List of Postings of User Hal9000

Definitions of Faith 5-8
Big Bang Theory 16-9
Noah's Ark 13-4 40-1 41-4
Kent Hovind 29-2
Evolution of Religion and Belief 3-10 4-4
Favourite Podcasts 2-2
Radiometric Dating 7-5 10-10
Hypothesis, Theory, Fact and Law 24-2
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 42-4
Creationism / ID - lets see your evidence 38-8
Pascal's Wager - Revisited 2-10
The Dawkins Delusion 12-10
Micro- and macroevolution 6-2 9-8 10-3 13-6
Is atheism a religion? 3-1
The Dawkins Delusion - the book 6-4 8-3
Poking Holes in the "Theory" of Evolution 5-8 6-2
How is new information added to DNA?/ Game Over 8-10
Please give me a reason that ALL of this is wrong! 3-8 3-9 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-6
Adolph Hitler preached the Laws of Natural Selection 4-2
Reincarnation ? 3-9 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-9 5-2 6-10 20-1 21-2
TheChampion's Anti-Evolution Garbage Collection 60-8 61-7
The Moon Landings : Real or Fake? 8-4
The scientific miracle that is the Quran 10-9 14-7
Pains of childbirth 2-6
Randi goes on the offensive 31-5 31-7 32-1 33-2
Swearing on the bible. 1-9
Strong Evidence God Exists! 1-9 7-6
Right or wrong? 5-3
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 35-5
Richard Dawkins 'stumped' videos... 4-3
Layperson's Guide - Mutation and Information 1-1 1-4
Is being an atheist a choice? 3-3
Mediums and Psychics 1-1 1-4 1-8 2-6 5-6 5-9 6-4 22-8
2 Questions, take your shot 2-7
Atheist Funerals 2-9
A catholics response to Richard Dawkins 4-2
Giving speech on how awesome it is to be atheist NEED HELP 3-2 3-4 3-6
Should I go to a Xtian Wedding? 2-3
Atheism FAQ: An Atheist answers common Religious Questions 1-7
Where do you get your morals from? 1-5
Is the author of genesis a fool or a genius? 1-3
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 3-8
How United Are We? 3-5
The Hell Delusion 1-2
Contemporary Resurrection 1-1 1-7 1-9
Matt Ridley "Genome" 1-9
I'm talking to a fundamentalist christian... 1-8 2-1 2-6
Hypnosis - What do you think? 3-9 4-3 12-5
Lost Tomb of Jesus 5-5
The Earth is only 6000 yrs old so I also don't believe in... 2-5
Religion & Reductio Ad Absurdam 1-4
A Question about Temperature 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-8
atheists more Suicidal 3-4
Peter Popov 1-5 1-7
Lesbians in prison 2-2
Elegant Universe and Fabric of the cosmos 1-6
Wave Function of the Universe 1-3 1-8
Nationalism 4-1
Defining the disease of Faith 1-4
My one problem with atheism 1-6 2-5
Virtual reality puts telepathy to the test 1-10
Proving God is good and exists 2-2 4-3 4-6 5-10 7-8 9-4 12-8 14-2
When did you first start to think your religion was faulty? 7-4
The Matrix: anyone ever feel............ 1-4
Morality; some mistakes I've seen us (atheists) make (imho) 1-4
Hello from Texas. Help needed. 1-6
Are Chiropractors full of S@%t? 6-5
Who's the most rational? COMPETITION! 1-9
Irish Independent newspaper pro ID editorial 8-2
Atheists are scientific hypocrites? 3-6 4-8 5-3 6-4
Do animals have souls? 1-6
Atheist dare 2-3 3-2 7-8
mobile phones - health risks? 1-6
Is Atheism really logically defensible? 1-6
Shouldn't we all be terrified of Heaven? 1-3
simple debunk of Genesis 2-4 2-7
A child asks you where you go when you die... 1-5 1-10
