List of Postings of User Dagoth

What are you currently reading? 63-2
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 31-2 31-4 37-2
Is atheism a religion? 12-2
Ann Coulter 7-7
Sam Harris supportive of torture and the paranormal? 6-9
Why are you an atheist? 8-5
How many Aussies are here 14-5
Wikipedia as a source 5-7
Political Compass Questionaire 28-6
Right to bear arms? 26-9 28-1 28-4 29-4 30-7 32-3 35-7 37-4 37-9
Pullman: His Dark Materials / The Golden Compass 14-10 16-2
"True Blue Aussies Love Jesus" 3-8
Jena 6: Shocking racism in modern america. 3-5
Australia is not free of religious freaks. 7-2 7-7 7-10 8-4
Australian Federal Election?! 4-2 4-6 4-9 5-1 5-4 6-10 7-6 8-7 8-9 9-6 10-1 11-1
Are you a vegetarian pt. 2 1-8 2-3 3-6
Was nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki necessary or a warcrime? 19-1 19-3 21-5 22-4 22-7
Three Atheists - 1/2 Hour News Hour 2-5
New guy from Canberra 1-1
Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’ 1-2 4-10
ADHD: Is it a disease? Should it be treated? Why? Why not? 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-6 2-10
What religion were you? 3-6
How to avoid drifting into Nihilism after becoming atheist 4-2
What's wrong with curse words/swearing? 1-7
Suicide Is Painless 1-2 2-1 2-6
your opinion on "one laptop per child"? 1-4
Church cancels funeral for Vet because he was gay 2-6
Do you care about celebrities' lives? 1-4
vegetarians or ethical meat eaters 1-2 1-7 1-9 2-2 2-5 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-2 3-6
Freedom of Speech 2-9 3-3 3-6 3-10 4-2 4-8
How much money have you in the bank? 2-8
Was Rand Correct? 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-6 4-4 4-9 5-3
Should I bother reading Rand? 1-5 1-7 1-9 2-10 3-2 3-10 4-4 4-7 4-9 5-8 5-10
AA Symbol = Star of David 1-6
Class War - Future Revolt? 1-9 2-4
The Ultimate Bible Quiz 1-4
Why atheism is no more valid than religion 1-7
My kids have to study R.E. in year this right? 1-2
What was the last movie that you watched? 5-7
non muslims forced to observe ramadan in scotland 2-1 2-6 3-1 4-10 7-4 7-6 7-8
Here are your freedom fighters 1-10 2-2 4-1
Evolution For Beginners? Which Book Should I Read First? 1-3
Does Australia have a draft system? 1-2 1-3
Communism is bad but it brings home the Bacon? 1-2 1-6
global warming or Anti terrorism, which is more important? 2-2 3-4 3-9 4-3
Bill O'Reilly's review of The Bourne Ultimatum 1-8
Sign the Brussels petition! 1-9
Kid Nation - interesting idea 1-6
Any Atheist Please Read! We Need To Debunk This 1-3 1-8 2-2
Do even atheists dwell on God at troublesome times? 1-2
Anti Bush Shirt Lawsuit 2-1 2-5
New computer games you recommend - A must buy!!! 1-7
Group to Deliver Bibles With Newspapers 1-3 1-5 1-10
Treadmills for Power Generation? 1-9
Richard Dawkins Misquoted 1-2
Let's improve life in the present, and the future 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
Monarchy 1-7 2-4 4-2
Your schools, How religious? 1-7
Panorama Nazi David Irving, Hitchens... 2-3
Catholic bishops resigns from Amnesty ... 2-1
Hoplophobia: Is fear of weapons irrational? 2-3 3-1 3-10
Prayers said at Bournemouth Council meetings 1-3
How to Emberrass any ATHEIST. 2-6 3-1
Challenging "harmless" religion? 1-7
atheism is wrong 1-7
Why I still like teaching 1-4
Is it ethical to take drugs? 2-5 2-7
Who owns guinea-pigs? 1-4
Photovoltaic Advancment 1-3
Science without Mathematics; A Bad Recipe? 1-3
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 51-8
I am lost. 2-2 2-7 2-9
