List of Postings of User paceetrate

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 26-1
The Enemies of Reason 89-9
Marriage 62-9
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 35-2
The Prof's Safety 9-7
SIR Richard Dawkins ?? 9-2
Atheist Nation 1-3
Atheistic quotes 19-3
Video games - why demonise? 18-7
No god, but an afterlife? 35-2 35-10 37-8 41-1
Recommendations for a second Dawkins book 5-5 5-9
Richard, is this story about you true? 9-3
Pokemon is of Satan! 3-2 4-1 4-5
Put here by who? 4-7
Dawkins on vegetarianism 27-5 28-1
Honesty With Atheism 22-3
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 18-6
Our Central Dilemma 2-1
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 20-3 20-8
If monkeys are men then answer this...? 8-7
Narrow Perspective 2-1 2-7 3-1 3-4
*slides through the door with dramatic flair!* 1-1 1-5
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 3-7
latch on the door of hell 1-2
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 20-8 25-6 25-10 59-8 60-3 69-8
Questions for Dawkins 10-7
Defend The God Delusion - visit Amazon 4-10
No aferlife. It fills me with dread and panic attacks. 9-7 10-4 10-9
What Atheists Believe In... 5-4
Brad Pitt on leaving his religion - Parade Magazine 2-10
Pro-atheist argument. help! 1-9
What do Atheists want? 4-2
What is the worst thing a theist has done to you? 6-8
Are we in the minority in caring about whats true? 2-6
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 1-10
Richard saying grace? 3-7
Confused about atheism and probability of God's existence 1-8
Atheist Friendly Cities and Regions 2-2
Missing Scene in the "Root of All Evil" DVD. 1-6
Alan Craig thinks Richard Dawkins is a "nutter" 4-3
What do I do.... 3-3 4-1
my favorite euphemism 3-4
Different Strokes For Different Folks? 2-4
Official Atheist WAR ON CHRISTMAS Scheming Thread 4-4 4-8
It's all Atheists fault 3-2
New Argument Against Atheism 1-5 3-5 5-8 12-5
LSD - a cure-all or a dangerous substance? 11-8 15-10
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 14-10
Do you get scared? 4-4 5-1
Why do people think religion is sacred/taboo/off-limits? 1-3
Atheists - Leave Christmas Alone (R2 18/12/07) 1-6 2-1
Hey Atheist 1-5
negative consequences of no religion in the world.... 3-2
Atheist explanation for evil 2-6
i've felt the presence of the lord? 3-3
Are You A "Phony" Agnostic? 1-5
Atheism Versus Christianity: The Real Issue 1-2
Richard in Fortean Times..... 2-2 2-7
Would you have any problems eating cloned meat? 4-6
Prof Dawkins- Please be my Mr T 1-2
I'd Like to Meet Richard This Year..... 1-6
The God Delusion is REQUIRED reading in my philosophy class. 1-3
Godless Billboard Greets Motorists 5-2 7-2
Amazing the effect one little word can have 2-9 3-1
Professor Dawkins Makes My Top 10 1-6
Layman's Atheist 1-4
A weird place to be. 1-8
Strongest argument for atheism 2-8
Please order more Scarlet A pins! they are sold out! 1-5
What moral doctrine should guide our lives? 1-4
How Should the World Be? 2-1
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 3-2
Sir Richards views on Islam? 2-3
A Satire Offensive 7-1
Mock funeral for Richard Dawkins 2-3
Vestigial fear of Hell? 4-5
Is it worth the upset it causes your beloved? 1-6
Criticisms of Atheism 2-9 3-9 4-2 4-9 5-2 5-4 6-6 7-7 11-1 12-3 13-4 14-2 15-1 16-2
Did Prof. Dawkins really say this? 1-6 1-10
Apparently I'm a disappointment to my parents 1-3
"Stupid beliefs" 1-4
Dawkins' Next Book 4-1
Wanted: Artist to illustrate Darwins theories 1-6
Girls: take the power back with Rapex. 3-9 4-2
What is "THAT" word. help.............errrrrr 1-5
Religious bigotry is bad... unless you have no religion 1-6 1-10
Richard is Nearing His 100th Post! 1-10 2-6 3-3
Why has intelligence become a negative trait? 2-2 2-4 2-8
Podcasting and Blogs 2-10 3-2 3-7 3-10 4-2
Woman was a product of forced sex..Rape, so her mother says 1-3
Does someone cursing change the way you think of them? 2-7
The Isolated Atheist 1-5 2-5
David Attenborough is fine 2-7 2-9
Anyone else troubled by the U.S. Army's new ray gun? 1-10
Why atheism will not prevail (anytime soon at least) 2-5
Lost a little respect for Sam Harris 1-3
Dispute with parents over atheism 1-2
The labeling of children. Consciousness raising part 2. 1-3 2-7
Atheists exclude evidence as part of their faith 4-6 4-9
We can still use some words with religious connotations! 2-7
the "science" section at the bookstore 1-6
Syllogism 4 Origin of Theism 2-2 3-10 4-5 4-10 5-2
Brainwave synchronization aka, brain entrainment 1-3 1-10 2-2 2-10
The Atheist Apocalypse! 1-10
What Eye Colour Most Attracts You? 1-8
Paranormal belifs 1-2
Atheist/Non-Believer Forced To Have Religous Wedding 3-8
