List of Postings of User Saerain

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 25-4
Is it OK to tell children there's no Santa Claus? 10-9
Dawkins on South Park 26-3
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 33-2 33-6
Spore: The game of evolution 5-4
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 63-1 74-6
Ann Coulter 22-1
The Blasphemy Challenge 25-10
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 16-4 26-2
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 76-7
Lame Joke Thread - Give us yer best shot! 28-8
Political Compass Questionaire 31-2 31-4
Favourite YouTube Videos 54-7
Paradox of Nothingness 3-8
Interview of McGrath by Dawkins 12-5
Fear of Death 10-4
Best science/religious movies 3-4 3-8
Childrens book? 5-9
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 20-10
Castrate Them 18-3 18-5 18-9
How Has Your Opinion Of Richard Dawkins Changed? 8-1
Ghosts: Your Position? 4-5
Humanity as an evolutionary 'accident'. 3-3 3-5
Oldest Known DNA Found in Greenland Ice Core 1-3
Food Taxation (read:Nanny State) 5-4
Liddle: Richard Dawkins is naive 2-10
Harry Potter and atheism 2-6
Richard debates Peter Hitchens (Christopher's evil brother) 4-3
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 9-3
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 8-7 8-9
Ferguson on "Dogmatic Atheism" 2-3 2-5
The Picture Thread 16-6
The Anti-Americans 34-10
Why men really do prefer blondes 4-3
All UK 'must be on DNA database' 21-9
Madeleine Bunting at it again... 2-3
Evolution in science fiction 3-4
Chief Rabbit Jonathan Sacks says Richard Dawkins is "angry" 2-7
Why do you post here? 1-10
Creationism and the Air of Publicity. 1-5
Human man resembles Neanderthal - Amazing! 1-2
A Decent Christian Review of TGD 1-4
What's the plan? 6-8
World's Worst Dictators 3-7
University student gets apprehended and tasered by police 3-5
You Know How Dawkins Talks About The Moral Zeitgheist? 4-8
What is Humour, why do we find things funny. 1-6
Not Ready? Better Get Ready. 9-7
Some Observations On Dawkins 1-6
What's the 'worst' thing you have said/done to a theist? 7-1 8-10
Half of all atheists below average IQ? 6-7
Why do theists post here? 6-8 7-2
USA Dogma 7-5
Pessimism: What is the problem? 1-7
Neo-Paganism 6-7
When did the soul myth start? 2-5
Is everywhere in America as tainted by this? 1-2
Thomson, Hirsi Ali, Dennett, Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins AAI V 6-10
How can I know I am not dreaming right now? 3-5
Middle School to hand out Birth Control Pills, Morning After 2-9 4-2
Dreaming 1-9
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 3-4
But no one believes 4-5
Atheists Against Abortion 49-7
Are we in the west more evolved than others? 12-6
Would you get out of America? 21-5
Wore the wrong pants.. 2-4
Is a Democratic President for 2008 In The Bag? 10-4
Muslims up in arms over Muhammad Teddy bear 5-10
Atheism killer 2-4
The Religion of Secularism 3-4
Scientology banned in germany soon? 5-6
Homosexuality and tastes 4-10
Brain stem cells sensitive to space radiation 1-3
High voltage fields in cells 1-2
Richard Dawkin's Photo Shoot 1-8
Is Racism acceptable in a Democracy? 4-8
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 5-5 5-10
Experiment: Does the Smilie make you yawn? 1-7
Jail for creationist row killer 1-5
Reflecting sunlight to ease climate change? 1-10
'Straight' meaning heterosexual 1-4
Do you get scared? 7-4
Geneology 1-6
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 4-2
The Queen's Speech 2-9
Mind blowing discussion about origins of modern man 3-9
Hitler was a vegetarian 1-8
HAVE there been ANY terrible things done in the name of A? 28-4
World Trade Center? What Really Happened? Pt. 1 57-5
Hitchens vs Boteach 3-2
UK Scout Association Bars atheists 10-2
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor 4-9
German Authorities Slam "The God Delusion" for Kids 12-2
Is the Tooth Fairy Real? 2-1
Are poor people responsible for their condemnation? 8-7
Rules For Dating My Daughter 10-7
I'm an atheist but... 4-9
Is Blind Atheisim as bad as Blind Religious Faith? 4-7 4-9 5-1
Atheism and Calculating Periods of Time 1-5
Is Waterboarding justified? 54-2
Atheism - is it 'bleak'? 4-1
Girls: take the power back with Rapex. 4-8
Too Femmy 8-4 9-3 9-5
Price of alcohol and levels of alcoholism 4-5
Irish Atheists buy domain 2-6
Satanic Atheists 6-4
Can I get fired for being an atheist? 4-8
"It's dangerous for children to know atheism exists!" 8-8
6 Reasons Not to be an atheist 14-6
To Achieve Immortality... 5-3
Did you jump any "moral" fence thanks to atheism? 1-9
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 11-8
How it feels to have a stroke. 2-3
Pantheism as "Sexed up Atheism" 2-4
Answering the Question: 'What Do You Believe In?' 1-1
Alternative names for atheists II 21-6 22-9
Childrens letters to god 2-2
Cartoon "child porn" to be banned 30-9 31-1
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 26-4 96-7
I feel sorry for America 3-5
Secular Equals Evil, O'Reilly Says 5-8
Do Most Atheists Condone These Vicious Tactics 23-7
Sun Might Hold Secret of Dark Matter 1-4
What if God were evil? 2-5
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 65-6 65-10
Do you think Incest is wrong? 3-1 3-6
Testifying under oath as an atheist 3-2
Organic Foods 4-1
Lot of implications in in a bottle indeed. 1-4
Warp Drive is Possible 5-2
White House Briefed On Potential For Mars Life 1-2
Death And Natural Selection. 2-1
links on Latest News section all give 404 errors 1-2
What would be the coolest science breakthrough .. 7-1
Tale of Two Americas 1-9
Is Russia justified in threatening Poland too? 16-8
God This Website Looks Shite 3-6
Retaliatory Gifts 1-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - Barack Obama 4 31-5
Your proposal to save your country 14-6
What kind of fallacy is this? 1-1 1-4
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 18-1 46-3
Does your spouse/partner ever get fed up with your atheism? 7-7
"The Beautiful Truth": Medicine's equivalent of 'Expelled'? 9-1
Bush on Free Trade and the Almighty 1-1
just community service for abuse of animals... 7-3
Aafia Siddiqui: 'The Most Dangerous Woman in the World' 1-6
US Army deserter seeks asylum 7-1 7-8 30-1
What are you doing with your life? 13-1
Atheistic Fashion! 2-10
Atheist on Trial 3-6
Favorite Bands/Artists 1-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 11-7
Pedophilia 19-5
Would You torture a baby to end world suffering? Part 1 36-9
Carbon bias? 7-6
Your star signs for the modern age. 4-4
Homeopathy & PZ 5-8
woo 1-7 1-9