List of Postings of User Jack Rawlinson

Jesus Camp : The Movie 40-10
Introductions 21-10
Marriage 33-9
100 Reasons Why Being An Atheist Is Great!!! 21-6
what would you say 1-5
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 18-8
Non-believers are necessarily nihilists 15-3
Best religious parable since invisible pink unicorn: Hank 2-2 2-8
Terry Eagleton 2-7 2-9 4-6
Dawkins on South Park 31-3 49-6
Musicians? 27-6
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 64-10 65-1
Is atheism a religion? 13-6 15-2 15-3
unweaving the magic tricks 1-8 2-8
Life of Brian 12-10 13-1
An excellent argument for Gods existence! 25-9
Glasgow scotland 6-5 6-8 7-3 7-6 8-9 8-10 9-3 9-8
Atheism can damage your sex life 6-1
Death 6-7
What Evidence would make you believe in God? 84-10
Out Of Body / Near Death Experience 14-1 14-9 15-1 15-3
What's your partner believe in? 4-10
You're just quoting Dawkins 2-2
Do you feel superior... 3-10
Meaningless Meaning 2-3
How strong is your atheism? 3-9
Best religious joke? 6-1
Do you find swearing offensive? 5-1
Regarding insult slinging and ad hominem attacks. 5-8
Why are you an atheist? 14-6
What is the story behind your username? 40-8
Atheist Funerals 6-4 7-8
-The Death Penalty- (Part 2) 3-8
Im reading the bible 2-9 3-4 3-9
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 2-10
what's actually in the bible? 4-3 5-5
Solipsism? 1-6
atheism is a religon 1-5 4-9
Definition of God... 2-3 2-6
The "Put Up Or Shut Up Thread" 1-1 1-5 2-2 3-7 5-5 6-9
No god, but an afterlife? 55-1
The ideal woman 3-3
Why do people hate Jews? 6-8
Social harmony vs. standing up, which one and when? 1-5 1-7
Science v. Faith made simple 1-1
Atheist comedians. 2-6 2-7 4-5
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 18-10
xkcd 2-1
Loving message to all atheists 21-2
Marijuana 16-9 18-6
Do you fear death? 1-9
Agnosticism 2-7 2-8 3-4 3-5 3-6
Question for a True Atheist 1-6 2-3
Did your Mother love you? 3-6
I've been asked to be a godmother... 2-6 2-9
Why?... 3-7
Opus Dei: Work of God. 1-1
Can atheists marry in a church? 2-7
Atheist Alliance Conference VA/DC (Sept 28-30) 2-9 7-5 9-4 9-8 10-3 10-5 10-6 10-10 11-3
Epitaph for an atheist 4-4
Would you like if there was an afterlife 7-6 9-2
The Gay take on Atheist progress 3-2
What Kind of Atheist Are You? *Quiz* 5-2
Zeitgeist Movie & Addendum 23-8
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 14-1
Can an atheist alcoholic go to AA? 4-4
Will you worship God if he exists? 10-6
I don't like Christopher Hitchens 8-5 9-2 9-9
How much does Evolution have to do with atheism? poll 4-2 4-5 4-7
Andrew Wakefield 17-2 17-4
Goodbye from JimC 3-10 4-2
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 9-6 11-2
Death 9-10 10-2
Scenario: Religion as a Mental Illness 4-3 4-6 6-1
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 13-5 30-9 31-6 32-2
Understanding atheists. 1-1 1-3 1-5
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 12-2
Who do you idolise or admire and why? 11-4
Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations 2-2
Etiquette question about saying grace. 10-5
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 14-1
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 3-9
My Problem with Atheists 15-2 15-4 16-5 16-7
The Picture Thread 9-6
The Picture Comment Thread 29-2
Pat Condell 13-10 14-1
Stephen Fry 4-9 6-7 8-5
Calling ourselves atheists and being happy with it. 9-10 10-5 10-8
Amusing, thought I'd share... 2-2 2-3
