List of Postings of User Caveat_Imperator

Harun Yahya: Atlas Of Creation 42-6
Will History vindicate GWB? 16-1
Should the US change its Presidential election system? 11-5 11-9 12-9 12-10
Against Science 50-2 51-10
Happy non- americans 9-4
Obama is the anti christ 1-3
Is Obama a natural born citizen? 8-9
Just a basic fact against Evolution 6-5 18-6 20-5 24-10 25-1
Lance Armstrong running for governor of Texas 1-2 2-9
Why do genes reproduce? 18-1 29-6 40-5
Not so! 2-7
Evolution is a religion, not a provable science 5-2
The most offensive sticker ever 5-3
God talks through the junkyard of DNA 4-8
God is. The Jews prove it. 61-3
Six Flaws in Evolutionary Theory 9-3
Does God Exist? 9-6 16-8 34-2 34-3 47-7
intelligent design 5-6 10-10
Your favorite historical "What if?" 1-10 7-6
Talk humanly about any religion 93-2
Why there is a God... 11-4
50 Reasons I Reject Evolution 2-1
Open minded or hard hearted? 17-9 55-5 61-4 78-3
the ridiculousness of evolution 38-9
Lack of robustness on this site 14-1
The first principle of constructive creationism 90-9
Is anyone else disappointed by the Discovery Channel? 3-7
Pseudo Darwinism 12-1
Robert Byers Claims Diamonds Formed by Flud 6-9
MSN Iceman idiocy. 2-1
the existence of the mind points to the existence of God 3-7
Difference between you guys and radical Muslims 6-4 8-3
What if atheists ruled and dominated the world? 2-8
Definition Of Brainwashed 2-9
This just in, science and medicine prove a creator 2-6
Could the tree? 28-4
Inteligent Atheist Used To Be Dumb 4-1
Evolution Theory Science Or 7-5
Sky Saxon is dead 1-1
One single question can destroy atheism 10-3 15-8 18-3
Didn't Darwin change his mind about all of this? 7-8
Creationism the Bibles Viewpoint 32-9
One single question can destroy atheism Pt II 5-10
The subject of HELL 8-4
Christian Here! 35-4
Dawkins is God's Greatest Witness to God's Loving Kindness! 3-8 14-1
Wingnuts Newsmax calls for military coup 4-4
I'm here to answer, so ask! Wagner, Christian. 6-5
I can prove that Jesus produced miracles. 19-4
Jesus Wrote The Constitution 4-4
science in islam 7-10
Everyone has beliefs - atheism is one of them 27-1
What is everyone going to be for Halloween? 4-2
Proving God Right Here Right Now 50-10 60-6
Muslim Claim: Einstein was a Shia! 1-6
Proving God using reason. 68-9
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator? 20-6
What would make an evolutionist believe in a creator Pt 2 3-1
"Holiday Prayer for Atheists" 1-6
What is Richard Dawkins? 9-5
Refuting the atheists 5-4
A common creationist argument. 6-6
Darwin's brother 3-1