List of Postings of User kaybee

Big Bang Theory 16-8
Darwin Fish 4-3
Marriage 8-5
Kent Hovind 16-7 19-7
A Non-Christian Calendar 9-9
The Official God FAQ 4-9
Am I the only atheist police officer here? 2-9
Fear of Death 5-7
Tyrone went to Hell 5-8
UK floods are God's judgement. No, really. 1-4
No disasters possible? 2-1
Hello 1-1 1-6
As a doctor, I wish to register my disgust.. 1-6 1-7
Send us your children! 1-2
Atheist Spending 2 months among Mormons 1-6
Oldest Known DNA Found in Greenland Ice Core 1-5
The Earth is smaller than assumed 1-3
Why pray to the Christian God? 3-3
A quick hello 1-5
My encounter with the Jesus squad. 3-1
Help - I don't know what this insect is 1-2
Evolution and Creationism 2-2
Why Jesus Died 38-4
Rational Response Squad/False Scholarship 3-9
Where does the idea of Hell come from? 1-1
scared of fundamentalist america 2-3
Democracy panders to idiots? 1-4
How many people have you converted? 2-2
Drawn away by our lusts 7-1
The Passion of the Christ: A Study of Emotional Abuse! 1-6
The origin of God 1-6
weddings and supporting friends 1-5
little use for religion 2-1
Worldwide Flood Legends - Oral Tradition 1-2
Suitable Science Sites for a Child. 1-1 1-3
Being open minded 1-4
Who suffered more: Jesus or Judas? 2-2
Works of religious brilliance 4-6
Conundrum 1-1
Miracles: the key to gaining Faith for non believers 1-7 2-10
Religion: Hope or Fear? 1-4
Religious Book Seller Struck By Lightning 1-3
Modern Art 1-9
How much does Evolution have to do with atheism? poll 3-5
Is this world a basketcase? 1-3
How is the scale? 1-6
Does God Post In This Forum? 1-10
New chimp culture in The Congo 1-5
Cleanliness next to Godliness 2-2
How many books at a time? 3-5
First Life? 1-4
Any more atheists in Yorkshire? 2-5
Young Homo habilis. A misunderstanding needs clearing up. 1-7
Have the Police Gone too Far? 6-4 6-6 6-10 8-4
non muslims forced to observe ramadan in scotland 3-2
The Enemies of Reason - My father is still alive? 1-8
The Light Barrier. 1-1 1-6 1-8
Religion to blame for rescuer's deaths? 2-3 2-4 2-5
Hello, from a Celestial Teapotist from Chester! 1-3
Heathrow protest: not-so-happy campers 1-7
The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology (Warning: disturbing) 3-7
afairyist 1-4
Greetings from beside the seaside 1-3
Ted Haggard needs your support 4-4
Anyone selling a satellite dish?, it doesn't have to work... 1-9 2-1 2-7
Lord Kitchener 1-2
$190 mil for a church and no school ~ 2-6
Jesus Was Stitched Up!!! 1-3
Math: Gift from God or Work of Man? 2-5
Living Proof Dinosaurs Existed With Humans Found! 1-3
Ray Mears Lecture 1-4
Best Ad ever 1-1
Marilyn Harry Comes To Town 1-4
Avoiding the 0 2-6 4-10
An Atheists View on the Bible-= 1-6 2-1
Who would you resurrect? 1-6
Rugby World Cup - USA robbed by incompetent South African 2-5
Hardline takeover of British Mosques 1-6
Sports Question - Anyone know? 1-7
Alien Genetics. 1-1
The Manchurian Candidate 1-3
Great Quotes about religion... 2-6
Top Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than Jesus 1-10
Parallel universes exist - study 8-1
Forum 1st Birthday Party !!! 4-1
Evidence for Pre-Flood Sacred Writings -- Source for Genesis 5-7 6-7
council of europe vote 1-2
Greetings from a Christian 1-3 2-7 3-10 4-4
Vatican invites astronomers to discuss galaxies 1-6
Chinese Farmers growing rice before the world was created. 1-2 2-3
Truthism 1-9
The point of life 2-10
Faith Schools and BBC Have Your Say. 1-7
Education everywhere but no one uses it 2-4
Pope's story through eyes of cat 1-2 1-6 2-8
Halloween! 1-2
It hasn't actually been a particularly good day 1-9
afdave1: please answer my question/ 1-2
Did Einstein have HFA/Aspergers? 1-4
Vatican in forgiving mood again. 1-1
Christians taking FSM as a direct insult to the Christian fa 2-8
Writing project on malaria 1-2 1-6
Behe's IR claim: Birds lung 1-7
Infinity 1-7
If this is the UK, what's happening in the US? 1-2
The End of the World Tour 1-3
The Discovery Institute 2-2
MUslims boycot crisps. 1-9
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 4-8
Whatever happened to Nessie? 1-8
Garden of Eden's meaning... Defined! 1-3
Soft Dinosaurs? 2-10
Real Evil 1-6
Seaside greetings from North Yorkshire 2-1 2-9 3-6 3-8
We evolved from the big bang. 1-9 4-9 5-6
we evolved from apes, now what? 7-2
ICR article "The Logic of Biblical Creation" 1-8
Do you realize a sandwich changed the course of history? 2-1
Learning to type 2-6
I am not an Atheist, Skeptic, and Not Your Enemy 1-3