things creationists Hate. 2-9 9-1
Question for thesists - do you take your holy book literally 1-2
Religion is a case of applying restictions to our natural... 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-10
Three arguments (may be incoherent) 1-1 1-6
Intelligent Reply to the Jesus Camp Proselytizing Girl 5-2
Pentecostal Scientologists? 2-6
My First Real Challenge, since leaving god 3-6 3-10
Do you date the religious? 4-2 6-10 7-10
Why are people so touchy about religion? 4-3 5-4 7-2 7-7 9-9 10-8
Is there any point to the debate ........... really 2-2
YouTube atheist converts to Christianity 2-5 3-2 4-2 5-7
I think Sikhism and Judaism are let off quite a bit due to.. 1-1 1-3 1-5
The List of Religions and Why Each One is False 4-3 5-1 10-6 13-3 15-5 15-7 16-2 18-4
My brother keeps saying "I love Jesus", "God Jesus"... 1-1 1-6
Male Catholic Priests. 1-1 1-10 2-3
Bible Prophecies 1-4
Catholic funeral 1-5
I do recall someone making a topic about predictions... 1-1
new member from Germany 2-8 3-6 3-10 4-2 4-4 4-6
The Catholic Church's Modern View On Evolution 1-9
Did any extheists here convince themselves... 1-1
Geocentrism - Gallileo was wrong 2-8
Since it disappeared... Why isn't there a "Book of Adam"? 1-1
Should we stop using the word believe? 1-8
I am experiencing God 32-6 40-5 51-5 52-10 53-3 61-4 63-3 63-6 63-8 65-5
Let Us Introduce Ourselves 2-2
Religionism: A Post-Trauma Syndrome 3-3 7-6 7-8 8-1 8-3 8-7 8-9 9-1 9-3 9-6 11-9
Could someone please post a comprehensive list of statements 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-1
Do some research Richard 1-9
Science versus Religion - the ULTIMATE smackdown 1-5 2-2 2-8 3-4
The Organization of hate - a theist quality? 2-5 2-7
Dinosaurs 2-6 4-6 5-2
I've been plagued by this question for a while... 1-1
Dicussing "God" On A Tennis Board: Am I Being Harsh? 1-3
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 4-1 7-3 7-8 15-7 16-6 17-4 17-10 18-5 21-9
cure to the god delusion 8-3 17-7 20-6 26-2 26-10 27-2 29-8
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 11-4 11-6 12-8 13-2 13-3 13-9 14-1 14-4 14-6 18-4 23-10 30-6 32-4 32-5 37-6 44-9 56-6 56-10 58-4 59-6 59-8 61-8 62-1 62-6 67-8 69-7 69-9 71-10 73-6 78-6 81-5 81-7
Is wealth hoarding ethical? (Sting, for example) 1-2 3-3 7-2
Withdrawal symptoms? 1-4 1-8 2-8
God so loved the world that he gave his only son! 1-3 2-3 5-8
WHAT!? 2-7 6-3
The core of religion, why we believe 2-2
Proving a negative 2-2
Atheists Believe! 6-10
Moderate Islam? 2-2
Oh Dear God.. 6-3
A Miracle of Jesus As Historical Evidence 10-8 11-2 12-8 13-3 13-8 14-4 15-10 16-3 16-6 23-1 27-7 29-1 29-3 30-3
Fun Bible Knowledge Quiz 2-1
Genetic Soul-ties: How do we combat this kind of fundie!? 2-1
Question for Christians about the Gospels 2-4 3-6 3-9 4-2 4-10 6-2 7-3 7-9 8-5
Questions to deep non-theists 1-9
Logical deductions from Fine-Tuning 1-10 4-5 6-2
Question for theists. 1-7 1-10 3-10
Concordat? .. what the . 1-2
A "What if" question I was asked 1-4 2-7
Moderate use of logic. 1-1 1-4
God as a process 5-4
The problem with Atheism 3-10 6-2 6-3 8-8 10-8
God and Dark Matter 1-6 1-9 2-3 2-7 3-1 5-7
Which to Believe? Genesis 1:1 or Genesis 1:2? 1-2
"Answers" magazine 1-2
I'm reading through the NT and would honestly like some... 1-1 1-4 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-8 3-9
Girl's eyes gouged in exorcism 1-9 3-1
OM on Fundamentalist website 24-10 25-2 31-6 40-9 42-10 43-3 44-7 44-9 45-4 46-2
The gems thread 1-4 1-6 1-7