Special place of geniuses in science and art 2-5 2-8 3-1 3-3
Napalm Death's Barney Greenway on Richard Dawkins 1-7
wear an athefix (OUT Campaign) 3-2 3-4 3-8 3-10 4-2 4-4
Why not go to church? 2-5 2-9 3-8
I just 'came out' to my parents - Part 2 1-8
Older People 3-1
Happy Birthday Professor Dawkins! 10-10
Can I get fired for being an atheist? 2-7 2-10
Best response to this? 2-4
Consequences of atheism/agnosticism 3-8 3-10
Why do some people seem to care for a pet more than a 1-6
Dawkins' miracle 1-7 1-9 2-2 2-6 2-8 3-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - General Discussion 48-2
Musicians Dilemma 1-3
"What can Mormons learn from Atheism?" video 2-5
Fanaticist? 1-4
Questions 9-6 11-3
Exposing yet more woo and idiocy 2-7
Anti-historical-science argument: "but I like fairy stories" 1-7
Hunky Jesus 2008 1-5
Help! Spanish/English translation. Poor dog! 2-4 2-9
Male monkeys prefer boy's toys 1-3
End of Local Education Authorities 1-2
Atheism and is possible? 2-6
When is the last time you saw wildlife? 2-5
Life Advice 2-4
Black Atheists - Where Are You? 1-2 3-7
Vaccine for Pathologies of Rationalism. 2-2 2-7 2-9
Blogging under alias 1-5
Chinese Hackers Attack A Member Of This Forum 1-2 1-4
Hello from a Monotheist ! uhhohh 2-8 4-5 5-3
Complaints to my site that're too much to answer. 1-2
And these are the choices for Americans? 1-5 2-1
Help me out, guys! 1-10 3-5
Assistance is needed 1-10 2-2
The Bible as rolling paper (and other uses) 2-5
How do I stop Christian friends from trying to help me? 1-3
Hello 4-7
We're all born atheists 1-8
Bible study of doom 2-2 6-10 10-9
Is atheism a natural response to nuclear power? 2-2 2-4
The Bitter Atheists 1-3
Is Racism the real "Root of all Evil"? 1-2
Any thoughts on why suicide is so stigmatized? 1-7
Theological justification for genocide Part One 1-5 2-7 2-10 4-6 6-3 6-4 6-7 7-2 8-3 9-4 11-9 16-9 17-1 17-7 22-7 29-3 32-10 33-2 33-3 33-4 33-9 34-3 36-2 39-1 39-6 43-5 43-9 45-5 48-3 52-2 53-1 53-3 53-7 54-2 54-4 56-4 56-8 56-10 57-5
"If man evolved, where did woman come from?" 1-5
Raelians think Dawkins is one of them 1-5
We have another enemy - The Jedi 2-3 3-3
Canada and Spain attempts to secularise the education system 1-5
Magnetic therapy for pain relief - does it work?? 2-9 3-5
Where is God in the pain and sorrow 1-8
how can i tell to my parents that im an atheist ? 1-6
Let's stop calling ourselves 'atheists'. 2-10
Nadi Astrology 3-1
Am I normal? BBC2 now 4-1
Anti-Intellectualism? 2-7 5-6 7-1 7-4 7-10 8-2 8-4 8-6 8-8 8-10 9-10 10-3
"An Atheist's Creed" 2-4
The diluted atheist. 1-8
Vancouver journo miffed because RD "refuses" interview 2-3
Darwin Car Emblems: Any problems to report? 2-7
Would Dawkins approve of an attack on Iran? 2-3
Atheists are Nihilists! 1-5
Does everyone have a Religion? 2-2 12-10 14-10
David Attenborough criticises BBC shows 1-6
God is just too complex for us to understand... 1-6
Is Atheism a Memetic disorder? 1-6 2-8
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 11-8
Did you jump any "moral" fence thanks to atheism? 5-8
Punch Your Head in for Jesus 7-1
How do u live with atheism? 3-1 3-3
Questions about atheism in the USA 1-6
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 4-1
Evil 2-8 3-1 3-6 4-6 5-2
Peter Singer vs Dinesh D'Souza 1-7
I made a decision: Leaving Islam for Atheism 1-3
Debate response needed - the intelligent designer 1-5
Weird College Names 1-10
? ? ? ? 1-10 3-10 6-6 7-10
Duggar family delivers #18 1-7 2-5 2-9
Bad language.(?) 2-9
So why won't Dawkins debate Dinesh? 1-8
The Skeptic's guide to the Universe podcast 2-6 3-5 3-7
The so called MMR vaccine link with autism 2-1
End of War? 1-4 1-7 1-9
Help! Harrassment at work! 1-2 1-4
A Fundie Visits RDF 4-6
HPV and cancer 1-2
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens 4-3
Worst Atheist Arguments? 1-5 3-10
Do you think I'm delusional? 10-8 11-7 12-2 12-7 13-1 13-2 14-1 14-3 14-6 14-9 15-1 15-4 15-8 15-9 16-10
Does Richard Dawkins Ever Get Spooked Out? 1-3
A Victorian Curiosity 3-9
Christianity vs Communism 1-9
Advice column on godless teen 3-9
Anti-Theist? 1-3 1-6
Definition of Love 1-7 1-9 2-1
If there is no soul what do you love? 4-3
The Male Homosexual Voice 1-8
The best response to this theist statement 2-7
Psychological standing of homosexuality 5-2 5-5 6-3 6-9 7-1 8-5 9-10
Alternative names for atheists II 84-10
This is the last Bleeping straw... 1-10 2-5 3-1 3-6
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 5-9
About this Website 2-2 2-6
My Experience & a few Question? 1-3 1-5
Burn, baby burn! 2-3 5-5 6-8 7-3 9-8 10-6
Is Christopher Hitchens really good for us? 1-10 3-2 3-4
