List of Postings of User Paul1

A comment about "The Root of All Evil?" 1-1 1-3 1-5 2-4 2-6 2-7
running away from lifes realities 1-4
How do you answer the fine-tuning argument? 47-7
Would You Rather Be Happy Or Right? 2-5
Atheistic terror 1-1 1-6 2-8 4-6 5-7 5-9 6-8 7-4
I just 'came out' to my parents - Part 2 1-5
It just is Depressing 3-7
Irish Idiots 3-10 4-6
The wireless internet world - and stealing/borrowing it 1-1 1-9 2-7
Pornography 23-8 23-10 24-3 24-5 26-10 27-4 27-6 28-2
Campus Crusade for Christ? 2-9
Feminism and Masculism 23-1 24-4 24-7 24-9 25-3 25-7 25-10
Re: POLL: Do you support Gay Marriage II? 9-3 9-6
Censorship of the internet in Australia - time to speak up! 28-7
The meaning of physics 1-1
AIDS: The Cure 4-4
In it reasonable to use weak studies? 1-1 1-4
Family member not wanting to attend a communion 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-9
Sudden, Random Depression... My story... 1-5
Religion has ruined my life - you, get out of my universe! 1-1
Is Dutch an ugly language? 26-8
The Moral Hypocrisy of New Atheists' Criticism of Religion 41-3 41-5 41-7 41-10 42-2 42-4 42-6 42-8 42-10 43-2
Would You Torture a Baby to End World Suffering? Part 2 35-9
Confrontation on Campus. 3-2
Brain causes mind? 100-5
Health Care In Europe? Question for Europeans 11-1 11-4
Example Of Experiment That May Prove God? 14-1 14-7
Campaign to win official apology for Alan Turing 4-3 5-4
Is the belief in the matterial world without evidence? 42-3
Do we need philosophers? 26-9 27-1
Why don't atheists believe in a god? 104-3
Sign the petition to ban the Burka 28-2 34-10 38-10 39-2 39-4 39-7 39-9 41-10 43-1 43-3
Atheism - the sneaky snake in the hat! 1-1 1-9 2-3 2-6 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-7 3-10 4-4 4-6
BNP family fun day includes "Golly burning" 5-1
Is there any point to philosophy? 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8 2-1
The philosophical foundations of theory 1-2
Brain causes mind? — Part 2 1-3 1-5 1-8
Halal search engine for Muslims 1-5
Religion has killed more than disease and disasters 1-2
Rome Gay Bar Letter Bombed 1-3
Nazis get BBC slot 7-6 7-8 10-2
The Morality of Prostitution 1-3 3-4
I was called a faggot today while going for my run... 9-1 9-5 9-6 9-9 10-1 10-4 10-8
Boy, 12, turns into girl over summer holidays 24-6
Rational Suicide? 4-8 4-10 5-7 6-9 7-10 10-10 11-8 11-10 12-4
Pope Ratzinger to visit Britain 6-3 6-8 7-3 7-6
Voter Apathy in the UK 6-3 6-5
Last words from death row? 3-7
Gays cannot walk around openly in Belgrade 23-9 28-10
Socialism, yay or nay? 1-1 1-8 2-2 6-2
What was the dumbest creationist argument you ever heard? 14-8
The Immoralism of the Left. 5-6
Nuclear Energy--Political discussion 28-3 30-7 30-9
Blockbuster to release Creationist film this week 2-8
‘Unite against atheists’ says Tony Blair 7-7 10-2 10-4 10-9
Rehabilitation - has it failed? 1-1 1-7 2-3 2-10 3-5 3-10 4-2 4-6 5-5
Is Britian turning more BNP friendly 3-3
The conjunctive tense? 1-1 1-4
So the government is still stupid 1-1
POLL: Should transsexualism be performed by the NHS? 12-10 13-3 13-6 14-5 15-1
Christian registrar to appeal over same-sex ceremonies 2-5
The "God" Game 87-5
Somali adulterer stoned to death 4-9
Horrendous Lag 24-9
Labour to give Scientologists tax breaks in UK 3-4
Australian voting system leads the way...? 5-5 6-7 6-9
Polygamy and other Religious taboos 4-5
2012- the movie 5-7
Disfigured newsreader for Five (Channel 5 UK) 4-10
Cameron speaks of his Christian faith 1-1 3-3 3-8 4-4
Still-Gay-Ex-Gay Ted Haggard Was Never Anti-Gay 2-7 3-3 3-5 3-8 3-10
Criticism of Canada 6-5
Ugandan official suggests caning dead bodies 1-5
law for income caps for the rich 3-2
Australian catholics trying to destroy gay civil unions 1-2 1-5
Obama Bowing To Other Leaders 1-7 2-3
The coming UK election 6-9
The Concept of Self is an Illusion 30-9 33-1
Gun Control Part Zwei (II) 25-8 25-10 26-2 26-6 27-1 29-2 29-5 29-7 29-9 30-3 30-7