Isn't the option of atheism essential for Christianity? 1-3
Does Anyone Else Feel Guilty? 1-2
Hitler was Christian 1-4 1-7 3-2
Flood debate comment thread 12-1 56-1
Infinite universe = Infinite forums 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-1 3-3 3-7
Silliest / dumbest atheist misconceptions 1-9
What turned you off to religion? Question from a Christian 4-5 4-8
Mustard Seed Experiment - "Atheist Dare" revisited 5-1
The World is FLAT!!! 1-3
The Trouble with Physics 1-3 2-1
Where is Jesus' body? 1-8 2-6
Real evidence of Jesus? 1-2 1-7
Were there ever any wild sheep? 1-4
faith makes you live longer? 1-5
Investigation into miraculous claims 1-2
William Lane Craig and the Argument from Personal Experience 1-3
Abiogenesis / Origin of Life 10-7
Race/Intelligence 1-5
Atheist role in a sitcom 1-3 1-5
3 reasons why homosexuality isn't a choice. 6-7 7-2 7-4
pi 1-2
need your help 1-6
9/11 Mysteries: Engineering Help Required! 3-2 3-5 3-9 4-1
The Universe is contingent upon "prior" conditions 3-2
Saturn: now all we need is a very large spanner! 1-4 1-9
Religious Significant Other 2-8
You don't believe in God 1-1 1-5 1-8 1-10
The "god" of the Bible. 1-6
The most hated family in America 1-3
Evidence of God 5-8
religion VS science 1-9 2-9
Death bed conversion poll 1-2 2-3
The Self-Existance Delusion 1-10
Help exposing a teacher to positives of atheism 1-9
Entropy and Gravity 1-2 1-6 1-9
Parallel lines 1-2
Church attendence from the UK 1-7
Demolition of all religious architecture; literature 1-6
Other species evolving consciousness 1-2 1-5 1-7 3-1
The central concept of Christianity 4-1
Question for xians: Why did Jesus only visit one place? 1-5
Greetings from the closet 1-8
Ask me questions... 25-8 28-6
The Utility of Religion 2-2 2-10 3-5 3-9
Informative Atheist Speech 1-5 1-7 2-2
Dawkins on Bill O'Reilly 4-7
Oil question for christians and creationists? 2-4 2-9
Sympathy for the killer... reader discression advised 4-3
Atheism is a belief. 2-8 3-8 4-10 6-1 6-9 7-3 7-8 8-7 9-8 12-3 25-7 27-10 28-8 30-5
What animal species has lasted the longest? 1-10
Should the Horoscope/Tarot industry be banned? 8-9
100% Proof of God 3-7 3-9 4-8 5-8 12-7
Large Hadron Collider 1-1 1-6 2-1 2-3 4-5 40-8 41-3 41-5 42-3 42-5 62-9 88-10 91-4 91-7 91-8 92-2 100-6
Hi, I'm new to the concept of evolution and. . . 1-6
NASA's Chandra sees brightest supernova ever 1-5
Another Milestone in my Life as an Atheist...... 1-5
The Drifting Moon 1-2 1-6
Riddle For The Ingenious Atheist 1-7
believing in evolution 1-5
Wanted: rational conversation with atheist/agnostic 3-1 3-10 4-8
Help needed: Xtian scientist debunking ID video? 1-5
Religious fancy-dress party 1-8
a million questions 1-6
when the bible predicts science... 4-5
rational religion? is it posssible? 4-3 4-4
If faith is a virtue...? 2-9
Stumped by a Christian #2 (this one is very hard) 4-2
What I am afraid of 2-7
Can someone explain why natural selection is so special 3-9 4-4 5-3 6-9 7-1
Dumb Dawkins Quotes 5-4
Does having black skin in your ancestory bother you ? 2-2
The Speed of Light 1-4 1-6
Higg Boson Discovered? 1-1
Cosmology/astronomy question 1-2 1-3 1-6
Childrens book? 4-7
Will you worship God if he exists? 9-6 9-8
Fossil Records debunking Evolution 1-3
Probability and Evolution 1-7
level of support for the gene-centered view of evolution 1-8