The intricate beauty of theology. 1-1
Which are you? Poll. 6-6
Fill in the blanks - secularist rogues gallery 2-10
what would you study? 4-4
Intellectually offensive homework. UPDATE 4-8
Have you ever been arrested? 3-1
A special Thanks to all of you 2-4
A nation we'd all like to live in. 1-4
Is atheism sexy? 4-10
"GOD DOES NOT EXIST" Is An Affirmative Claim 11-7
Excellent letter in The Independent today... 1-7 1-9 2-4
The God Conclusion 4-1
No aferlife. It fills me with dread and panic attacks. 6-3
The ID/Evolution controversy in a nutshell. 1-1
Penn and Teller's comments 1-3
A.J. Ayer, Mike Tyson and Naomi Campbell... 1-5
Help needed with intelligent design debate! 1-9
Could you care less? 3-2
Young teen Atheist role models? 1-9 1-10 2-1
Why do you hate God? 25-5
The Problem With Independence 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-8 1-10 2-2
Why do theists post here? 4-3 4-8
Why is nature beautiful? 2-2
AAI E. Tabash speech video? 1-4
Clergy to remove Dog Collars for fear of Attack 1-7
[POLL] MDMA (Ecstasy) Usage 4-2 4-3
Which way does the dancer spin? 14-9
The fatal Results of the worst sin. 1-4
Happy Atheist Kids? 4-6 4-7
House - Atheist TV series? 4-5
The Atheist Tabernacle Choir 1-7
If Dawkins converted.... 23-7
Can I be called an atheist? 2-4
Muslim Council Questions - email them in! 2-6
Mathematics is rubbish-you dont even know what numbers are 2-7
Richard Dawkins Another Perspective 1-4 1-7
How can I know I am not dreaming right now? 3-6
Incomprehensible violence 4-7
What is the worst thing a theist has done to you? 6-9
Well - The God Delusion in RE class! 4-7 5-3
Christmas Cards 6-7
How do you deal with (non-fundie) theist friends? 3-3
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 2-9
Liberals must die! 1-7
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 7-2 7-3
Philosophy. Why bother? 13-4
Atheist Friendly Cities and Regions 3-4
Are there any Atheist Martyrs? 5-2
Is Religion all bad? 4-6
Dinesh D'Souza blames Atheists for War on Terror 3-1
What are you? 3-8 4-1
Atheists Against Abortion 17-3
earliest memories of disbelief? 5-1
Non religious funerals 1-7
Atheist Nation 7-6
Discussion with pseudo-believers, relativists and postmodern 1-7
Atheist Children's Book 1-3
Describe your political inclinations 7-4
We homo sapiens 1-8 5-5
Dilemma 1-8 1-9 2-6
The top 100 impossible questions for believers of god. 1-6 3-9
Seinfield 2-2
Wrong to label children "Atheist kids?" 1-3 2-10
Pretty smart Christian Dr. here. (Try to refute this) 11-6
Pascal's Wager no. 563927 11-5
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 15-10
What's the Big Deal about Science? 4-4
Atheists Believe! 4-7
Oh Dear God.. 1-5
A Miracle of Jesus As Historical Evidence 22-9
How many atheists go back to theism? 3-3 4-9
The problem with Atheism 10-5 10-9
Edited 2-3
Why are we the only group.... 3-4
Blair: Christianity "hugely important" while in office. 3-8
Coping with death 2-1 2-10
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 47-3 50-10
Speaking out (but a wee bit nervously) 1-4
the senseless death 2-4
Rejoice, rejoice! 1-5
Your dream Prime Minister 5-1 5-2
Is there such thing as graded atheist? 1-6
The gems thread 2-3
A Question 4 Britishes and Canadians. 10-2
An Atheist's Love Life 9-8 9-10
How does everyone cope? 5-10
The Pope Blasts Atheism 7-8 9-3 10-3 13-5 16-4 17-10
Teddy Bear names 1-10 3-6
Impotent Atheists 1-2
What should atheists call Christmas? 4-7
Christmas baking 2-2
atheistic religiosity 1-6