Support Amnesty International 1-9 3-2 3-5 3-7 4-2 4-5 5-3 5-9
John Howard busted "Tampa-ing" Wiki entry! 1-3 1-5
freedom of expression and right to offend 3-4
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 3-1
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 1-2
Australian Govt unveils new citizenship test 1-8
Islam - What do you think 5-1
Amnesty International are a bunch of hypocrites 3-7 4-2 4-9 5-2
Aussies - don't forget the Lunar Eclipse tonight! 2-5
Conversation with a Jehovah Witness 1-4
bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran. 3-2
The Anti-Americans 3-10
MDMA and it's positive effects 1-3
Does a Picture Really Paint A Thousand Words? 1-8 2-2 2-6 3-4
Worst Singer Ever 2-5 8-5
10 years after.... 2-1
Valedictorian Must Apologize for Mentioning Jesus or No Dipl 2-6 4-1
Is George W. Bush evil or just stupid? 2-1 2-4 4-3 5-8
Does anyone actually buy into the 9/11 conspiracies? 1-7
I'm fairly sure I'm a confirmed atheist now. 1-6
Save Creation Day 1-2
Coffee anyone....or something a bit stronger? 3-6
Alright , Nietzsche was a racist and insane (and protonazi) 1-9 2-1 2-7 2-9 3-3 3-5 6-7 7-4
Iran: Do you think this is real?? 1-2 1-4 2-4 3-2 6-7 6-10 7-2 7-9 8-1 8-3 8-10 12-10 14-1 14-4
Restrict driving age until 18, says College of Surgeons 1-1 1-8 2-4 3-1 3-4 4-4 4-6 5-2 5-3
Give A Toss For Britain 3-3
APEC in Sydney - thoughts? 1-4 1-7
Does it Matter if it's a Retreat? 1-2
Being a Wicca Teacher pays off 1-4
All UK 'must be on DNA database' 3-3 3-7 4-7 6-5 9-6 10-1
MMA, Boxing / Do Gooders call for ban on sport 1-6 2-1
I'm disappointed in Atheists 1-9
Does anyone detest Sean Hannity as much I do? 1-8 1-10 3-5
Illiterate Fag...WFT Jerry Lewis! 1-8
Opera legend Pavarotti dies at 71 1-1
The thin edge of the wedge in Canada? 2-10
Why a Scientist believes in God 1-5
Breaking News Ex-Gay therapy doesn't work! 2-10
Megachurch Leader D. James Kennedy Dies 3-1 3-5 3-10 6-3
Capitalism vs. Socialism + other questions 1-2 2-2 2-4
Question for Darwinist Vegetarians. 1-4 1-10 5-9 7-5
Bioshock 1-3 1-8 2-1
God Delusion Review, an angry Christian responds 1-8
Knowledge begets responsibility which begets guilt 1-2
The breakfast you ate. 3-7
Dopey Dubya At APEC In Sydney, Australia 1-10
is everyone laughing at us? 1-2 1-9 2-3 3-1
Death Cult 1-7
Donating your body to science 2-4
Poll on Literature 1-7
Why Should I ? 2-3
ideal humanist ideology? 1-8
Stephen Fry 1-9
CONTRADICTION? 1-6 2-2 2-6 3-2 3-4
Should atheists care about the Middle East conflict? 1-3
Professor calls for end of secularism in Australian Universi 1-8
Why do secularists often lean towards collectivism? 1-9
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 1-6
A non-preaching argument for the existence of God 2-6
Which are you? Poll. 2-8
Iraq war excedes $450 billion 2-6
My guilty pleasure, Mel Gibson 1-10
Are nuclear plants REALLY about electricity? 1-2 1-9 1-10 2-2 2-5 2-8 2-10 3-5 3-8 3-10 4-5 4-10 5-9
University student gets apprehended and tasered by police 3-6 4-2 4-4 4-7
NZ Christians Botch Party Launch 1-8
Inferred existence - a thread about [the knowledge of] 'thin 1-3
Who cares about gay bishops? 1-7
Have you ever been arrested? 2-3
More Catholic Idiocy from Poland. 1-4 1-6 1-8
Australian Navy expands "Spheres of influence" 1-5 1-9
SUV/Truck ban 1-8
Spelling 1-3
Shit it's sunday night and I am drunk 2-4 2-7
Penn and Teller's comments 1-7 1-8 2-2 2-5
Bill Maher: 3-3
Monkies and Junkies part 2 1-7
Am I the first to have snow this year? 1-2
Australia bans African refugees 1-2 1-6
Hillsong+Australian Idol 1-6