Religion temporarily Necessary? (From Atheism to Religion) 1-2
Are you a donor? 1-8
why don't theists just understand? 1-2 1-7
Teaching at Oxford? 1-2
Video "Proof" of Alien existence to be released this Friday. 3-2 3-5 3-8 8-6
Is Atheism Easy? 1-4
Which Abrahamic religion is the worst? 1-3
Did Michael Behe lie about Richard Dawkins? 1-2 2-2
Atheists caught having sex in cathedral confessional 1-10 4-8 5-7
Atheists must believe babies come from nothing. 1-7 2-3
'There are no cultural relativists at 25,000 feet' 1-3
Intelligent Design Society of Kansas 1-4
What did you think of Atheism before you were an Atheist? 1-5
Is enemies of reason another play for a fight. 1-2 1-6 2-2 2-5 2-10 3-2 3-4
Science Sucks 1-3
Mark of the Crocodile 1-9
Do atheists Have A Problem With All Religions? 3-5
Dawkins and "wooden hermeneutics" 1-6
is atheism depressing? 4-2
Here Be Dragons (Skeptic Movie) 2-2
Finally getting the courage to face the world as it is 1-2
Do we all crave revenge? 1-6 2-1 2-3
recovering from a fundamental christian upbringing 1-5 2-3
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 9-10 10-10 16-6 20-3 22-5 24-4 24-10
Art: Does too much knowledge destroy beauty? 2-5 3-10
''I'm not a...'' 2-1 2-4
Why is America quite the way it is? 1-2 3-7 4-6
Dilemma about "coming out" 1-2
Hitch converts Christian Astro-professor in McGrath debate 1-5
Darwin's Point 1-9
Dawkins and Tariq Ramadan 1-5 1-9 2-1 2-3
Garden of Eden's meaning... Defined! 1-2
As The Pendulum Swings 1-3
A Letter of Gratitude to Richard Dawkins - Rabbi Shmuley 1-2 1-3 2-2 4-9
Opinions on Sexuality? 1-9
The Meme King 1-2 1-4 1-9 2-1
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 3-5
I'm 40 but I should have been reading this at 14, in school! 2-8 5-5 5-7 6-1
Mind, Body & Kick Arse Moves 1-9
Profanity 2-7
What kind of argument is that? 1-9
Do any of my fellow atheists wish you were religious? 3-1
We Bring Truth...but what more? 2-9
YouTube: Dawkins goes insane 1-10
Does Richard Dawkins have this on his agenda? 1-9
Dawkins "not an authority on evolution" - Toronto Star 1-4
You know why god is a prick? 1-3
Does evolution proclaim the existence of a god? 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-6
To utilitarian atheists 2-8
The Problem With Atheists 5-3 7-3 7-5 21-3 30-9 34-2
Subtitles for "The Big Question - Why Are We Here?" 1-2 1-4
Do we really need a chat room? 1-4
Talking to a believer 1-3
Quick observation 1-2
Atheist - Death 1-2
Richard Dawkin's Speech!!! 1-7
The Idea of Hell Makes Heaven IMPERFECT 3-2 3-4
Why not SCIENTIFICALLY debunk the notion of "SOUL" instead? 1-4 1-6
Animals and Humans 1-4 1-6
Help me help a friend in need. 1-3
Enemies of Reason Alternative health care - A silver lining 1-2 1-4 1-6
Morals/Ethics are Human Concerns (pornography) 1-2 2-4 3-6
Mom fighting for children defends her 'white pride' 2-8 3-3
Top 10 Atheist Strawmen 3-2 4-4 4-6 6-2
Dawkins & Dogma 1-8
Your last wishes 1-10
Do I have a religious right? 1-6 3-6 3-8 4-1 5-3 5-8 7-9 8-2 8-3 8-5 8-8 9-5 9-8 10-1 10-3 11-2 11-4 11-6 11-9 12-3 12-6
debate about something that is not your expertise? 1-7
Utopia Poll 1-4 1-9 5-5 6-1 8-8
What Made You an Atheist? 1-2 1-4 1-7
You what?! 1-4 5-7 6-3 6-5
Truth or Happiness? 1-6
America is not so bad! 3-4 4-10 5-8 6-6
The entire financial system is a scam. 1-4
If this life is the only one we have why commit suicide? 1-10 2-2
Richard Dawkins to appear on Al-Jazeera 15-3
Is there a male equivalent of broodiness? 1-3
"Theism" question 1-5
From Agnosticism back to Belief 3-6 6-7 7-4 7-7
General Member Survey 1-6
An Atheist Paradise? 1-7
Vaccums Automatically Turning On 1-4
Why are Classical musicians lauded but art forgers are not? 1-4 2-1 2-9
Richard, is this YOUR photo gallery? 1-2
Is Violence better than Sex Fruit? 1-3 1-6
Do you sometimes lie? 1-9
True Atheists Do not Exist 2-9 17-8 19-5 19-9 25-1 25-10 26-7
Finally talked to my mother 1-4
Sexual harassment as "part of sport" 2-9
The Group Delusion Delusion? 1-10 2-5 3-7 3-9
Questions about Professor Dawkins 1-6 1-8
Woman, 44, gives birth to her 18th child in Canada 1-2
Richard Dawkins: A "Silver Swinger"? 1-2
Atheism is a threat to society 4-2 4-6
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- 1-6 1-10 3-1
On the claim that God is a highly improbable being 3-6
Designer G-spot 1-5
Please may I become an Atheist? 3-1 6-4
Therapy that Makes You Feel Horrible 2-5 3-3
Correlation between Atheism and Depression? 3-6
How do you deal with the anger? 1-2 4-5
Atheism and Personal Discipline 1-9 3-6
Ingenuity, or what? 2-6 2-10
Speaking Science 2.0:The Poverty of the New Atheism Movement 1-5 2-3
Atheists are also Preachers 1-10 2-4 8-6