Atheism/Secularism: Canada v.s. Britain v.s U.S. 2-4 2-6 3-6 4-8 5-7 7-2 7-6
Sam Harris? 1-8
Richard Herring Mocks God 1-4
Russells teapot 19-2 20-1
positive atheist rolemodels in fiction 2-8 2-9
Cool video about European and Japanese bees. 1-1 1-8
Challenge to Atheists 11-9
Well Done, The Archers!! BBC Radio 4..... 2-4
LSD - a cure-all or a dangerous substance? 9-2
Dinesh D'Sousa: Misquoting THIS SITE 2-9
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 6-8
Nosey Journalist 5-9
Prove reality... 1-2
Birthdays 1-10
someone please help 3-2
Would this bother you? 1-6
Has anyone seen this book? 1-2
Depressing lack of change 1-8
thedistillers and the morality of god 4-2 5-8
An observation of contradiction. 10-5 10-10 13-8
I'm an idiot 3-10 4-6
Hoodies 7-3
feminism and stuff 47-8
BBC bans the word "faggot" from 20-year-old Xmas hit... 5-5
I refuse to believe you're an atheist! 2-6 5-1
Atheist Burn Out 1-8
Which philosopher has most influenced you? 4-9
Fluffy Kitten 2-10
I had a religious experience 1-5
Why can’t people write in plain, easy to understand English? 5-7
Atheism equals crazy? 3-5
Non-theists: what's your favorite theistic music? 3-7
The Queen's Speech 1-9
Going to Church with Wife? 3-4
God: Logically Proven! 3-3
Youth myth nr.1: Graffiti is art. 2-2 2-3 3-5 3-7
McGrathwatch...... 1-7 2-5 5-1 5-2 2-3
Atheism and vegetarianism 17-7
Would you attend a course to learn about Atheism? 3-6
Islam Must Be Eradicated For The Good Of Humanity 3-9
Places in England worth living? 3-6
i've felt the presence of the lord? 4-3 5-10 6-2
The New Atheism by Brendan O'Neill. 1-4
A theist argument I can't rebut 5-2 6-8
Dawkins Sneers 2-10
What language is this? Help! 2-4
The God Delusion Registration Question 1-6
Edge 2K8: What have you changed your mind about? 2-2
What's wrong with forced labour? 6-8 13-6 13-10
2007 Rapture 3-6 5-5
Why does God need worship? 1-8
Russell was vindicated in the early 1970s! (humour) 1-2
a few hard questions to evolutionists..... 3-9 9-1 12-3 12-4
Do you give to charity? (this is a rant) 3-6
are conservatives more compassionate? 2-3
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? 33-8 35-8 45-3 45-4 45-5
How do I get my housemates to accept my Atheistic views? 2-3
Randi Million Dollar Challenge to End 1-3
Help me, I've upset someone ... 3-6
Poll : Should atheists try to find common ground? 2-5
Questions For Atheists To Answer. 7-9
You Must Agree That Jesus Was A Good Bloke 4-10 7-3 19-10
Stress Tests! 1-10
Google finds searching for the word Jew offensive 11-9 12-2
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 14-5 18-9
Coming 'out' on Facebook 7-5 10-6
Why is life worth living? 3-6
A meme we must reverse! 1-4
Atheism Holy Book 3-8
Jesus Christ 19-4 19-7
You evil atheists!! 10-7
Dating a Christian. 1-6 4-4 4-9 7-1
What would your D.I.Y. Heaven look like? 2-1
Can you construct a logically defensible God? 11-3
Are you on Facebook? 4-10 5-4
Sitting through a funeral as an atheist 6-3
Iain M. Banks 4-2
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 10-4
And the 5th horseman of Atheism is... 5-9
Would you date an evolution denier? 8-6 8-10
Why atheism is wrong. 4-7
Criticisms of Atheism 18-1
you tube and Islam 8-8
OMG, How the hell am I supposed to respond to this? 8-8
A challenge! 3-8
For atheist parents... 2-3
Dr Rowan Williams' 'Cat Sat On The Mat' 1-8
Do you regard yourself as an 'Anti-theist'? 2-3
Basic Atheist morality 1-9
Suggestions for a better name for God 4-7