Muslim checkout staff get alcohol opt-out 1-2
North America Union - is this a hoax? 4-5 4-7 5-3 5-5
To Aussies 5-3 5-8
Jack Straw does the right thing, today! 2-8 3-1
Poll: the word "bright" as meaning a naturalistic worldview 2-4
"The architect has decided the word 'God' is offensive" sigh 1-2
Australia may ban the plasma television 1-1 1-7 2-3 2-7 5-4 6-1
Al Gore gets Nobel prize. 6-1 7-6
Vatican bars prelate for being gay 3-1 3-6 6-5 6-8 8-5 11-7
About bloody time, too. Aus election date! 1-7 2-9
Would you support the banning of Muslims from entering your 1-2
Is a womens place in the home??? 1-3
Which countries have you visited? 2-8
Latest Chaser skit gets Howard, Rudd Very Angry 1-1 1-2 2-4
They've only gone and caught the bastard! 2-6
Do animals have rights? 1-10
CA Congressman Gives Atheists a Bad Name 1-8 2-7 2-10
Atheists are not very bright... 1-9
Has political correctness gone to far?? 2-7
Rowling and Dumbledore Revisited. 3-8
Muslim prisoners sue for ££££'s after they were 1-5 2-9 4-7 13-9 14-1 14-4
The Sad Irony of Cultural Conservatives 1-6 2-2 3-2 3-5 3-8 4-6
Oz fundie politician crawls out from under a stone 1-3 1-7 2-3 3-1
The trouble with Russell's Teapot and the FSM 2-6
Why we need cameras in highschool lockerrooms... 1-4
Pope says don't give the meds. 1-8
Tony the Abbott insults cancer sufferer, lies, abuses politi 1-1
Australian Election Campaigns - Correlation and Causation. 1-4 1-6 2-4
Man murdered for watering the garden 1-1 1-4
The greatest threat to civilisation this century. 1-4 5-1
Musharraf imposes emergency rule 2-2
Australian Election - the AEC need a HOWTO 1-2 1-4 1-8 2-8 2-10 3-2 3-7 3-10 4-1 4-4
Church schools will lose freedom to select pupils...!!!! 1-6
Can Someone Explain To Me 2-5 5-7 5-9 6-6 7-6
Those inscrutable Chinese 1-5
Bush: Gay rights bill violates "religous rights" 2-6 5-6
Atheists Against Abortion 2-1 3-10
What do you think about the Green Party? 1-7 6-10
Election in 10 days! Which party should I vote for? 1-8
Animal Cruelty laws are clashing with practical problems 1-7 2-1 2-3 2-6 6-8
The Atheist you hate the most. 1-4
Interesting news for Australian-Indonesian relations 1-10
The New American Century. 2-9
Describe your political inclinations 1-3 6-7
Is wealth hoarding ethical? (Sting, for example) 2-2 2-4 2-8 3-1 4-3 4-6 4-9 5-3 5-8
Dispatches: Mark Thomas on Coca-Cola 1-4
Another Giant Gone. 1-5
Equality versus Liberty . 2-10
Shock Canadian Public Safety Campaign 1-7 2-3
Skullduggery in NSW - Libs busted! 1-6 2-1
Iraq War Motive 1-3 1-9
Children's book pulled by Catholic School Board 1-4 1-6 2-8
Australian Election 9-7 10-2 10-4
Atheism and vegetarianism 20-7 22-5 22-8
ASIO for Jewish, Muslim schools - Australia 2-4 2-8
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 28-1
Teacher jailed for insulting Muhammad 1-7
If Allah had created Adam and Eve (funny cartoon) 2-4
Heath Ledger Found Dead 1-10 2-7 3-1
Halal Meat in Subway 3-4 3-10 7-2 10-7
And what are we doing tonight? 3-1
Should Kevin Rudd apologize to aborigines? 2-10 4-8 6-4 6-8 7-4 8-10 11-6 15-5 15-7 16-8 16-10 17-3 17-6 19-1 19-8 20-1 21-9
Why should there be a term 'genocide'? 1-9
Agnostic/Modern European Monarchies? 2-1 4-1
Donor choose not to give lung to smoker? 1-10 2-2 3-4 3-6 4-3 4-5
Prepare to be offended 7-2
Mentally Handicaped Suicide Bombers. 4-2
North American Union 2-6
Female Muslim medics 'disobey hygiene rules' 2-6 3-2 5-4 5-8 6-9 7-9 9-2 9-7 10-1 10-4 10-6
Racist murder - worse than murder? 2-3 2-6 3-5 3-10
Iranian government outlaws pet dogs 2-2