A Devil's Chaplain ~ Giveaway 1-9 12-6 21-9
Are there any atheist magazines? 1-1
Why Are Muslims Programmed To Hate Jews? 4-7
discrediting reports of amazing miracles 2-1
Problems Caused By Religion Are Inevitable 1-3
Help - Baptism!!! 2-5
Two inconsistencies I've noticed. 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7 3-9 6-2 8-7 9-1 9-3 9-9 10-2
Pint-sized preachers 1-8 2-5 5-2 5-8
New Age Theistic Solipsists. 1-1 1-3 1-8 2-8
'Primitive' Religion?? 1-4
Could God be time? 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-9
The "Big Bang" And The "God Of The Gaps" 1-2 2-3 2-7 4-9
Well this is a first. 3-5 3-7
Any advice for a Muslim from a Muslim or Former? 1-4 2-1
If heaven exists... 1-4
Christians killing and torturing child witches 3-1 7-1 7-5
Richard Dawkins; "I'm A Cultural Christian" 5-5 5-7 6-5 6-7
Silly Paranormal Thread for Book Giveaway 1-5 5-7
Has anyone been following Desmond Morris' extracts... 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-9
My Catholic friend 1-2 1-4 1-5 2-9
I listened to a talk by an ex gangster called John Pridmore. 1-1 1-3
End of the world cult, Channel 4 7-10 8-9
Reason, Evidence, and The Book of Mormon 14-10 15-9 18-9
Possible debating point... 4-10 5-4
Chat with God 1-10 3-6
How theists answer kids questions 2-3
Life after Death debate comment thread 4-3 5-8 6-5 9-10 11-5 11-8 13-2 23-7
Transcendence of God, Poll 2-2 3-2 3-10 4-7 10-10 13-3 14-8
Prove reality... 1-1
I'm in the middle of reading TGD... 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-6
The Central Absurdity Of Inerrancy 1-9 2-1 3-5 5-1 5-3 5-5
The Four Horsemen DVD by RDF now available 1-3 2-9 4-9 6-6 8-2 8-7 10-4 10-6 10-8 10-10
God is the square who created lines. 1-1
Make me a Muslim 5-3 5-5
Stars in the virgin's mantle. Evidence of divine origins? 1-6 2-8 3-1 3-9 6-4 7-2 7-4 7-6
Morality numbers 1-4
what is your actual opinion on fundamentalist theists? 3-1
Why some religious fight so hard against evolution... 1-1 1-4 1-7
why does god allow satan? 1-8 2-8 6-9 7-4 7-8 8-5 9-2 9-6 9-8 10-5 10-9 11-1 11-5 13-2 16-5 16-10 17-7 25-6
Most embarrassing action as a theist? 1-1 1-8 3-1
An observation of contradiction. 10-1 10-3 11-5 12-2 12-5 13-1 13-5 13-9 14-1 19-8 28-7
Is "Evolutionism" a Religion 2-6 3-9
Quote from "The Dawkins Delusion", LOL 2-1
The Bible is a book without error! ;-) 3-3 3-5 3-7
Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3 4-8 8-8 9-2 9-8
Convert Me 4-8 4-10 5-3 5-6 5-9
Can there be an Atheistic organized religion? 7-2 8-5
The concept of god 2-7
How loving is it really? 2-10 4-3 4-8 4-10 5-7 6-1 7-4 7-6 7-8 8-1 8-3 9-4
weakness and christian belief 8-9 9-3 14-5 15-5 16-7 16-10 17-3 25-10 26-8 34-4 34-8 35-10 40-9
Double standards on modesty 2-4
What Do We Do Now That God Is Dead?? 2-9
Schizophrenic biblical figures? 1-3 1-5 1-9
Coping with a fundamentalist parent 1-3
Holidays and faithful family gatherings. How do we deal? 1-2
Is "Xmas" more offensive than "Christmas"? 2-5 2-9
U.S. Conservatives: "Our Rights Come From God" 2-2 2-8 2-10
On Hell - my experience 1-9 7-1 8-7 9-2 11-7 12-6 13-8 13-10 14-1 14-4 18-4 18-10
"Christian parenting" gone awry 1-5
Demonbusters. They're looking out for you. 3-5
Guilt trip. 1-2 1-9
People Kill People - Babies & Bathwater 1-4 2-1
LOLDawkins 20-4 22-10 23-3
Bishops and The Daily Mail criticising atheism 9-1 11-8 13-2 13-8 14-6 16-1 21-7 21-9 24-6
Emotional Appeal of Dawkins Entrapment arguments 1-4 1-10 4-4