I’m Dreading My Sisters Wedding! 4-3 5-5
Godwin's Law 7-8
Can't take a joke... 1-3 1-5
How did we come to atheism? 2-3
Across The Broad Atlantic 1-5
One God 1-6 2-1
Bill Maher speaks out against religion again. 1-5
You want proof? 1-1
Why am I me? 9-10
Checklist 1-3
Fundies are spying this site 4-5
Which religious thinkers/leaders do you respect? 2-6 3-5
Being An Atheist 7-10
A new and better topic 1-7
Satanic Atheists 17-2 17-8
What do you think of books like these? 1-7
"A scant acquaintance with the Koran" - Jeremy Clarkson 2-1 2-5
one dilemma ive had as an atheist 2-1
Atheism = Failure 7-8
Book recommendation for new doubters 1-6
I just "came out" to my parents. 3-7
What class do you identify as? 2-9
Dawkins not thinking clearly 12-2
Did you ever really believe? 5-7 5-8 11-8 14-1 15-5
Funny Pictures 22-7
Lyrics that move you... 7-4 7-5
The Great Tantra Challenge 6-10
Atheism and Political Orientation 6-8
A Challenge for Atheists 12-10
The Atheist Apocalypse! 2-3
What's your favorite part of the Bible? 7-1
New Greydon Square 1-4
Hotel Bibles 4-6
In-N-Out Burger's Stealth Religiosity 2-4
RD & PZ at the Expelled movie 4-3
Poisonous Nonsense in today's Telegraph (UK) 2-3
I can't help wondering if frivolity would benefit the site 4-10
Texas Newbie Here (Family help needed) 3-2
Very important! The evidence that Holy Spirit exists !!!!! 3-1
Older People 4-2
Ockham's razor 4-10
What is the collective noun for creationists? 4-8
The Southall Black Sisters 1-3
Beware The Believers 4-10 6-1 6-2
Best response to this? 2-2
A simple idea 1-2
Consequences of atheism/agnosticism 1-3 3-6
Race Part 1: race and rape 3-5
What do you think of meditation? 1-5
Ethnic Categories 2-5 3-7
Shaking hysterically 3-4
Musicians Dilemma 2-6 3-8 4-3
Another Depressing Moment 4-2
Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished 1-6 5-3
Why does God like to hide. 6-1 17-5
Why do Xtians fear death? 4-1 4-9
Haha, heard a new one today 2-4
Brain Gym 2-9
An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 16-10
Have you read the WHOLE Bible/Qur'an? 3-1 4-10
I found this. 3-1
Denial of death 2-6 2-9 3-2 3-6 3-8 4-9 5-6
Take a look at this video 2-5
Is Bob Dylan a Christian? 2-2
A bleak story. 1-3
Bible/Qur'an/Torah burning 2-7
Why isn't theism a mental illness????? 18-1 20-3 20-4
Atheism and Recovery 2-4
Would you kill in the name of Atheism? 9-8
Geek challenge 3-10
Religion in school. What was it like in your area? 4-2
If Richard Dawkins was struck by lightning? 3-9 4-8
Hey Atheists 3-6
Good Jokes Needed! 18-4
Black Atheists - Where Are You? 3-2 3-4
Vaccine for Pathologies of Rationalism. 2-10
I am the only thing that exists. 5-2 9-2 10-3 10-8
Blogging under alias 2-1
Can something please help me with chess. 3-5 4-3
Excellent Game 1-6
Selling atheism 1-6
Gaps: The Case Against Evolution 1-4
Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) 1-7
Question Re: Brigstocke Interview 1-5
Leaving Catholicism. Help needed. 3-4 3-10 6-5
Thank god i was raped, thank god i got cancer 2-8 2-9 5-6 5-9
New Atheism's critical flaws. 5-4 10-9 20-5 21-9 22-3 22-5 28-9
And these are the choices for Americans? 1-7
Rzeppa vs Dawkins 14-4 17-7 18-1 18-2
A meeting of minds? 1-4
Children and Death 2-3 2-5
Jesus in hospital window brings some to tears 4-1
New York Yankees new stadium jinxed 1-5
How do I stop Christian friends from trying to help me? 4-3
Help define my Singularity 1-8
smart person CAN believe 17-1 36-7
What would you do in this situation? 3-10