2008 Olympics Beijing 20-10 21-7 21-9
Professor Dawkins, please get off the silly "40%" statistic 1-6 1-9 2-4 3-9 5-1 6-4 6-6 8-5 8-7 9-4
Need help with religious debate 1-2
Non-chemical highs 1-2
Atheists getting angrier and more "strident"? 4-4
So you're on your death bed... 1-6
My first post... a controversy surrounding Christmas? 1-3
Dawkins: Civilised haven of Europe caught between Islam, US 3-2 3-10 4-3 4-5 4-8 4-10
Are US high schools really like the movies? 5-9 6-1 6-3 6-5 7-1 7-8 11-4 11-7 12-7
I am Atheist and We are Many 1-7
Does atheism define you? 2-7
Paper didn't publish my letter 1-6
Comic Portrayals of Richard Dawkins 1-2
My Daughter Made A Creationism Joke, Too!! 3-2
Examination of Astrology 6-7
Personal letter to all atheists who deny GOD. 2-4
Confessions of a lonely... church employee???? 3-4
a question about morality... 1-4
Its soooo relaxing. 1-6 3-10 4-7
Rejected by family because I'm an atheist. 2-4 3-1 4-1
What's The Greatest Atheist Movie Ever Made? 1-8
Funniest Richard Dawkins Moment(s) 3-1
Reasoned argument to show that 'The God Delusion' is rubbish 1-8
Dawkins Scores One for the Creationist Agenda 1-3 1-10
Biomorph - The game 1-10 2-3
Ostracized by band, friends, and family 1-6
In Praise of Bullfighting 18-9 22-1 22-7 23-6 24-9 25-2 26-6 27-5
Anti-OUT Campaign 2-6 7-3 10-7
Klaus Heinemann "Spirit orbs" 1-4 1-8
Atheist Young Killed His Mother!!! 1-3
Religious abuse by a music teacher 5-1
The delusion of two Gods 2-3
How will a one-eyed cat help creationists? 1-8
Will humanity unite to overcome a common threat? 1-7
Dawkins an "evil man"? 3-2
Message to Aspagists 1-10
Bailout of U.S. financial system 1-2 1-6 1-8
Dawkins: Teaching or Preaching? 2-9
What happened to the "appeal against death sentence" thread? 1-2
A young atheist plea... 3-1
Atheist's Nightmare 1-6 1-8
Are you tired of justify atheism? 1-2
Suggestions for new forum after exodus. 29-7
Who is persecuted? 1-6 1-8
NEW Forum guidelines - Comon carrier or publisher editor 1-8
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 5-2
Salty licorice 2-3
No Atheist can solve......... 7-10
Medical question 3-6 4-7 6-4
Low testosterone,which man of science should I believe? 1-5
Test Your Atheism 3-10 4-10
"bible verses" 2-8
Is Prof. Dawkins an "atheist"? 2-9
Evolutionary advantage for Near Death Experience? 1-3 1-7
You know what would be awesome? 1-4
Mad Mel on Dawkins 4-2 6-3
D.I.Y. Tips. 1-2 1-5
Richard Dawkins and children's fairy tales etc 7-5 12-10 13-8 17-7 18-6 20-3 20-5 20-8
The supposed ultimate test of atheism: HAUNTED HOUSES 3-1
What is evidence for there to be no God 2-2 3-9 5-2 27-9
Growing Up in the Universe: Watch it Online 3-9
Delayed Vaccinations? Professor Dawkins I need your adice! 1-7
Hi Im an agnostic 1-3 1-5
Strange cut-outs in the clouds, STILL NOT EXPLAINED ?!! 2-9
Is this dumb? 1-3 1-10
Should politicians be qualified? 1-4
Black and white thinking. 2-7
One reason why someday there will be a lot of evidence 2-3 3-4
Youngsters and what makes sense to them ! 1-5
A near-death experience in a relationship 2-2
What Dawkins Wants 1-7
Question about wisdom teeth. 2-1
Atheism the big question 1-5
haggismuncher's preaching gibberish 5-2 5-9
Do you have shy bladder? 1-9
Are curse words another 'manifestation' of superstition? 2-4 2-7 2-9 3-3 4-6 4-10
Atheistic answers for leary's questions ? 1-8 3-1 4-5 9-3
Trials of life: Attenborough interview 1-10
My Angry Uncle 1-4
A post for Richard 2-1
Why is not changing your mind seen as a virtue? 2-4 3-8
Homosexuality 31-5 31-7 33-10
Earthlings 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8
how has st. bernadette's body remained incorrupted? 2-9
My University become Creationist! 1-3
Shelter for Disowned Atheists 1-6
Atheism, Rationalism and Meaninglessness 2-8 2-10 3-9 7-6 8-1 8-8 11-1
What if Atheism Gets A Foothold In Our Culture? 2-1
Dog Saves injured dog on highway 2-3 2-8 2-10
Do you hide your beliefs about religion and if you do, ..... 1-7
Do atheists believe in alien life? 8-10
Not even our pets are safe 1-4
do you have a rational, logical diet? 1-5
what's your job? 5-9
Agenda 21. Paranoid conspiracy or genuine concern? 1-4 1-6 2-2 2-5
Jesus Christ Superstar 1-9
Wanted a secular play for primary schools at winter 1-5
Interested in taking part? 10-4
Anti-atheists billboard 2-6 2-8
Dealing with loss of a friend as an atheist 1-9
What Can You Hear? 1-4
I didn't like "Ben Hur." Is it because I'm an atheist? 1-2
Sam's baby 3-8
Beijing weather mystery? 1-2
Learning to laugh at ones self. 4-3
Hokey Cokey 'is faith hate crime' 2-5
Why do female school children ware Shirts / blouses? 7-3
The Current Pope 1-4 1-9
RANT: Dressing up bad ideas, products, and people. 1-5