Christian Craig's List posting 1-2 1-6
Are humans religious as they are bipedal? 1-1 1-6 2-8
Why are US Muslims more moderate? 3-7 4-4 5-10 8-3 8-5
Basically just here to annoy everyone 3-6 3-10 4-3
Why the Stigma 6-3 7-6
How do I put this? 3-3
Does Christmas still mean anything? 2-7
An Honest Wager 2-9
Do you love any fanatically religious people? 1-3 1-9
Truth will always expose fallacy 1-7 2-1 3-10 4-2 9-10
God: Logically Proven! 2-6 2-10 4-8 6-8
the definition 1-6 3-9
political aspect of Islam 1-2 1-4 1-6
Piltdown Man & Islam 1-7 2-3 2-5 3-7 5-5 5-8 6-5
"reputable" scientists who are Christians, too 1-3 2-5 2-9 4-5 4-8 6-4 7-2
Channel 4, 8.30pm, Xmas day: The Hidden Story of Jesus 1-2
Proposed research: Religious ecstacy. 1-1
Babies burn in hell! 1-10 2-9
Poor kid. 2-10 3-6 4-1
Gay Christian 5-2 5-5 5-10 6-5 6-8 7-4 7-8 8-4 8-8 12-1 12-6 12-10 13-4 13-7
Wow, Dara O'Briain is an atheist. 1-1 2-1
NAtural Disasters 1-10 2-3
A theist argument I can't rebut 4-1 4-3 5-1
Discussion on "Truden's God" 14-5 20-1 20-3 20-5 24-9 33-4 34-7 34-9
New Biblical Passages to be taken as metaphors? 1-10 3-10
11,000 posts for OBC 2-3 4-3
New Guy 1-3
Aliens in the Bible?! Psh... 1-10
Help 1-2
Oedipus 1-2
Random Ramblings. 1-1
doug flies off on yet another tangent... 3-9
An article by Christopher Hitchens about Islam... 1-1 1-3
Is it really worthwhile to comment on youtube videos? 1-1 1-4
Immoral profit from evolution? 1-3
Mystery of Human Life? Mystery how they got my contact info 1-2
If Christ Doesn't Exist, Then Dawkins is a Hologram! 1-5 5-10 6-2 6-5
Religious terrorists and perverts, too! 1-8
I've got a code for you to crack. 1-1 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-1
No Joke, Geocentrist PhD 2-6 2-8
I was just thinking about an appropriate model for heaven... 1-1 1-4 2-1
1,000 wonkey posts 2-1
Help needed in next 90 minutes! 3-5 3-7
Were Jesus' acts of raising the dead inhumane? 2-5
Moving the goal post 1-6 1-8
Why are some people so hell-bent on attacking Buddhism? 2-10 5-3 5-5 8-4 8-10 11-6 14-2 14-4 14-9 15-1 15-7 17-6 22-3 22-6 23-5 23-7 24-1 28-4 28-7
Bloody Tee Total Christians 1-10
elfprincess on The God Delusion 3-4 6-8 7-2 7-6 7-8 8-2 13-4 16-6 27-9 32-8 33-1 44-9 45-2 48-7 60-6 65-1 65-5 73-5 75-1 84-2 92-5 93-5 95-7 97-4 103-4 104-8 105-1 106-3 107-10 115-9 116-3 116-4 117-4 121-1
Children denied medical treatment, given prayers 1-4 1-8
Why so snippy with theists? 1-3
1,000 post gamerunknown 1-4
Definitive criticism of Mohammed 1-3 1-9
Alan Alda - "I'm simply not a believer." 1-4 4-4
Why debate doesn't work (with Xtians) 1-2 1-8
Dinesh D'sSouzas misrepresentations are as uncanny as ever 1-6 1-8
Faith motivates both charity and creativity 2-2
Tom Cruise is Scientology No.2 Boss 1-9 1-10
Tex and creationism 2-1 2-5 2-8 3-5 3-8 6-2 6-10
Jesus Returns - Film At Eleven 1-4
The "heresy" of televangelists 1-5 1-9 2-5
The atheist's real nightmare (not a banana) 1-5 3-7
If... 1-10
Buddhism and Atheism 1-2 1-4
Catholic numbers down, but "late" baptisms up! 1-9 2-3
Coming 'out' on Facebook 2-6 3-2 3-7 8-2
Dr Rowan Williams on Dawkinsian thinking 1-10 2-3 2-8 11-7 12-2 12-9 19-2 26-4 31-2 32-7 40-10 73-4 73-9
How logic may lead to religion? 1-2
Vicarious second-order believers 2-2
Is this really what convinces Christians? 1-2
People seem scarred from former faith 1-10
Oh Darwin. 1-1 1-3
1,000 posts for soul_biscuit 2-1
The sense of the supernatural? 1-1 1-4
Here are my thoughts on a national health service... 1-1 1-5 1-6
