List of Postings of User MemeGardener

Memes 2-9
I don't believe in Atheism either...... 38-5
A New Atheist 1-1 1-9 1-10
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 9-4 9-5
Hello, I'm new. I've written a letter to 'Truth In Science' 1-4
My Introduction 1-3
Being in a Foxhole made me an Atheist 1-3
hello :) 1-4
Thank God for those Tax Cuts for the Wealthy 3-2
www. url not working 1-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8
Please give me a reason that ALL of this is wrong! 2-6
no aids virus fundmentalist theory 1-4
Hello 1-3
Hello 1-2
Science solves another problem: Teen pregnancy 1-1
Science unseats another false belief: Marijuana 1-1
Save the Planet! 1-4
Atheist Threat on Youtube 1-6
Richard Dawkins - Revelations Video 1-2
TheChampion's Anti-Evolution Garbage Collection 12-4 12-8
Christians are basically DISFUNCTIONAL 6-8
What's your partner believe in? 5-10
Dawkins on abortion 7-5
Would you repent, if God existed? 11-5
Is Dawkins creating a new religion? 3-9
Can religion survive the Internet? 1-1 2-5 4-5
Science is hard 1-1 2-1
Irrationalism, Poor Science and the Paranormal. 4-3
Does Religion win through selection? 2-3
The Power of Myth on Google Video! 1-5
Mithras, wow if this is true it's pretty amazing. 2-8 3-2 4-6 5-1
Why not one gospel? 1-1 1-3
I was just banned or suspended off Teen Christian Forums... 2-7
Sun of God 1-1 1-3
Supernatural claims demand supernatural evidence 1-3
If we 'cured' death, would we 'cure' religion as well? 1-1 2-4 2-6
How to Kill a Religion (YouTube video) 1-4
cults and religions 1-2
Christians lie 1-1 1-7 2-7
Christians and Death? 1-6
Religion vs. Mythology 1-8
Sales of Religion books in US on the rise? 1-5
Pan's Labyrinth 3-9
Cruise: The Christ of Scientology? 1-6
What can we do? 2-10
Do you have faith in democracy? 1-9
Yet another Christian site stifles discussion 1-10
TIME article 2-8
Jesus The Buddhist 2-7 2-9 3-1 3-2
Do Atheists practice self improvement? 1-6
Atheist Color Of The Month 1-4
When did you first start to think your religion was faulty? 1-6
What Would the Flying Spaghetti Monster Do? 1-2
Family Guy vs Christianity 1-3
You want proof God exists? Here's proof. 3-7
The greatest tactic 1-9
The Christian Bubble 1-1
A Few Questions for Christians and Other Theists 1-1