Now I wish I hadn't... 1-2
I Guess PS3 Home Users Aren't Fans of Atheism... 2-5
True Religion 1-4
Ex-muslim and Bacon 3-2 7-7
What colour are you? 1-4 3-8 6-8 7-5 9-3
Ungrateful 1-1 2-2 2-10
Atheism and Alternate Medicine 2-2 2-5
Atheist Video Game Campaign? 1-8 3-1
Atheist Or Anti-theist? 1-9 2-7
Halo 1-2
Why do women find muscles attractive 1-8
Which mustard - English American or French 1-3
Does this make you sick... 2-4
BBC edits atheists/agnostics to look religious 2-3
Religious followers, Atheists purpose is to oxidize Carbon 1-8 5-7
ACA of TEXAS (hours of amusement) 1-5
Do any of you ever get depressed due to atheism? 1-2
Worst Apartment Ad Ever 1-3
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 50-9
'To stand in awe' 1-4
I need HELP getting into College! 1-5
What is Richard's evaluation of The Dead Sea Scrolls? 2-6
Irony of being an Atheist 3-8
dog intelligence 1-2 3-2
Long-term repercussions of widespread absence of religion? 1-2 3-1 3-6
Any atheists 'seen God'? 2-4
Where does this Atheist logo come from? 1-2
The Decline and Fall of the English Language. 2-2
There is a fundamental crisis with God. 1-8
Atheism and Discrimination 1-3
Disappointed 1-3
UK hospital calls in exorcists 1-6
It's hard to appreciate freedoms on these boards 1-5 2-4
Richard is arrogant? 1-7 1-9 2-6
In the Beginning.. 1-4
Persons of Reason and Rationality you admire 2-3
UK SNOW ALERT 1-4 2-2 2-10
Vomit. 4-1 7-4
Dawkins - 5th column 1-3
OU 1-6
Hindu group gets knickers in a twist over Valentine's Day 1-5
Is it the same 1-5
What does this definition remind you of? 1-2
Barbed Reply, "The fool has said in his heart..." 1-4
Dawkins' Review of "Why Evolution is True" 1-8
Penalty Of Being Born 1-4
On Taste 1-2 1-4
A war is brewing... 1-5 1-7 3-4
Masturdebater 1-2 1-7
little thought that stuck and won't go 2-1
Favourite Part of 'growing up in the universe? and Why? 1-2
The End of Humanity! 1-3
Speedreading - scam or ligitimate? 2-7
All pigs taste of bacon?. 4-5 4-8
What's wrong with the world today? 1-8
Whats your Cognitive dissonance? 2-3
Atheistic funerals are so sad 3-7 15-8 17-6 25-5 28-1 41-10 42-3 43-2 43-9 44-9 46-2 47-7 50-7 50-10 52-1 52-9 53-8 67-7 67-9 74-7 75-3 76-3 76-6 76-8 77-4 77-7 78-3 78-10 79-8 81-8 81-10 82-2 82-5 83-6 83-10 87-10 88-8 89-2 89-8 89-10 90-7 90-10 91-2 91-4 91-6 91-10
Parents Defend Child Beauty Pageants? 1-10 2-10
Profanity 6-7 7-1
Prove to me that atheists exist. 5-1 7-4 9-9 10-8 12-7 13-4
Who's afraid of the Saxon wolf? 1-2
Aaargh STOP f*cking mixing religion with science!!!! 2-8 3-7
Why does Richard keep calling God a "him"? 1-7
evidence for God 1-10
Am I an Atheist? 2-1 2-4 2-7 2-9 3-7
Is atheism a religion? (Part III) 53-8
Firewalkers/Fireeaters 1-5
When atheist forums go bad they look like Pharyngula 2-8 3-4 4-1 5-6 7-10 39-9 41-9 51-3 52-2
Pornophilosophy (Dawkins book review) 2-3 2-6
You are all a bunch of godless heathens!!!!! 4-4
As an atheist, some religious things I like. 2-6 2-8 3-4 13-3 13-6 17-2 17-10 21-6 23-1 23-6 24-2 24-5 25-5 27-6 28-7 29-3 32-9 38-1 38-5 38-8 39-2 43-5 49-3
cholesterol and high blood pressure 2-4 2-7
Science Tourism 1-2
why happiness does not require a god 1-8
iMac help oh pleaaaaaaase help. 2-4
You can't kill a word, so what about faith? 1-4 2-1
The destroyer of religion: Matt Dillahunty 1-2 2-2
Being told,"I will pray for you" 1-8 1-10
Upcoming Richard Dawkins lecture: Darwin's five bridges. 1-8
Moral Quandaries 1-2
What 3-5 6-4 6-7 6-9 7-1
Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence 1-2
heterosexual,bisexual, or homosexual? 1-5 2-5 8-1
Is Dr Who and Star Trek Woo? 1-9
"Belief in god is a beautiful thing" 2-3
The importance of time in understanding creationists 2-2
8 million Near Death Experiences cant be ignored. 2-4 2-10 3-2
666 on all products 1-5
Ghost convention disappears - and so does the money! 1-3
Is there anything i can do for American atheists? 2-1
My New Favorite Animal 1-3
I think I'm socially inept.. 1-8 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-2 3-4 3-7
Obama forum members acting stupid. 1-8 2-6 3-3
Is this a serious forum for debate? 2-10 5-3
I need to rant! 1-3
Cryptozoology: real science or pseudo-science? 3-3
preaching in hospitals 2-2
Do humans need fear in their lives to evolve? 1-2
I'm a biologist! 1-4 2-2
10 Questions Atheists Can't Answer 3-2 5-10
Interesting Comment by Richard on fine-tuning 1-3 3-1
Question about the universe 1-4
Man and Other Animals: Zoos 2-1
Richard Dawkins - The Debate Ends 2-1 4-10
Why is is wrong to kill people you don't like? 2-1
how do atheists deal with life? 1-8 2-7
HELP!!! I need a reference quote quick!!! 1-2
Naked contempt survey 2-3