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 3-5
What does relativity mean for selection? and Stephen Hawking 1-6
Kangaroos and Noah's Ark? 1-7
question from extended phenotype (regarding kinship in paras 1-2 1-7
Us and our big baffling brains 1-4
Need help with a debate... 1-2
Facebook asks "Are You Religious?" Survey says 'No' 1-1
Pretending to believe as a pay-off for belonging to a group 1-5
Ben Stein's 'confession' 3-1
Please explain the predictions that evolution can make. 1-4
The Placebo Effect 6-6 7-1 7-3
Derren Brown "converts" atheists to theism... 4-5 5-1
Atheists Against Abortion 62-3 62-5 62-9 65-8
Morality.... 1-5 2-10 5-6
OM on Fundamentalist website 6-5 19-6 20-1 20-4
Hip-Hop culture. Sigh. 4-3
The Eclipse as a proof of God 1-1 1-7 1-8 1-9 2-2 2-6 3-3 3-4 3-9 4-2 4-5
A Testable Model Of The Resurrection 1-7 2-6
Why does the speed of light always go at the speed of light? 1-4
Is death really the end? 11-9
Something out of nothing 1-2
A Worthwhile Half Hour 1-7 2-2
In Our Time - Radio 4 Science Programmes available here... 1-2
Evidence for the resurrection 1-3 2-2
Does the Universe Select for Intelligent Life? 2-3
Confessions from the atheist closet in Texas 2-2
Modern Day Miracle 1-4 2-8 3-7
Help Needed 1-2
Rapture Ready - amazing! 23-5 23-10 27-7
This has troubled me for a while... 1-6 2-5 3-1
Taking the Witness Stand 2-10
Contestant's T-shirt - University Challenge.... 2-1
Dawkins- unwilling star for local creationist 1-8
Dawkins not thinking clearly 11-7 11-10
A Challenge for Atheists 2-6
A factor ignored in responses to the Stalin/Pol-Pot argument 1-8
Who's up for defending atheism in Surrey? (June 8) 1-3
Question 1-2
Urban Legend in Ancestors Tale footnote 1-1
"More evidence for Jesus's existence than Henry the VIII" 7-2
Proof Against Evolution 3-3
Human brains 1-5
Please de-bunk this 1-5
Evian Water 1-7
Evolution is only a BELIEF!!! (Thermodynamics etc.) 1-7 2-1 3-2
2nd Law, Micro/Macro, and Cambrian Explosion 1-9
Evolutionists---What's Missing? 1-4 1-9 2-4 2-10 3-2 3-9
Problem: Death bed conversion? 1-4
Serious Discussion: Intelligent Design (April 2008) 4-8 6-3 7-6 9-1 12-7
The God of the Bible 8-3
100 Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid' being shown @ my school 2-3
The Burden of Proof 1-4 1-9 2-9 3-4
Sexual Selection 1-9
Debunking Darwinism 1-7
The Cell Theory of Organic Life is a Hoax 1-6 2-8 3-3 3-6
Convert me if you can! 1-2 1-4
delusional =? stupid 1-2
Logic 1-8
Resources for other side? 1-7 1-10
The Skeptic's guide to the Universe podcast 1-5
Was there a Patient Zero in the spread of the God Virus? 1-2
"In Defense of Intelligent Design" 5-2 5-4 6-1 6-3
Dispatches: In God's Name 9-6
I am a Christian and a Science major in college 7-3 7-5
Unanswered questions from Ask a Fundie 2-7
How to weigh a planet? 1-7
Quick study of Ark Feasibility, or rather the lack thereof 1-2
Is Jeremiah 30 fulfilled? 1-9 2-2 2-8 3-9 4-1 4-5 4-7 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-9 6-4
Awesome News 1-1 2-7 3-4 4-2 4-7
The Phoenix has landed 6-8 26-10
Jesus 1-5
Is there a time limit on miracles? 1-2
Newbies and lurkers... 1-10 3-2
Scientific "accuracies" in the bible 2-7
The age of earth according to the bible (question) 3-9
The tools for critical thinking 1-1 1-8