door knockers and little girls wasting their childhood 2-6 3-8
6 Judgemental people under one roof (reality show) 3-1 3-2
Hello 1-6
A New Morality? Living By Ethics? 2-3 3-7 4-4 4-6
Poll: Which is the worst British tabloid? 5-3
How would you spend 3 trillion dollars? 4-1
Does a God have to be logical ? 1-7
Go easy on the agnostics 3-6 4-7
What's your most radical opinion? 18-10 19-8 22-9
Irrationality in Atheists 3-3
6 Reasons Not to be an atheist 9-3 10-6 12-8
Atheistic Heroes 3-9
The Monty Python blasphemy thread 2-8 6-4 6-8 13-7
Any thoughts on why suicide is so stigmatized? 5-10 11-4
Is it time to shut up? 4-4 6-4
Why do I believe in the Creator ? 8-10 9-3 12-4 12-5
The Jesus-fish on business cards 1-4
Christian Feminists 9-7
Vote for the world's top intellectuals 2-4 2-5
"More evidence for Jesus's existence than Henry the VIII" 4-6
Andy - The courage of a dying boy 6-4 11-4 11-7
Darwin Award winner 2008 2-3 3-2 4-7 4-10 5-7 5-10
What is the single greatest problem facing the world? 4-2 4-3
Which best describes racism? 2-3 3-5 3-8 4-1 4-3 4-10
The most positive person in the history of mankind? 1-10 5-1
"Satan the Father of Atheism" - story by Muslim 3-7
My friend's reason for believing 3-8
(joke) -'The Easy Way to Convert Dawkins and other Atheists' 1-5
Worst Album covers - high proportion inspired by Xianity 2-9
Please de-bunk this 1-9
Reincarnation of souls 4-5 10-7 11-7
Magnetic therapy for pain relief - does it work?? 3-4 3-9
Is the devil bad? 2-9
unbaptized? 2-10
What "gnosis in "agnosis" really means 1-3
Dealing with moderate theists - very moderate 2-10 3-6 5-9
Outed by an Atheist Joke at work 4-7
Let's stop calling ourselves 'atheists'. 3-6 4-5 4-6 5-9
Living away from modern society 3-2
what is art? 3-9
Against the flow 1-9 2-1
Is the term "Bead Rattler" offensive? 1-5 1-8
Foie Gras? 2-7 3-9 5-1 5-2 7-4 7-6
Stating the bleeding obvious. 3-8 4-5
Do We Label People As 'Whacko' too easily..? 2-10 3-1 4-10
Sexuality: defined groups of sliding scale? 1-10 6-5 7-7
Am I normal? BBC2 now 1-9 2-2
Anti-Intellectualism? 1-5 1-7
Atheists are Nihilists! 6-8
Does everyone have a Religion? 34-3
Jesus is coming in 2015 9-9
Stupid question... 1-8
How do you want to die? 6-10 8-8
Prayer as comfort 3-5 6-7 9-2
The speed of Time 8-9
God is just too complex for us to understand... 5-1
The illogical argument challenge. Are you up to the task? 5-4
Does lack of religion make you feel alone at times? 3-10
Least favorite argument you hear all the time 9-2
Poll: Marmite 3-10 4-1
Little Britain vs League of Gentleman 1-5
Punch Your Head in for Jesus 7-8
Tread Responsibly 2-3
Logic 3-4
Fanatic? 1-9
A-theists and sexual views 3-8
Top 3 Atheist Reasons... 6-5 7-7
Has atheism affected your choice in music? 5-3 13-4
I made a decision: Leaving Islam for Atheism 5-6
'Respect atheists', says Cardinal 15-2
Credo: what I believe? 6-1
What's your fav. rationalist move/guilty pleasure? 2-9
? ? ? ? 6-5
Duggar family delivers #18 5-8
atheism - a misuse of language 2-5 2-8
mystery 2-3
Why do people care that your atheist 3-9
Bad language.(?) 2-8
What should I drink? 4-2 5-7
difficult to change morality 1-2
Why don't they make a reality TV show about atheists? 5-1 5-3
Pictures of You, Thread Part Deux! 8-7 8-8 20-9 21-10 22-1
Do you ever envy theists? 4-6
Do atheists believe in Love? or is God and Love now dead? 7-3
If there is no soul what do you love? 18-8
Atheist in Pagan ritual Shocker! 3-8 3-10 4-2
You killed my wife. 2-10