Who hasn't heard of Charlie Coyote yet? 2-4
Who debunks woo? 2-8 3-4
Rationality and the "creep" factor 2-1
The God Delusion in Arabic - a moral dilemma? 1-3
OK here's one for you Richard 1-4
High School Graduation Gifts, What Do People Get? 2-3
Where is all the reason-based music? 1-5
Sentenced to death by moms imaginary friend 4-10
5 Questions for an Atheist - 1-6
Atheism & Christmas 2-4 2-10
Immortality of the Soul 1-5
Searching for VICKI IMES 1-2 1-4 1-9
Is there a strange gap in "The God Delusion" or no ? 1-2 1-5
Didgeriwoo? 1-3
secret to atheist 1-5
How many atheists like anti-Christian extreme metal? 2-6 5-10
To fight the unbeatable foe...or just give up ? 1-3
Pseudo-religion 1-4
Do you Fast? 2-2 2-6 3-1 3-9 4-8 5-4 5-6 5-8 7-2
atheist and Agnostic Substance Misuse Prevention 4-8
‘Does god hate women?’ book backlash fear 4-8 4-10
Why would you not be a theist? 1-5 2-6 3-5 4-2
Need help with Jehovah's solicitations to my mother's obit. 1-2
I had Richard's wiki article changed. 1-5
Having to take someone to church at work. 2-2 3-10
Why do women generally believe more woo? 1-10
Asshats 3-10 5-9
Dooms Day !! 3-2
My Dog has just seen a Ghost 1-3 3-3 4-6
Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 1-2 3-9 8-7 9-2 11-5
problem solved 1-8
Fried food. Yay or Nay? 2-6 3-1 3-9
Gangs, By Brian37 2-5
Southern USA: The Bible Belt 2-1 2-4
Aliens and the evidence 1-9 8-6
What are your favorite Greek quotes? 2-9
"it wasn't meant to be" 1-6
Your God 1-5
Are you motivated as an atheist? 2-3
Cures for spotty skin 1-7
Dawkins versus Gamma Ray Burst 1-6
Should it be a human right to act irrationally? 1-8
Court Contradiction 1-4
God and Science Don’t Mix 2-1
Education 1-4
Dawkins: The Messiah Of Atheists 1-3
Taking comfort in the mystery. 1-8
Important Question !!! 2-4
Fake, unknown lifeform, or other? 1-5
Prof. Dawkins - how do you do it? 2-5 2-8 3-1 3-3 3-6 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-8 5-2 5-4 5-7
Oh for Gods sake 1-9 2-5
Need some help educating someone 1-2 2-1 3-7
A Practical Applied Problem Concerning Evolution 1-9 2-6
Invent a Holiday 2-5
The Atrocity of The Blind Watchmaker 2-6
Aging and Suicide 1-5
what is this? A REAl UFO? 2-4 3-1
Things that can wait 1-2 1-8
Fears and Phobias 2-2
Breaking a bad habit 1-5
Burn the Rubbish 1-3 1-10 3-1 3-4 6-3 6-10 7-3 7-6 7-10
Convert's Corner... Is atheism a new religion? 1-2 2-1 4-2
Miracle 1-2 1-6 2-2 5-6 6-3
So trolling is acceptable then? 1-4 2-1
Suicide 1-7
Consciousness raising by a subtle pronounciation change 1-8 2-1 2-7
Reaction to a blog post 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-7
Hilarious 'Spiritual Wedding' story in my local rag... 1-6
UFO photographed near Crop Circle 1-5
What I did on my vacation (fossil hunting) 1-6
Giving "atheists" a bad name... 3-1 3-3 4-2 5-3 5-7
The Astounding Atheist! (comic) 1-9 2-7 2-9
ABBA at work 1-9
Failing for Jesus 1-2
Solar eclipse pits superstition against science 2-5
The Lonely Atheist 3-7 3-9 4-3
The Key to Effective Atheism 1-3
How do we know? 1-2
Tim Minchin - Storm 1-4 2-1
Harun Yahya - (Darwin an apparent fraud) 1-3
Help! I'm Going To A Catholic College! 1-2
Am I missing something or has search changed 11-9
Classroom As Pulpit To Captive Audience 1-2
What do I consider 2 B 'woo"? 1-9 2-6
Debating an Undergrad: I am disappointed with the system. 1-2
Coffee and Diet Coke are just fine, right? RIGHHHHTT??? 2-7 3-6 3-9
Why are we called arrogant? 2-8
Atheists required to join important group 3-4 3-9
Potential Proof that the Supernatural World Exists 3-1 3-9 5-4
Illogical, irrational, ignoring evidence (not just religion) 2-2 2-7 3-2 3-6 4-1
Psychic Mediums 1-5
in ---- we trust movement!!!! 1-8
I saw a UFO! 1-2 2-1
Why destroy someone's faith? 3-1 3-6
Theistic Self-Righteousness: My Girlfriend's Memorial 2-7
I wonder about the Philadelpia Experiment..Degaussing 1-8
To tell or not to tell. 1-9
Stuff reason: hurl those insults, spit and mock 1-2
Ocean City fortune teller predicts ‘hell' for gay customer 1-4
Brands and Image Construction 1-2
Need help solving a "ghost" mystery 1-2
The Difference Between Knowledge and Understanding 2-7
Why don't humans like the rain? 2-8
Your religious environment 2-10
FOIA declassified Docs..UFO,remote viewing,etc 1-10 2-2 3-4
epistemologically, atheists can praise god, pray, etc 2-1
There's a dragon in my room. 2-1 2-4
Thoughts on my new signature 1-5 2-1
Encounter with 'aura' woo. 2-7
I wish U would stop calling me a trolling poe! 2-5 2-10
Anti Vax facebook group 1-6
Dawkins vs US science 1-3 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-9 3-3
Irrational Arguments for Atheism 1-2