Urban Legends –Post your favourites here! 1-1 1-7
Doing a presentation tomorrow.. 1-5
Point of earthly existence? 1-6
Lady G Introduction 1-5
Fate 1-3
God and suicide. 2-9 3-6 4-2 5-2
Help me crush "The Fall of Adam" 1-2
The size of the universe 1-6 2-4 4-5 5-4 5-6
Have you changed your opinions? 1-5
Dating Moon Rock to 6,000 years? 3-9 5-1
Intelligent Christians 2-7 4-3 4-10 8-3 9-1
Counter to a faithhead!!! 1-2 1-5
Questions about taxes in England 1-9
My weird [supernatural?] experience. 1-7
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 4-1
Artificial vs Natural Selection 1-2 1-4
Louisiana and Intelligent Design 5-8
Someone once asked me a wierd but interesting question 2-8
Evolutionary Creationism 4-3 4-8 5-6 6-7 6-9 7-9 9-6
Is Evolution a Religion? 2-5 3-3
Demonic Possesion 2-1
What's the ultimate purpose of science? 2-8
Religiosity 1-5
Glamour lesbians attack Pope 1-10
PZ Myers, wafer biscuits, and intolerance ... 4-1
The critical flaw in Darwinism 15-3 17-7
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 39-9 43-8 53-8 54-6 68-10
Pamphlet 2 - Evolution in a Nutshell 2-5
Religious behavior in animals 8-3 9-5 10-5
Anyone know Polls on Christian vs Atheist Prison Population 1-5 1-10 2-5
Big Bang Myth? 2-2
Summary of Atheist arguments against the existence of God 3-7
Amusing Turns of Phrase 1-3
The Universe 1-4 1-10
In-between species? 2-5
Why is the sky dark at night? A poll. 3-3
Does Darwinism explain altruism and self-sacrifice? 1-6
Anecdote re Woo and belief 1-1 1-4
Large Hadron Collider 1-1 1-4 10-2 22-5
Evolutionist miracle 1-4
A new class of astronomical object? 1-9
Derren Brown's hypnosis: hard to believe? 3-5 3-7
Argument with religious 5-3 6-4 6-6
New Miracle Scam? 1-1 1-3
A couple of questions. 1-4 2-2
Geology for dummies 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8
Sneezing 1-1
Should My Children Be Removed From Me? 1-10 2-10 6-5
Origin of Information 1-2 1-7
This is probably very random 1-3
A little help needed for a response 1-6
Aliens? Are we looking in the right place? 2-1 2-6 3-2 5-2
Oldest Rocks on Earth Found 2-10
What's the Official Sport of Atheism? 3-4
Ran into some IDers today... 1-8 3-4
Origin of life. 1-3 1-6
Creationism - Speed of Light 1-5 2-1
Britsh creationist campaign-Help 2-1
Atheists I need your help......! 2-5
I believe in God and his name is Tarvu 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8
Forgive me for being dumb but... 3-6 4-1
Questions on the Selfish Gene theory! 1-2
TalkOrigins for Muslims 1-5
The Infidel Guy 2-5
Another question concerning information theory 1-6 2-2
Hand On Your Heart 3-6 3-10
Evolutionary advantage for Near Death Experience? 1-10 2-3
Rabbits and gene pools 1-3 1-5 1-7
What is evidence for there to be no God 2-7
Elegant Universe & string theory -- hokum? & books 1-2
Go God Go! 2-7
Disappointing. 2-4
Genesises'... Genesis'esses'... THE TALKING SNAKE EXPLAINED. 1-2 1-5 1-8
Why would they die for a lie? 2-4 3-2
Is it true that a bible won`t burn? 5-1 5-9
Russell Brand/Jonathon Ross Poll 1-9 2-2 4-8 7-6
Atheism isn't making logical sense to me. 1-8 3-9 4-1 4-4
Only one side will know they were wrong. 3-8 6-7
What if the sun stopped shining...? 2-2 3-9
Theism's critical failing 1-2
Freewill? 1-4
Wasting Time (for atheists) 1-9
Help required on a debate 1-2
