List of Postings of User the_dork

Peak Oil, Pt. 2 5-7 5-9 6-2 6-9 22-4 22-10 25-2 31-5 33-3 34-1 43-4 54-5 58-5 58-7 64-3 65-6 65-8 66-8 70-5 77-3 79-3 80-3 81-1 82-8 85-8 87-5 88-2 88-6 88-7
Terry Eagleton 5-4
Transhumanism, could it be.... 35-2
Favourite Dawkins Book? 15-2
Global Warming for Dummies 1-1 1-3 3-7
Dawkins, vegetarianism & ethics 1-1 1-7 1-10 2-4
How many books at a time? 3-7
Where to visit in Europe? 1-6
what news sites do you use? 1-1
science education 1-1 1-6
I have decided to become a vegetarian. 6-4
Population control 42-2 45-5 45-9
Visiting Africa 1-1
Desert Island books 5-10
Defend The God Delusion - visit Amazon 5-2
The New E.U Treaty 71-7
US vs UK 9-2
Places in England worth living? 1-1 4-2
What are currently your biggest regrets in life so far ? 1-9
Best first line of a novel? 18-9
National Healthcare 5-5
Replacing religion 'with something better' 1-1 1-3
Do you think that Atheists are pecieved as... 1-7 2-4
A Reasoned Critique of Migration to the British Isles 27-6 27-10
Dawkins' Next Book 5-4 5-6
UK Embryo Bill 17-2
Boris Johnson for Mayor! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! 4-9
British Councillor Says Welfare Parents Should Be Sterilized 9-5
Immigration 'small benefit' to UK 5-5
Fuel prices 3-3
Are you an elitist liberal? 1-4
The BNP, what can be done? 2-8
The Education system 4-9
could someone explain middle America for me? 1-1 1-4 2-5
[POLL] Spill your political opinions! 5-1
Why does Europe dislike Mexicans/central Americans? 3-8
Original dorkster 1-1
Ten People at a Dinner Party 3-8
do you like religious music? 1-1 1-10
Who inspired you the most, excluding people you know? Why? 3-4 4-3 4-9
Where to go in Central America? 1-1 1-3 1-10
Favorite Charities? 1-9
America is not so bad! 3-6
Claimants must work for their benefits? 3-1
General Member Survey 13-10
Where the world is heading towards? 2-3
'Expelled' movie available for Amazon review 5-9
Advice for University Courses 1-7
Wildlife conservation 1-1
Meet the rich 8-4
How genetic is intelligence? 1-1 7-2 7-4
What would you read to just relax? 2-5
Football 1-1 3-1 5-3 5-8
UK Holiday destinations 1-1 2-6
Is being a vegetarian the morally correct position? 14-7 15-2
What are you drinking tonight? 1-8
Enoch Powell, Rivers of Blood, 40 years on 10-8
Religious vs. nonreligious ethics 4-8 5-2 5-7 5-10
US Presidential Election 2008 - VP Candidate Sarah Palin 21-6
Things you live near but have never visited 6-8
Your proposal to save your country 6-6
Decent jobs (UK) 1-1 1-4 1-7 2-1 2-7 3-2 3-3
Why is skin color so important to most people? 7-3 7-8 8-2 8-4
Peak Oil 78-9 96-6
Ruth Kelly resigns! 2-7
What does mean to you? 10-1
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain 7-9
Ukraine: Neo-Nazis planned to bomb synagogue 1-2
Interview with Noam Chomsky - October 2008 1-5
Christopher Hitchens : Vote Obama 1-10 4-3
Cheney's abnormal heart rhythm returns 2-1
Do you live in a nation of whiners? 1-1
Are we all hypocrites? 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8 2-3 2-6 2-7 2-9
'poverty' in rich countries 1-1 1-4 1-8 2-5
Teacher training queries (UK) 1-1
Mad Mel on Dawkins 1-1 4-10
Atheism and Libertarianism (now with a poll!) 37-10
What topics do you like besides science? 5-5
Looking for a great American novel 1-5
Recommended popular Science books. 2-5
studying Maths (UK) 1-1 1-5
Talksport Sacks Jon Gaunt 1-4 1-8 2-2 2-8
What book opened your eyes? 8-4
How is the world recession affecting you 2-8
What philosophers would you recommend? 6-9
Kurt Vonnegut... 2-5
who is your fave moral/political philosopher? 1-1 1-7 2-6
Changing Subjects at University 1-6
Why hasn't Iain Banks won more awards? 1-5 1-7 3-3
Is 'class' now about intelligence? 1-1 1-4 2-5 5-7
Do the natives need faith? 1-1
What do you love/hate re: your country 1-1
Best theist book 1-1 1-5