Is God bound by logic? 7-4
Evidentialism 6-4
Punch up with Catholics (nearly) 6-1 10-9 12-3 13-4 14-1 15-1
the Sex Pistols Attack on Religion that almost was 1-6
Why Are You Not A Muslim? 5-1
Is Christopher Hitchens really good for us? 3-7
Musical crushes 11-6 12-3 14-2 15-5
Good bye for now 3-10
Religion of race; race of religion? 2-2 2-3 2-5 2-7 4-2 5-8
Alcohol = Religion 4-10 5-6 5-8
Whats with Jeebus? 7-3
Are you a donor? 12-6
Argument for existence of god by a friend 3-2
One of many problems!! 2-1 2-4 2-7 2-10
Is Atheism Easy? 3-3 6-4 7-2
Catholic Church-last bastion of science? 5-1
Why do people go from natural to supernatural? 1-9 2-1
Have you changed your opinions? 2-2
Christians 'told not to preach' 7-8 7-9
I got better thanks to prayers 'n' that. 1-3
How were you turned? 3-1
My theory on what happens at death 1-2
Leprechaun sightings 1-2
"Feeling" God 3-10 6-8 10-3
The daftest theistic assertions 2-7 6-5
Do you support persecuted Christians? 4-4
Planting the Atheist Seed... 2-2
Are people less sexy once you learn they're religious? 2-7
Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing 3-7 3-8 4-4 6-2
What did you think of Atheism before you were an Atheist? 3-10 4-8
The logical-fallacies thread 2-3 2-9 2-10 3-10
God I hate Hitchens 3-10 4-4
What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ? 3-10
Has anyone had a religious dream? 5-7
Poll: Do you drink alcohol, and in what way? 2-9 4-10 5-1 5-2 5-8 10-3
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 17-2
Is there any nice way of saying... 4-1
Body Building Atheists 2-4
Is Atheism deicide? 2-3
Lefties 3-1
public speakers 2-5
Feeling bored? Debate this YouTube christian. 1-7
I gave into superstition like a fool :( 1-5 2-4 2-5
Secular Equals Evil, O'Reilly Says 3-1
The Need for a New Atheism 6-5
Say something nice about a nation you can't actually stand 9-6 9-7
what movie do you hate the most? 11-10 12-1 12-2 12-3
Proof Jesus is our Saviour 4-6 4-7
Kevin Ronayne hits the big 11,000! 3-2
The 'F' Scale 5-2
Why, I do not belong to any group. 1-9
Post per day. 2-2
Nudity 6-5 6-6 8-7 28-6 29-4 31-5 55-8 56-2 56-8
Stretching the imagination 1-10
Polite request - could atheists please stop writing 'God'? 9-2 11-9
Calming down 2-1
IQ Scores 2-4 4-1 4-2 9-7
Battle of Bands: Who vs Rolling Stones 2-7 4-4
I don't want to be 20! 5-5 7-4 7-5
OK, OK, let me in on this... 3-7 4-7 4-8
Modesty: objective or cultural? 2-5
Dilemma about "coming out" 3-7
In defense of Russell 1-2
The Official List of DAWK Titles 13-4
Who is the hottest female Star Trek character? 9-10
Why are atheists and liberals not attacking Islam? 12-1 24-4
Forum hits a million posts! 10-5
Opinions on Sexuality? 3-9
Marriage: the truth? 3-6 10-1 11-4 12-8
The Meme King 2-7
Are atheists less likely to have children? 6-3 8-7
Why does Europe dislike Mexicans/central Americans? 3-5
Favourite music from your teens 3-1 3-10 5-1 5-6 5-7 8-5
I'm 40 but I should have been reading this at 14, in school! 9-6
Inherit the Wind. 1-7
Ideal teacher 2-2 3-9
What is the purpose of existence? 25-5 26-3 27-6 27-9
with whom do you share a birthday? 8-7
Please introduce your personas. 4-4
Would you wear this T-Shirt in a very public place? 3-5
Profanity 2-4 4-6 5-8 9-6 10-4 11-1 12-2
Would you pay £5 for an atheistic ad on a London Bus? 2-2
Love Vs Hate 2-9
Did Jesus travel to India and learn from Hinduism? 1-9
Another non-transitional fossil found? 2-6 3-1
What can't you stand about your own country? 13-2