The theory of general relitvity 1-1 1-3 1-5
300,000 animal slaughter is world’s biggest ritual sacrifice 3-5
TV astrologer sentenced to death in Saudi 3-3
‘War on Christmas’ News 13-10
Applying scientific methods to god 1-1 2-7
Religion is evil that must be eradicated 4-6 4-8 4-10
Iran imposes hijab... IN BOLIVIA 2-10
Porn Study Fails After Not Finding Any Male Virgin Subjects 3-9
Can we win this argument? 2-2
Muslim people don't get taught evolution 1-1 1-7 2-1 2-4 2-6
Should Evolutionists Debate Creationists? 1-3
The real story of creation 1-1
More evidence humans are socially cooperative not capitalist 1-2 1-9 3-2
Sexuality Politics 3-1 3-4 3-7 4-4 4-6 4-8 5-3 5-7 6-7
Amanda Knox Part 2 24-9 25-2
Wow, I think I just got discriminated against 4-4
Male feminists insult women? 58-9
The British Humanist Association and charity work 1-1
Being Stubborn vs Being Ready To Be Wrong. 2-1
queer conformity and gay depression - NLP/semantic overlay 1-3 1-5 1-9 2-1 2-8
New look for Saudi daytime TV 2-8
The nature and causes of depresssion 16-6
Unintended Consequence of Technology: Traffic Light Problem 1-2 1-6
Welcome to Technologyville, Dumbfuckistan. 1-6
Scottish independance 1-1 1-5 2-1 8-10
Teacher 'sacked' after prayer for pupil 10-8
Atheism reporting on BBC news 3-5
Merry Santa's Day. 4-4 5-2
Why can't physics and maths be easier? 1-1 1-3 1-9
Missing topic? 1-1 1-3
Would you have sex with a virgin? 1-1 1-9 2-3 2-5 3-3 3-10 4-6 5-8 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-10 9-8 10-5 13-7 14-6 14-9
The "vengeful god" game 1-1 3-9 7-6
is the "collective iq" of mankind going down?? 1-9
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 29-10
China Executes Akmal Shaikh. 4-8 9-5 9-10
anti-gay mp iris robinson quits due to mental illness 1-6
Another "path to atheism" poll 5-2 5-10 6-3
Why should we be logical? 4-9 10-8 11-4
Life After Death Experiences. What Gives? 2-2
Man shot trying to kill Danish Mohammed cartoonist 14-9
Interesting Atheist video collection 1-1
What the shit is this? 1-1
If you were a German during the Holocaust........ 4-10 5-4
Muslim only lines 7-1
I am an Atheist AND... 2-7
Gay Muslim scholar a 'pariah' in own community 8-3 8-5
Moving to a Scandinavian country 2-3 3-2 3-6
Will multiple languages decline in the future? 1-6
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? 1-1 1-5 2-8
Swearing (Bollocks!) 4-6
the Selfish Gene causes depression 1-3
EDIT: Ignore this post 47-8
Conservatives: a Liberal's Worst Nightmare 13-5
Neuro-linguistic programming? Hmm... 1-1 1-6 1-9 3-6
Mass college bans full-face islamic gear 2-2 2-8 2-10 3-5 3-7 4-2 4-4 4-6 4-10 5-3
Christian rapes Muslim, Muslim returns with armed gang 1-3
Australian Humour = Angry Americans? 12-4 13-2
Why is physics becoming more and more confused? 3-3
Gravity not a fundamental force after all? 1-7
Are British Muslims really British? 14-10
Five guilty in Luton soldiers’ parade case 2-2
Pope: condemns gay marriage; is a catholic 1-3
UK: Election Chat 18-2 32-1 32-9
Every LGBT person in US now on trial, prop 8 hearing 6-5 6-6
What do you think about 2012? 6-5
FULL gay marriage and no more faith school homophobia: Clegg 4-2
Am I the only person to read the FUA? 4-1
Church still wants rights for its bigots 5-5
Please remove NON-BELIEVERS GIVING AID banner on front page 7-7
What is 'Variable Bit Rate', and do I want it? 1-2
America or Canada? 1-1 1-6
Cut abortions so more babies says Russian Minister 3-1
Islam is verboten on google - Globe and Mail article 3-2 3-6 9-4
U.S. Military rifles inscribed with Bible quotes 3-3
Gay activists "would try to legalize sex with children" 2-7
What about Sikhs? 5-9
Our Political Party 2-2
Homeopathy die-in protest outside pharmacies 2-7
Saudi Police Shut Down Illegal Women's Gym 1-3
Saudi Teen gets Lashes for Cell Phone in School 1-9
Priest made schoolgirl say 10 Hail Marys after assault 2-2
Edlington torture attack brothers detained 1-1 1-5 1-8 3-1