50 book challenge 2009 6-1 8-6 11-6 12-6 16-10 17-6 18-3 19-8 20-4 20-7 21-1 21-8 21-9 22-4 23-10 24-2 24-10 25-1 25-3 25-6 26-7 27-9 29-2 30-8 30-10 32-7 35-2 36-10 38-6 40-5 40-9 44-6 69-7
Dream Team (UK only - sorry!) 1-4 1-7
Ex-muslim and Bacon 4-7
Are there music bands whos music is focused on evolution? 1-5
Indonesia 1-5 1-10 2-3
Uninteresting/boring Dawkins book(s)?? 1-5
daily routine/ 'free' time 1-1 1-4
only 'extended phenotype' left, worth it? 1-1 1-10
intelligent believers 1-1
'intermediate' science books needed 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-9
How Fast Can You Read? Where do you Read? 2-8
Book recommendations on history/politics of Islam 3-8
What scares you? 3-2
top 5 authors 1-1 2-6 4-3
Who is really to blame for the rise in 'NEETS'? 1-2
sociology akin to creationism? 1-8
Still haven't read it ... oh the shame ... 4-2
'There definitely is a God' Bus adverts 6-1
Your Top 5 2-8
On what moral issues have you changed your mind? 1-1 2-3
Get Brian Cox Off BBC Science Programs!! 3-2
Gays-why the hatred? 1-1
lawyer training 1-1 1-3
The Big Questions 1-1 1-5
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky 2-9
British Jihadis 2-7
David Attenborough on Jonathan Ross 1-5
Good sci-fi/fantasy? 1-5
Please recommend a good book about inventions 2-1
One law for all - march for it 1-1 1-7
Peter Singer's new book 1-2
criticise my economic illiteracy. 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-10
Brave New World Vs. 1984 Vs. We 3-3
The new Make Do generation 2-3
Philosophers born in the 20th century 1-4 1-8
What Are Some Good Secular 'Meaning of Life' Books? 1-5
Dawkins "...sumptuous royalties..." blast from Bunting 2-5 2-7
Toyota Prius discussion 1-1
Why equality? 1-1 1-5
Bansturbation 1-1 1-6 1-8 2-7
Geopolitics in 2050 1-1 1-10
Bangkok in State of Emergency. 3-2
Decent books on EU 1-1 1-5
Charlie Brooker on US news presenters 1-1
What % of people should go to uni? 1-1 1-4 1-8
Ibsen/Chekhov/Sophocles - help me choose? 1-8
Optimal work time 1-5
What popular things do you dislike? 1-1 1-3
UK Elections 2009 7-9
Nothing to be frightened of 1-7
informal survey. 4-3
Where are you from? 7-9 8-5 8-7
What are your Favourite Magazines Or Newspapers? 4-4
Things From America You Like 14-5
Science Fiction - general thread 1-8 3-3
White Western Guilt? 1-1 1-10
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism and Politics III 21-5
Top 5 poets 1-1 1-5
what are your qualifications? 1-1
Euro integration-good first steps or parochial? 1-1
Orthodox jews and automatic light switches 3-10
How rich is Brazil? 1-1 1-3 1-7 1-9
What are the Books that Cheer You Up? 2-1
Hi everyone - an Agnostic Muslim here... 1-9
Population is the issue 1-1
Having children 1-1
Saul Bellow 1-6
Michael Jackson Dies at 50 16-5
60% of US gays are god-botherers 6-10
Book swaps/classifieds 1-1 1-5
What is your favourite religion? 1-1 1-4 3-5
'Babes' of the BNP. Okayyyyyy 1-6
‘Thought for the day’ may be about to crack 2-5
Lesser known Orwell fiction - Aspidistra & Burmese Days 3-5 3-7
India: 62 years on.. 1-2
Stop funding faith schools - Iain Banks 3-9
Which book next? Recommendations 2-3
How many books are in your queue? 4-2
Where to meet girls? 1-1 2-8
Scientific field you find most fascinating. 10-5
Who is the Sick Man of Europe? 1-7
Top 25 books on evolution, I need to know! 4-4
Introduction to Computers 1-1 1-4
New Years Resolutions 5-1
Michael Behe-anyone familiar 1-1 1-4 1-8
Making extra cash (UK) 1-1
Any physics/maths degree holders (UK)? 1-1 1-3
RD on Daily Politics (BBC) 1-1 2-9
Chris Morris - Four Lions. Premièring at Sundance. 1-6
What is your economic position? 3-5
Fiction preference? 1-8
My Reading List: Yay or Nay? 1-2
Awful Books by Great Writers 1-9
Why are we so obsessed with sports? 5-4
How Autistic Are You? 5-5
What degree did you do? What would you do now? 1-1 4-4
What are the defining moments of your life so far?? 3-4