World Leader 2-9
Fluoride 1-4
Arguments against gay marriage/adoption 5-5 11-4 12-3 12-5 12-10 13-6 13-9 14-7 14-9
What will be the reasons behind the next "World War"? 1-2
Poll: Pakistanis Turn Against Bin Laden 1-7 1-9 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-8
Is Doctor Horror Canadian? 1-4
Saudi ban on alcohol - any reasonable objections? 1-3 1-5
Mosquito device 2-10
Americans Think Nanotech immoral 3-2 3-8 3-10
Freedom of Speech: Equal dissemination of speech? 2-4
Price of alcohol and levels of alcoholism 2-7
Anyone else think that there should be more abortions? 1-2 2-4 4-4 4-9 5-1
Group proposes $5 monthly unlimited song downloads 1-7
What year were you born? 6-1
What would you do? 2-7
Fairtade fails to achieve goal - sop to middle calss guilt 1-3 1-6 1-8
NY Governor Spitzer Involved in a prostitution ring? 2-4
Victorian (Aus) Abortion Laws About to be Changed 1-4 1-7 2-3
Smoking, flms and Liverpool 1-4
Rowan Williams at it again 1-4
Sydney, Australia: World Youth Day 2008 Popery Festival 1-9 2-5 3-8 4-5 4-9 5-4
"White men may miss out under job plans" 1-6
Dump Good Friday holiday, says Reverend 1-3 2-6
The Robert Latimer Case 1-6
Video games! 4-10 5-1
Barack Obama is the son of atheists! 2-2
since everyone has wasted their time on Obama's minister 1-6 1-8 2-5 2-8 3-2
Barack Obama - Atheist or not? 1-2
I don't like the Aussie Accent 2-3 3-1 3-8 3-10
Kevin Rudd wants to raise the drinking age to 21? Bad Idea. 1-6 2-5 2-9 3-1 3-8
"Schools could offer Koran classes" 1-6
Was Alistair McGrath really an atheist? 1-2
What happens when plastic is not disposed of properly ... 1-10
How??? 2-9
Was the invasion Of Iraq legal ? 2-3
Earth Hour: Google goes black 2-4
Australian born babies face genital mutilation ritual 1-8
Australian Foreign minister Stephen Smith is an idiot 1-3 1-6 1-9 2-3 2-5 2-9 3-5
US Presidential Election 2008 - Hillary Clinton 1-10 7-9 8-4 8-6 8-8 9-1 28-7 29-9
The Olympic Torch 5-6 5-10
Motor Vehicle Speed Law and Control 2-2
Admit your sins to the Lord, priest tells gay judge 4-3
Anglican Church Grammar School bans gay partners at formal 3-6 3-10
Do you want Australia to become a republic? 9-8 10-4 10-6 11-1 12-3 12-8 12-10 13-2
But is it art? 1-7
Peak bad will it get 6-8 7-10 8-2 21-6 22-9 23-3
2020 Vision - no state sanctioned child indoctrination 1-2
NHS 60th Anniversary 1-2
Mecca Proposed as Greenwich Replacement for World's Time 2-4 4-8
$128m Tax-Payer Money for World Youth Day 1-3 1-5
Nazi link to Vegetarianism! 1-7
Darwin Award winner 2008 1-2
Time Magazine Sells Out to Global Alarmists!!1 1-4
Chris Hedges, a new side 1-3
Changing your government 1-5
ANZAC Bridge Ceremony 2-5
Veil in passport photos 2-4 2-7 3-2 3-5 5-6
Discrimination against gay couples to end in Australia 2-3 2-10 7-3 7-8
Should Muslim women be required to remove their veil to test 1-6
Sex and Power: What do you think? 2-8
South African government plans to 'cull' elephants 1-3
Parental responsibilities 1-3 1-7 1-9 2-3 3-10 7-2 7-5 7-6
Laws on same-sex marriage 1-6 1-9
Ralph Nader Thread (Independent Candidate for US President) 1-5
Would you go to church for a girl? 6-5
Aus Opposition Leader says "all kids should read the bible" 3-9
Prayer can cure cancer says Oz catholic cardinal 1-6
Melbourne Atheist Convention 2 - SOLD OUT! 19-8
Australia bans anonymous online comments 4-6 5-1 5-4
France Moves Closer to Unprecedented Internet Regulation 2-1
Should Greenpeace be a proscribed group? 6-9
Only *American citizens* are worthy of the Bill of Rights... 1-10