Ultimate Fighting Championship - out of place 2-10 3-8 3-10 5-5 7-1 7-3 9-8 10-9 12-3 13-5 13-7 13-10
Can I eat my own plums? 2-4 2-6 2-8 3-4
trying to understand 2-9
I have an idea 4 cancer research..I maybe on to something 1-4
There is no tunnel, no light...only fear. 1-8
reset the timeline 2-8
Any leads on who hacked the site this time? 17-4 19-1 20-5 21-4 24-2
Brian Eno 2-2 2-4 2-6 3-7
Local News Team Fails to Debunk Laughably Fake Ghost Photo 1-3
Legion of the banned 1-5
Thought Disorder and my encounter with the system 2-1 2-4 2-9
A puzzle for the anti-abortian/anti-gay christians.... 1-9
Found: Mars fossils in NASA'S AFM images 2-2
I don't hink I am making sense but here goes... 1-5
A stranger kind of atheism 1-9 3-9 6-1
A Challenge Question for Atheism. 3-2 6-7 8-9 12-4 33-1 33-5
All dressed up and nowhere to go 1-5
Course Text Books in College Library 1-8
Help re: ‘Good of religion outweighs bad’ debate 1-8 2-1 2-6
Personal safety/security and physical threats from believers 1-5 2-2
Sobriety and Atheism 1-6
So, I stole this poor woman's class... 1-9
what was the name of that brilliant atheist... 2-6
Society, like the Easter bunny, simply does not exist 2-1 2-5
You Believe in Mass Murder 4-2
F'ing trolls. 1-2
Parents deny kid chemo, "natural treatments will cure her". 2-9
A Deal I Made With My Mom 2-1 3-2
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 1-7
Religion partly to blame for online piracy? 1-5 2-2
I don't get it... 1-2
Oh hell naw! 1-2
Finally angry enough to post. 1-10
So what about ghosts and people you know? 1-3 1-7 3-9 4-5
Why does Dawkins wear a tie? 12-2
Recovered memory syndrome... 2-2 2-4
Rant: Detoxing idiots 1-10 2-10
Resonse to "Where do you get your morals from?" 2-7
Reactions when US soldiers meet allies in Afghanistan 1-3
New QualiaSoup 1-7
Cerro Azul Monster [opinion?] 1-4
Matthew Parris - Agnosticism is not enough 2-3 8-5 8-7
Should I remove "Atheist" from my Facebook / the Internet? 1-2
Should we let the Panda become.... 4-5
Are Non-Existent Entities Atheist? 2-2 6-2
Is this what Atheists want? 1-3
International Hug A Vegetarian Day 1-3 1-8
YouTube : Carl Sagan / Stephen Hawking song.. 1-2
All evil people in the world are almost certainly atheists.. 9-10
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 2-2
Help a guy out with school 1-3
It does not bode well for a species. 1-2 1-4 1-6 2-2
I witnessed Woo , help me rationalize it . 1-2 1-10 2-5 2-8 3-1
Ancients might call us gods 1-5
women can't keep a secret for longer than 47 hours 1-3
Magic 2-8
A failure of traditional Chinese herbal medicine 1-6
Clever hoaxes 1-7
Why isn't Richard Dawkins a 7? 2-7
The evil of the 'Irish Society for Christian Civilisation' 1-5
When woo turns deadly 1-3
You do realize he is an author, right? 4-4 5-9
Why is VFX post locked 1-4 2-4
I can't believe it... 1-10
Former Muslim receiving death threats 1-3
Need help with my muslim parents 3-6
Tolerance. 1-2
... deluded group of self-satisfied individuals 4-4
Anyone here been defriended on facebook by being atheist. 2-2
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 1-8
Book Idea: Living the Atheist Life 1-2
Nick Vujicic 1-3
Scientific Emergency/Atrocity! 1-7
Is dismantling & destroying another persons relig unethical? 1-10 12-1 12-6
science in islam 5-9
Has the internet made you more or less intellectual? 3-3
Debunking the Apollo Moon Hoax 2-8 3-3
Monotreme eggs 1-6
"I do not know if I believe in god" 2-9
ExMuslimAtheist “coming out” 2 a bunch of,Muslim friends 1-6 1-10
Everyone has beliefs - atheism is one of them 2-6 47-8
Cow Abducted by Flying Saucer in Argentina 2-7
Pupil lost fingers in art accident 2-6 2-8 3-1 3-9
"Life" documentary (BBC) 1-3
How can you be a happy atheist? 3-10 4-6 4-10 5-2 5-6 6-3
Why Is It atheist??? 2-2
is there no morality left - 1-3
an article that made me lol: 2-5
I feel safer now. 1-6 2-9 3-2 3-5 4-3 5-2
So what do you think? 1-6
US Jury Consults Bible in Murder Case 1-6
niagara therapy does it work 1-2
STORM - Very funny! 2-5
The "supernatural" painter - help me debunk! 1-7
Never mind the bible, think of the sleepless nights! 1-2
Illogic and anger... how do you keep your cool? 1-2
Converting people to atheism 2-8
Why Are Atheists Angry? 2-5
2nd hand smoking 1-7 2-7 3-7
The illusion of `constellations`- help me debunk astrology 3-6 6-2 7-5 7-8 8-1 8-6 9-1
How to survive as an MD with an astrophysicist's mindset? 1-2 1-5 1-9
Guns and large game hunting. 2-2
A Muslim "Miracle Baby" is Born, with Koran Verses on Leg 2-4 2-6 2-9 4-4
Vultures! Also going extinct. 1-4
Introvert - Extrovert 2-7
Why do we consider moderates more rational? 2-1
Give us your misogynists and bigots 3-4 5-8
i have a question 3-3