Why Do They Come Here? 21-7 40-4 44-1 49-1 56-8 58-1 59-7 81-1 83-9 84-1 86-2 93-5 93-7 93-9
Prayer 1-10
Everlasting Gobstoppers 1-3
Thought for the weekend 1-2
Wanted: Volunteers for a Philosophical Experiment 4-7
Zombie movies 1-1 1-6
"Atheist fundamentalism" 1-1 1-3
¿Does God Need Worship? 2-3 2-10
ANONYMOUS War on Scientology 1-9 4-4 5-2 5-7 6-2 7-7 8-9 9-4 9-6 12-5 12-7 13-5 13-10 14-3 14-5 14-10 15-4 16-5 17-4 18-1 18-3 18-6 18-8
Would you move to an "atheist/agnostic" city? 1-1
There's good news and bad for Dr. D 6-9 7-2
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor 3-4
Question for atheists who are a "7" on the Dawkins scale... 1-1 2-1
No of Catholic nuns and priests declines by 10% in a year 2-7
If you could live in any other country 1-2 2-9
Who would be in your hell or heaven? 1-1
The danger of prayer 1-7
A Fun Google Bomb 1-8 2-4
The Independence of Israel and Biblical Prophecy 1-4 2-1
Are there any famous Charismatic Renewal people? 1-1
A person with a vendetta against organised religion... 1-1 1-3
I've been EXPELLED from 3-5
Danish Muhammad cartoons reprinted feb. 13th '08 in Denmark 2-3 5-5 5-8 6-2 14-4 15-1 15-3 22-8 28-9
Is Waterboarding justified? 53-3 53-5 53-8
Bethel AME music director charged with rape 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-4
This site, objectives, questions 1-4 2-5 4-4 12-8 20-2 27-3 27-5 27-7 28-7 34-5 35-4 35-6 35-9 36-3 37-7 39-1 41-2 48-2 48-5 48-9
Listen to the Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4... I'm so angry 1-4
Ian Wishart Pays A Visit 83-5 84-10 85-2 86-7
One For Aaron SF :) 2-10
Another nutty blog for your entertainment 1-6
Ever deconverted a theist? 1-2 1-9
JW has threatend my neighbour.. 1-2
Dane apologies to muslims (cartoons) 1-2 3-7
Church forgives murderous youth pastor 1-4
Does anyone have any information on African philosophers... 1-1 2-2 2-10 5-3
Why are the only institutions allowed to discriminate... 1-1
Sorry, this is posted a lot, but I always forget the answer 1-1
William Lane Craig 58-10 60-10
Are the punishments of death for breaking the commandments.. 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4
Dawkins- unwilling star for local creationist 2-9
Err, is anyone experienced with Ubuntu/Linux? 1-1 1-4 2-3 2-5 2-7
Is Irreducible Complexity logically impossible? 3-3
The always existing "GOD" is proved to be correct. 25-1 41-6
A documentary claimed that the RCC reserved souls for... 1-1
The christian thing to do 2-9
Ex-Oz Prime Minister's statement... 3-3
Hmm, I just went to a talk by Phillip Zimbardo... 1-1
Why would an all powerfull being want or need? 1-6
Agonized Muslim 1-5 3-4 10-1 12-2 12-10 13-4 20-3 20-10 25-2 26-8 27-10 28-3
easter 1-2
What was Judaistic slavery like? 1-1 1-2 2-8 2-9 3-6 5-5
Shroud of Turin 8-2 9-1 21-8 32-5
Religion and Lesbiansim 1-7
Why are women generally more religious than men? 1-10
The Impossible Faith 1-5
Vatican at no 1 – the benefits of Religion! 4-4 6-5 6-7
Does anyone know of a conspiracy book with a coke can... 1-1
Study - Religious beliefs contribute to low wealth 1-8
Adam and Eve and Noah's Ark 1-9
Religion's silver bullet, is there one? 2-3 4-6 4-9
Religious art you enjoy? 1-1 3-7
Creationist speaker to give talk in my college. 1-2
"It's dangerous for children to know atheism exists" 1-1
My faith in humanity is shattered... 1-1
2,000 posts for BWE_the real_one. !!! 3-6
Sexpelled: No Intercourse Allowed 8-1 8-3 8-8
Dawkins' beliefs on Jesus 5-8
