List of Postings of User Thinking Aloud

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 43-9 44-2
Do Atheists need a symbol? 23-4
Musicians? 18-3 18-10 21-6
Are you on MySpace? 11-2
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 34-3
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 34-3 93-2 93-8
Church signs 25-10
"Expanding earth" Someone care to explain for me? 5-4 6-3 6-8 8-4
What to do with your corpse 7-7
Reading TGD and similar books in public 1-10
Where to visit in Europe? 1-3
No need to evolve. Creation more valid 11-5
religous evidence 3-10
Thought I'd better say hello...! 1-1 1-3
What symbol do you want on your grave? 1-6
And I thought Creationists were bad.... 4-3
Selfish Little Bitches 1-7
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 2-3
Why do many atheists dislike religion? What is religion afte 1-2
Very tough question, if you really think about it. 2-10
Darwin Award Movie? 1-2
How they built the Egyptian Pyramids 7-1
The existence of the Bible equals God. 2-7
Wouldn't Mary mother of Jesus have been stoned to death? 1-2
What religion were you? 4-3
A phenomenon and a theory. 1-2
I have a problem with sex 5-8
Atheists and Humanists in Leeds and West Yorkshire, UK 1-5
Final proof of the existence of God! 1-3
The Picture Thread 75-4
Using Reasonist for 30 Days 5-7 6-2
Can Atheists Be Poets? 7-2
Pat Condell 20-5
godisnowhere 1-4
Stone Soup - an Atheist Parable? 1-4
Memories from the Confessional 3-1
Do you want to stop the terror of religion? Join the Illumin 1-5
Oh the things your 3 year old says!! 1-9
The Firmament - "proof of God" 3-1 3-6
Why do we rotate along with the earth's rotation? 2-2
Help needed with intelligent design debate! 1-7
Forum 1st Birthday Party !!! 4-7
If we Atheists joined together... 1-8
Sabbath-keeping 1-10
any recording engineers on here 1-9
The Childhood Photo Thread 16-7
Transitional Fossils 1-2
Richard saying grace? 1-10
Earliest musical memories 5-7
LSD - a cure-all or a dangerous substance? 19-3 19-8
Noah's Ark Again! 4-6
What miracle would prove to you that I was the Messiah 6-3
Hi, im british and musical 1-8
Creationist Ken Ham - Flyer. Help! 7-10
Repent, sinners! The Armageddon is nigh! 3-5
Northern Scottish atheists? 1-9
Formal Debate Challenge: Is the Bible Inspired of God? 7-1
One God 10-2
Is the world flat? 1-9
The Problem of The Word Atheist 1-4
Islam taking over Europe 3-2
Help disprove Astrology: Aries- Virgo 2-9 3-4 3-6
Preserving sanity as an atheist 3-7
Human Beings - Common throughout the universe 5-5
What brings us to this forum? 2-7
Dawkins and a universe with a god 1-7 2-4
How the crap do spiders make those massive long webs strands 2-9 3-3 3-4
Metaphors, Analogies 1-3 2-2
Would you share £30,000 winnings? 1-3
n 1-2 1-3
I could use some help. Please? 1-4
What are everyone's side activities? 6-6
Scale 2-7
Songs of Praise 1-4
The last day... 2-3
Lapsed Atheist returning to the flock... 1-2
Some verses I never heard in church on Easter Sunday 3-6
Heidi's religious message 2-10
Claims to fame. 2-9
Expelled? Atheism Needs Movies 3-1
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 4-6 11-3
Jesus praying in the garden 1-7
This is why you never debate creationists ... 3-4
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 6-2 7-6
Got ripped off £4 replying to a radio advert... 1-7
I attend a Christian Principle Approach School 2-3
Sam Sparro - Black and Gold 1-1
Death By Techno 1-7 2-1 2-7
Why don't they make a reality TV show about atheists? 4-5
The big button 1-4
Help Please - Nutter on another Forum 2-2
Argument from Authority 1-5
Plate Tectonic Theory and Global Warming 1-6 2-1
What's Your Favorite Chord? 1-5
Do atheists believe in Love? or is God and Love now dead? 2-8
What did Noah do with all of the dung? 1-10
The global warming religion Pt. 1 17-9
That Woo You Used To Do 4-8
Amateur astronomers? 1-10
Patriot who doesn't believe in St George 1-5
evolution of limbs 1-6
Earthly religions viewed by aliens. 2-4
Huge 6.1 earthquake shakes Iceland & me 2-3
Teen snaps eerie ghost 1-3
The drunkest you've ever been 2-10
RDF Forum stereotypes 9-7
Should I be offended...? 2-5
Hiya from Toronto! 1-5
Why Don't Bees Go to Heaven? 1-8
with whom do you share a birthday? 2-2
High speed rail in the UK 1-3
Question 1-2
Copyrights and patents; good or bad law? 2-1
a new atheist needs your suggestions 2-7
This fundie madness has to stop 1-5
"No Graven Images!" 1-1 1-6 2-3
The duck that destroys evolution 4-10
Macromutations, Snakes and Xmen 1-9 2-1
scam spam in my inbox 1-5
Hello from Leeds 3-2
God is Simple - Can we put this BS assertion to rest already 1-9
well then, satan it is! 2-4
In a war between your icon and my icon, my icon would win. 11-4 11-5
Best cheese ever made 2-9
A rant. 2-3
Anecdote re Woo and belief 1-8
Ape to man? 2-3
Anyone from Scotland? 2-7 3-5 4-9
Jesus has returned! And He's making pizza! view! 1-4
The Venus Project 1-6
Deja Woo? 1-9
The real burden of proof 2-1
Evolutionary advantage for Near Death Experience? 1-4
Why do mirrors flip the image left to right ... 1-7
JW dream comes true! 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-8
Charles: Defender of Faith? Discuss. 7-7
How Evolution Proves the Existence of God 2-6
Hollow Earth 1-5
For married folk 3-1
Ex-muslim and Bacon 1-10
Jesus and the interpreter from the future. 1-4
Should prostitution be legal? 12-9
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 6-2 6-7
Car crash 2-6
Who's deluded? 5-6
Confirmation name??? 5-2
Pictures of thee, Thread Part VI! 77-10
Ctrl v ... 14-4
a religious reaction for aliens 2-8
Your usernames 7-1 11-1
Son brought home "Noah's Ark" from school. (U.S.) 1-7
Criminality and Christianity 1-2
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 6-9
Indecisive Christian-agnostic-atheist-deist. 1-5
"Who Quoted You" 1-8
An atheist in a pickle. I'm looking for advice. 2-3
Who are you? 1-3
Subjection and Escape -- my story 2-2
How can you be a happy atheist? 6-6
POLL: Should transsexualism be performed by the NHS? 2-3
Religious indoctrination in UK schools 4-5
Whose on Skype? 1-2
The Myth of 'Choice' 3-5 3-7 4-9
Finding religion later in life 1-2 1-4
Why only Natural Selection but not Convergence or Symbiosis? 1-2
Christian Side Hugs - Frontal Hugs Too Sinful 7-6
So, apparently there is no god. 1-4
Atheists, how many people have you raped and murdered? 2-8
I make little girls cry. 1-2
Answered Prayers 1-7
What do you do when at a church wedding? 1-5
Believing in God - But not the Bible 1-3
UK, the land of depravity? 3-5
Atheism Leads to Eugenics? 1-2
A Prophecy Fulfilled? 1-2 1-10
Computers and the Bible 1-2