Greatest atheist band? 7-3 8-4 12-6 13-2
Summarized Cinema. 7-5
Does exercise really have any effect on weight? 4-3 4-5
The Fall, anyone? 13-8
Goodbye. Yes, you read it right. 6-8
Recycling Is Bullshit 2-3 2-7 2-10 4-6
You are proof god exist! 4-3
Worst books you've had the intense displeasure of reading? 19-2 19-3 19-4 23-3 44-3 44-4 47-6 48-3
When did life cease being mysterious for you? 3-4
My son requests your help re: Christian girlfriend 4-8 4-9
Who's your favourite Atheist? 2-9 5-8
Atheism--> non-existent or impotent?Why? 3-3 3-7 3-9
Your nominations for who should play the role...... 3-10 4-8 6-9
Devout christian couple ban swearing in pub 2-2
Calilasseia hits the big SIX K! 3-7 4-7
MUSIC: If you liked X, try Y. 2-10
Morals in Politics 18-7
spelling and grammer 3-9
Comments on the U.S. Declaration of Independence? 2-1 2-10 3-7 3-9 3-10
Colson: There are no atheists 2-3 4-4
Gender Roles 2-1 10-8 10-9 10-10
What are your favourite blogs ? 1-2
When to let your kids go? 1-5
Atheists score! 1-6 2-8
How is materialism/naturalism not a presupposition? 6-6
Ten People at a Dinner Party 3-10
Atheists - can they be trusted? 5-8 12-9
Opinions Wanted :) 2-7
Pornography 9-10 10-3
The harsh reality thread. 5-5 8-1 15-2 26-3 27-8 30-6 39-6 39-7 39-8 39-10 41-10 44-10
Issue with Religious Education 1-5 1-6
Jack Rawlinson Hits 1k!!! 1-6 1-10 2-3
How do you respond? 6-9 7-2 8-3
Need help i guess. 2-4
Where atheists go after the die!!!!!!!!!!!!111one 2-8
Atheists, What Would You Like to See Happen? 2-4
Atheism Offers Nothing! 16-3
I saw Jesus 4-3
what's on your MP3 player? 1-3 1-4
My Decision to Choose Atheism 3-9
Où sont nos amis français? 3-9
Your last wishes 4-10
How do you explain the drinking culture... 5-2 5-3 5-8 5-10 6-10 7-3 7-6 7-10
Death awaits us all 4-6
Your first forum... 6-3
God is TOO Big 6-4
"Atheism" - by conservatives 3-2
The last human... 5-2
The Hypocrisy of Atheists 9-10 10-1 10-3 10-9
What Made You an Atheist? 4-8
I have a petition 4-8
New Inquisition? 2-6
Arguing against a Christian 2-10 3-5 3-7 4-2 7-9
Guitar 2-1 2-6
Who inspired you the most, excluding people you know? Why? 2-4 2-5 4-6
Homosexuality and Me 1-5
Insect bites/stings - tell all! 1-3
The "Plaid Shirts" of the World 1-4 1-8 2-1
Atheism fail 6-10
"Oh My God" 4-1 6-10
whats about this book? Greater than you think 1-9
Who's your favourite religious person? 4-7
What opinions have you that the vast majority here has not? 5-7 10-7 11-1 15-1 15-2 16-3 16-4 17-10 18-9 18-10 19-7 20-10 23-5 23-6 24-4 24-10 27-3 27-4 27-5 27-8 28-1 29-2 33-9 34-4 36-10 53-4 53-5 53-8
Of all the religions/spiritual traditions/superstitions 2-5 5-1
Is my fervent anti-religion passion justifed? 3-5 4-5 6-7
Truth or Happiness? 1-7
2000 posts and Vet Status for Pappa....!! 4-5
Vegetarians Live Longer 3-5 3-10 5-9 6-1 7-3 7-7
The Fallacy Creation Thread 2-7 3-6
Richard and the Child 24-1
House Prices: How Low Will They Go? 1-5
I have a way to prove God!!! 42-7 60-10 62-10 63-5 65-1 67-3 73-9 85-2
Weather 1-5
Who Needs Marmite? 4-4
Do you think Incest is wrong? 18-5 22-10 23-1 23-3 25-3
TV: The Genius of Charles Darwin 47-4
The entire financial system is a scam. 1-8
Ask your Christian fiends, where's heaven? 1-7 3-3 4-7
Real vs avatar names 2-5 2-10 6-1 7-5 10-9 12-3 12-6
JUSTWONDERING 5,000 post party 13-6
Who is Your Favorite God? 2-9 3-6
Atheist comedy 8-6
Wine Talk 3-2 4-7 5-9 6-3 6-10 7-3
Why is climate change denial so pervasive? 9-3 9-8 10-7 13-2
Chavs 1-10 4-1