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 6-6 7-8 10-1 17-8 18-10 20-7 20-10 22-10 23-3 35-6
1,000 posts for elroywillis !!! 3-1
Lunacy To Make You Laugh ... 2-10
A Christian friend and I got into a great debate... 1-1
Armour of God? Get Kids Suited up to Fight the Heathens 2-6 5-5
People I miss... 1-6 4-9 5-2
So, which of the seven deadly sins epitomises you? 1-1
Pictures of You, Thread Part Deux! 2-3 5-3 19-10 23-3 23-10 44-10 47-8 50-2 54-5 68-4 70-3 80-9 82-10 97-2
Could someone help me out with these two Bible passages? 1-1 1-4
Render unto Caesar what is Caesars... 1-2 2-10 3-2 7-6 8-10
Punch up with Catholics (nearly) 7-2
A few general thoughts on The God Delusion 16-3 21-2 21-9
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 37-10 40-8 43-1 46-1 48-3 50-7 52-8 56-10 57-8 58-6 59-7 60-9 73-3 73-7 74-2 76-2 76-5 77-3 79-2 81-2 83-3 85-10 87-9 88-7 90-2 91-6 94-9 95-1 98-10 100-2 101-8 106-1 107-4
Christianity and interacial marriage... 1-1
Religious gullibility has no end. 5-8
Should I go to religious and moral education lessons next... 1-1
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 5-5 5-7
Jesus is back, this time in a teaspoon 3-8 4-6
Another kid killed by faith-healing family 3-1
China/Tibet human rights VS god human rights 1-5
Rise in atheism linked to rise in intelligence... 1-6 2-7
ATTENTION Anonymous members! 1-6
We met ScholasticSpastic!! 5-10
Pictures of thee, Thread Part III! 2-6 6-8 11-2 15-6 87-10 100-4 100-9
Anyone wanna have fun with a troll on another board? 1-1 1-3
'Honest' Advice on Sex and Dating 16-7 16-8
Atheist's bizarre bid to convert Christian 4-3 4-4
Appeal against execution 10-1 13-8 14-6 23-7 25-1 30-2 30-4
I might have found good morals in the bible.. yay!! 6-8
Religious girls refuse Shabbat rescue 2-8 4-9 5-2
I think I love Meekychuppet 29-7
Muslim in non complaint shock!!!! 5-10 6-4 9-4
Religion is a success 5-7 9-6 10-1 10-3
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 3-1 5-7 18-2 18-10 21-2 26-4 26-6 26-9 27-1 27-8 29-1 31-7 39-1 39-3 41-1 59-3 62-2 77-7 78-4 85-8 88-8 93-10
Saudi cleric favours one-eye veil 5-1 6-1
hitler and the catholics 2-10 3-6 3-9
Transfer of the feral OT history 2-10
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 37-7 37-9 38-3 38-4 38-8 39-3 39-4 39-6 40-1 40-7 65-5 66-1 66-4 66-8 68-1 68-6 68-9 69-2 70-2 70-4 71-1 71-8 76-9 78-5 78-10 79-2 79-8 83-7 84-1 87-9 90-6 90-8 92-4 92-9 95-4
Holding Out The Olive Branch of Peace 4-7 7-9 8-6
Vicar accused of threatening herself 2-1 2-7
Rank 101st? 1-1
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 3) 1-8 2-5 3-10 9-10 11-10 12-5 13-10 14-5 14-8 18-5 19-4 19-9 21-9 22-4 22-7 22-8 27-6 28-3 30-4 30-9 32-1 32-4 32-7 36-9 37-1
National Iconography Images 11-7 13-2
What kind of fallacy is this? 1-9 2-6 3-3 3-7 4-7
Is progressive taxation a bad thing? 1-1 1-8 2-8 2-10
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion III 20-4 28-1 28-7 32-10 35-5 36-9 50-4 57-4 63-1 79-6
Run some "atheist" books by me. 1-1 1-4
Youngsters and what makes sense to them ! 7-9 8-6
A Troubling Question Came To Mind 3-7
White atheist family WifeSwap with black fundie family (vid) 5-1 5-4
Interesting interpretation of verses from Matthew... 1-1 1-5
Who the hell uses 'G-d' anyway? 4-6
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 3-1 6-2 6-4 8-6 23-10 35-9 36-1 36-3 36-5 36-7 36-9 37-1 41-7 44-6 48-3 50-10 51-2 51-8 55-1 59-9 62-7 64-6 91-8
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 2-8