what do you do when hardly anyone believes in god anymore? 1-10
Questions from a Jehovah's Witness 7-3
I just made a deal with a young British female Muslim on... 2-1
I'm a believer 8-10
That defining moment 4-1
Genes 1-3
Changing Subjects at University 1-3
Dr Grady McMurtry 1-2
For married folk 3-3
Quantum Mechanics and New "Scientific" Notions of God 1-3 2-8 3-2 3-8
Serious believers... 2-3
Why hasn't anybody "perfected" the cigarette? 1-3
The atheist's paradox 11-7
If there is no God 5-3 8-1
Jesus: Lord, Lunatic or Liar?--Poll 2-3 5-1 5-9 6-1
Dating of fossils, strata 1-9
What does that even mean? 1-3
Baby Chiropractor? 1-1 1-10
Derren Brown: Mind Reader 6-6
Personal dilemma. Opinions sort. 3-4
Regular Church Attendance tied to Longevity 1-8
Robert Winston Criticises Dawkins...... 3-7
Virtual particles and Hawking radiation 1-6
Six Flaws in Evolutionary Theory 3-3 5-5
Hubble's 78 billion years... 2-5
The Mentalist - TV Show 1-1 1-5
Darwin on Race...I'm Curious 1-10 3-3
Smash it up: Darwinian Demolition Derby 1-2 1-4
I quite like religious people. 1-3
A question for all the Atheists... 4-4 6-3 8-4 11-4 12-1 12-2 12-5 14-1
The Myth of the Council of Nicea and the Bible 6-7
5-A-Day data 1-1 1-8
Objective Morality 1-5
Darwin v Adam & Eve The First Humans 1-6 4-2 4-4 4-6 5-3
Will the Tevatron beat the LHC to the 'god particle'? 1-5
Sophisticated Christians 2-1 2-6 5-10 7-7
Best way to refute arguments by design? 1-2
Was Jesus Real? (Part 1) 5-4
Miracles? 2-2
Favorite movies and games with religious themes 2-2
Starless Planetary System 1-1 1-2 1-5
Do believers really believe? 1-3
How volume of papers does not equal truth 1-4 1-7 5-2
UK Schools and the need for Baptism 1-1 1-3 1-9
Single ancestor 1-6
Help please 1-6 1-9
The Charity Defense 1-10
the ridiculousness of evolution 2-2 5-3
Prove to me that humans resulted from evolution. 4-8
Are we destructive, emotionless robots? 2-10
Jim Carrey and yet more anti-vaccine woo. 1-3
Argument with an apologist(need help) 3-3
Why the 7 point scale is intellectually dishonest 1-9 2-8
Proof of God(help breaking this down) 1-8
Atheism and purpose 2-7
'Meaningful' relationship with a theist? 2-7 3-5
"Everything happens for a reason" 1-3
Centre of the Universe 1-5 3-9 4-4
Efficacy of prayer 1-1 1-3 2-8
Evolution is not really random 2-4
The unobservable universe? 3-1
question for atheists 1-7
The Teleological Argument 2-4
Need help debating Creationist. 1-10 2-3 2-8 3-4
I didn't know that! 2-7 2-9
How is life formed from non-life? 3-10
What do you call... 3-4
Is the Big Bang a Reliable Theory 3-1
Research question 1-5
Help with my converstion about Evolution with my uncle! 1-10
evolution sux 2-2
How do these organism just know to evolve? 3-4
If Every Species Existed at One Time 1-3
Young Earth Arguments in need of Debunking. 2-3 3-7 3-10 4-6 4-7
Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation posted on Wikileaks 4-10
Has this forum ever convinced a creationist they were wrong? 3-4
Please help me find contextual words... 2-2
Dawkins Converted to a Space Religion? 1-4 1-7
[22] The infamous canards surrounding "information" 2-10 3-10
Help debating a young earth creationist 3-1
Has Science Become a New Religion? 1-4
Atheism is a Fad 1-3
New to the debate 1-7
Global Warming Help 1-1 1-3