Why Richard Dawkins is Wrong About God 3-1
How far can a rational life go? 1-2
Ethical Hunting; Shooting; Guns; Animal Husbandry; etc... 28-4 28-8 29-6 34-3 34-6 35-2
The Event: How Racist Are You? 6-1
Childfree Movement 1-6
Paying ppl with Genetic Diseases to abort & be sterilised 2-8 4-2
What Atheism brings... 2-8 2-10
answering theists on atheism 1-10
Anyone find this forum a bit sexist at times? 3-3 4-6 8-9 9-5 67-9 86-6 87-2
Why do we waste our time here? 3-6
evolution-religion 1-6 3-7
Anyone else notice this? 1-4
Is sexual addiction woo? 1-4
I will scientifically prove this so called 'Woo' as truth. 1-2
What's wrong with the bloody weather? 1-5
A Review of TGD by a Christian 1-2
Catholics threaten DC over gay marriage 1-3
About declawing domestic cats 1-8
An experiment to observe the apparition of replicators. 2-3
Justification of Negative Atheism 1-9
Atheism Offers What? Nothing. 5-6
places he has never been 2-3
Christianity 1-4
POLL - If parapsychology objectively evidenced 3-2 4-3
No category, one question 2-9
Conspiracies, the Paranormal, and the New Age 1-7 3-6
Symphony of Science 2-5 2-8
A Non-Christian's Twenty-One Theses 3-4 3-6 3-8
I feel like going mental! 2-6
I am Officially Changing my Name (maybe): 2-3
I am the second coming! 2-10
Prince Charlie Urges Alternative Medicine Protections 1-2
Dawkins Worship 8-8 8-10 9-2 9-6 16-1 16-8 17-5 27-5
Reasons behind unbelief? 1-6
Hyenas 5-5 8-10 12-6 12-9 14-3
Do you find the word 'woman' offensive? 5-5 5-8
Holy Books As Literature - An Atheist's Dilemna 1-7
Gotta love Christian censoring 1-8
Gaps in the English language 1-2
Similarities between those that do and don't! 1-2
Am I wrong not to say the pledge at school? 2-3
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 6-3 7-8
Atheistic expression in the arts - what forms would it take? 2-9
Will Anti Aging research Kill God 1-3
incorrupt bodies, the holy light, and other modern miracles 1-7
Experiences with racism 1-3 3-10
What would you do to be popular? 2-6 2-8 3-8 3-10 4-3
Refused to study bible for class 3-1
When Should A Man Or Woman Not Marry? 3-4
What's with this argument? 1-3
What am I looking at 1-7 2-4
What is the coolest animal... [new age consciousness derail] 2-8 3-4
Rage Against The Machine for UK Xmas number 1 2-1
Why are a-theists irrational? 3-3 4-4 5-4
Parents support alt med, I go to the chiropractor: advice? 2-6 3-2 6-4
Non-human Animal Chat (for humans) 4-10
Don't Atheists have anything constructive to say? 4-10 18-5 29-2
Why is Atheism becoming more relavent by the year? 1-2
Would You Rather Stop Existing Or Be Reincarnated Forever? 2-1 2-10 3-7
Faith Freedom? 1-7 2-1
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? 1-2
Atheistic behaviour 1-5 2-1 3-10 4-8
Atheists: Why Live? 1-7
Is "New atheism" real? 1-2 1-4 1-7
Should I get myself a pet? 1-3 4-3 4-6 4-10
Is it moral to kill ? 4-10 6-2
Are there any athesists AGAINST gay marriage? 2-5 7-9 26-5 26-10
Ouija boards 2-10
Has D.J. Grothe has been sacked at CFI? 1-2 2-2 2-4
Evolution of a being of light? 3-9 4-4 5-7 7-3 8-2
It's all over. Jellyfish can now fly 1-5
Obesity, air conditioning and global warming. 1-9
Am I being intolerent? 2-6 3-7 3-10
Jesus and Mary Image Found in Orange 1-6
Gaining Atheism but losing yourself 1-5 3-2 3-4 3-7 4-8
Did anyone notice Alex Reid being converted on Big Bro..? 1-10 2-3 2-6
What would it be like to be severely mentally handicapped? 2-1
Sagan quote confusing 2-3
The Vita Myth? 1-3 1-5
Post your godless beasts here! 1-9
Does Anybody Play Farmville? 1-5
lol, obsessed Tampa church takes over our atheist billboard 3-4
Could this trick be real? 1-9
Photography Laws 1-3 1-9
Mendelian Genetics and Super Mario Brothers 1-2
Why are atheists so smug? 6-8 7-5 7-8 8-2
You are old, in failing health and your relatives are gone 1-10
When this is over it wont be God I'm thanking... 1-4 2-4 3-2 3-8
Shouldn't atheists support fundamentalist Christianity? 1-2
Do animals commit suicide? 1-8
Why Women Commentators in Men-Dominated Sports? 1-6
Those in no man's land 1-2
we are a species of homicidal maniacs 2-4
Celebrity Atheists Expose Their Hypocrisy 2-4
Harry Potter and Superstition 3-7
Have you ever been to church? 3-3
Anti-vax: Original Autism Study Retracted 1-5
racist f'ing atheists.... :( 3-10
Prince Charles Declares War On The Enlightenment!! 1-10 2-4
Who is ignorant, stupid insane or wicked? 2-7
Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse? 1-8
Dawkins's Theory for Homosexuality 1-7
Frustration and The Opposite Gender 2-1
Living in a world where atheism is the dominant "belief" 1-8
Do the Atheists drink milk of the cattle, eat eggs of hen? 4-9 12-8