Fatwa on ringtones 1-9 2-3
Agony Aunt 1-1 1-3
To improve response time cut a page to 10 posts. 2-6
Vatican Bank Accused of Money Laundering 1-4
Could this trick be real? 1-8
Vegetarian Chat II 26-3 26-8 26-10 30-5 30-7 34-1 48-1 48-7
Cherie Blair Booth, Religious Bigot and Judge 6-3 6-5
Why hate communism? II 48-9
Reverse Sexism II: 11-4
What is your economic position? 2-4
Infantile Sterilization Lottery 1-7 3-1 3-4 3-7 3-9 4-9 6-6 7-1 7-3
URGENT help needed with a death in the family 2-8
You are old, in failing health and your relatives are gone 3-2
Can you? 29-7
Is David Cameron the right person for the coming job? 3-5
The mass misundertandings/misinterpretations 3-3
Is Atheism hopeless? 1-1 1-3 2-1 2-4 2-5 3-2 3-5 3-8 4-3 4-6
Is our suicide rate terrible? 1-1 1-3 2-6 2-10 3-9 4-4 4-8 4-10
Little glitch. Member with post but post count of 0 1-4
Don’t ask; don’t tell 4-4
Are you proud...? (poll) 5-2
What Would You Do If You Own a Toyota or Lexus Vehicle? 5-2
Muslim cleric charged: threatening Spanish woman into hijab 1-7
3-D TV 1-3 2-7
Most Americans think Supreme Court will ban all gay marriage 8-10
Who Is The Better Leader: Men Or Women? 3-10
How into 1984 are we? 1-1
Atheism is a negative. 11-5
Road sign errors hit taxpayers 1-1 1-6
Improved Declaration of Independance 2-1
The theists are on the move! 1-1
Kids Say the Darndest Things 1-5
Trinity is Logical 3-1
Australia bans anonymous online comments 5-6 5-8
Patients not suffering enough when they die - catholics 1-8
Should I stop charity donations 1-5 1-9
Why blaim the American government? 6-4 6-8
YAY MP's had to pay back! 1-1
What do other nationalities think of us Brits? 24-4 25-2
POLL: Is The Movie "Avatar" Anti-American? 6-5
Would you laugh at a joke you didn't agree with? 2-1
Roommates Bewitched my Pendulum 2-2 2-4 3-4
Frustration and The Opposite Gender 1-3 1-9 2-3 2-7 2-9 3-4 3-10
USA or Canada??? 1-1 1-7 2-1 2-8 2-10 4-9
12-year-old Saudi girl fights to divorce 80-year-old 1-3
‘Alternative Vote’ vote 9-2-10 2-4 2-10
Muslim asks court to let in second wife 3-1 4-7
Today I'm a Criminal 9-10 10-5 10-8 10-10 11-8
End of Internet Free Speech...Enjoy it while you can! 2-4 2-6 2-8 3-2 4-9 5-1
Count Me Out 1-1 2-2 2-8 2-9 3-2 4-1
Anti ‘pope-in-Britain’ demos start Sunday 14-2-10 1-10
Chip and Pin is dead 1-1 1-4
Need a new heart for Valentine's Day? 1-4
Frock designer dies 1-6 1-10
Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law? 2-1
Silly typo in the Gideon? 1-6
Ex-Atheist 7-2
Baby P's Stepfather Injured in Prison. 13-10 14-2 14-4
Paris Gay Kiss-In Moved Because Of Violent Christians 2-5
How Autistic Are You? 6-2
Women say some rape victims should take blame - survey 4-3 4-7
Poll: Pancake Day [16-2-10] - For or Against 4-5 5-7
Man has to declare 51-year-old buggery conviction 6-3
Labour MP in - Tories are ‘scum-sucking pigs’ - row 4-6
Thought crime--is it ever OK? 5-5 5-7 8-4
Broadcaster Ray Gosling admits mercy killing 1-1 1-2 4-9 5-2 5-7 6-3 6-10
Those Tory posters 1-9
Man Could Get Jail for Taking Daughter to Church 3-5
So, I Got Banned From a Christian Forum ^_^ 2-3 2-8
Sadly, this is an average American.... 5-1
Giving someone advice 1-1 1-7 1-9
Condoms should carry health warning say catholics 3-7
atheists as annoying as believers used to be 1-8 2-1
Why I'm not an atheist 7-9 14-1 14-4
Socialised Capitalism or Socialism? 1-3
MP's anger at expenses 'ban' on first-class travel 1-1 1-4
Will Israel Attack Iran this Year? 7-10
Call for dolphins to be given special status 1-3 2-4
What is the trinity? 1-1 1-10
Elton John: Jesus Was Gay 4-3
Life without god == Sad hollow and pitiful. 1-2
The jewish chained wife 1-9
Belgian Coma Patient Can't Communicate After All 1-3
Gauging public opinion for AV 1-7 2-1
Muslims turning to home schooling in increasing numbers 3-9
MP ‘projectile vomited’ in Champagne drinking game 1-4
God and the UK election: The ‘christians’ 2-5 3-4 4-3