Clinton Huxley reaches 5000 posts! 3-3
Should I take early retirement? 3-2 3-8
Life changing events? 1-6
Are you tolerant of religion? 2-7 4-4
Funny Godboy on Tube 1-4
Extreme Niceness & Love 42-4 58-10 60-7
BBC: Grunting fish yield vocal clues 1-3
If car tyres were filled with Helium,would it save fuel? 3-4
Is there a male equivalent of broodiness? 2-6
Where are the Black Atheists? 5-2
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 35-8 39-1 40-4 51-4
Do dead people watch us? Yes, author says 1-10
Atheism being a substitute for faith 1-9
I can debunk agnostism & prove the existence of GOD 9-3 12-2
The Dangers of Religious Proclivity 1-5
Lotto 1-8 1-10 4-7 7-3
Pet peeves 1-4 7-4 7-7
Do you have any famous ancestors? 2-9 6-9 7-2
How did you finally cut ties? 2-4
Real Evil 3-4 4-2
Another Jeremy Clarkson Quote About the Church... 4-8
How tall are you? 2-3
General Member Survey 4-9 4-10
"Top 10 Signs You’ve Taken Your Faith Too Far" - Need Help 3-5
Spider in my room! 1-6
What I don't understand is the glee, the self-righteousness 12-3 15-8 16-7
Do you sometimes lie? 5-1
A question for Ecco 2-2 2-5 2-6 2-8 2-10
Whats Evil? 2-7 2-8 3-1
Not everyone likes science that much 5-2
Language 2-4 3-6 3-9
Why we know 1-9 2-7
Braggart's Corner 2-7
I saw the face of god 1-9
Why the hell is today whenever? Who says? 2-1 3-5
I lost a good friend. 3-1
Montauk Monster? 5-6
A moment's beauty 1-4
Therapy that Makes You Feel Horrible 3-9
How to not go to hell 2-1
WTF, Italy? 1-1 1-4 1-7
You know what I'm sick of? 2-2
Great posts lost 1-9
The WHY question 6-9 7-7
Bands and Musicians everybody (except you) seems to like. 5-5 6-2
Issac Hayes dead, religious critizism 2-1
What do you get all irrational about? 3-8
Coming Out 2-8
What are you drinking tonight? 29-10
Songs that criticise religion 3-5
Non-mainstream forms of entertainment 2-5
What you will do to be beautiful 4-3
Smoking Cigarettes 4-8 10-9 11-8
Amir Kahn gets K.O. & racist abuse. 1-9 1-10
Evolution v's God- Ricky Gervais Guided Tour 1-9
Tatoo advice 3-8
Football 49-3 50-8
How do I tell my wife 5-9
Your favourite science fiction character? 14-1
Favourite Horseman 7-6
I think I love Meekychuppet 31-4
A Message To Atheists 7-2
Hilarious 1-9
Glasgow Mormon attack! 1-1 2-7
New Forum Guidelines (commentary pt. 2) 22-10 23-10 30-7 47-2 67-4 88-2
Atheism: an intellectual class barrier? 3-5
The Daily Cartoon 1-6 2-3
Briggs-Myers Test 3-7
Title for a book about atheism? 2-8
mind blowing video - not remembering someone from 5 secs ago 1-4
London, April 2009 2-2 2-5
Being Lonely 4-10
Atheist Bus Campaign 88-10
Glasgow meetup this Thursday (23rd). It's on! 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
MARKET CRASH, how much did you lose ? 2-7 2-8 2-9
What can an atheist offer instead of prayer? 2-10
People on the bus 3-1
What kind of fallacy is this? 1-8
It's On 2-7
What do you do when logic leads to a dead end? 2-4 2-5
Vasectomy help please! 2-5 2-6
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 20-1 99-3
Post Count on the alternative OT forum 8-3 8-5 9-1 9-3 9-4
Sam Harris: The Moderate 6-3
I bet this will make you all super hungry! 1-9
I have a low IQ 8-7
Atheism Kills Child 2-5 3-10 7-7
Freedom! 3-5
Battlefield robots more ethical than soldiers... 3-3
Who Needs God When We Have This? Radiohead!!! 5-5 6-5 11-1 11-6 13-4 14-6 15-8
Normalcy 1-7 2-1
Killing animals for fun 12-8
Epistemology divisions 1-5
A tiny question... 2-9
Where do atheists find comfort? 21-3 25-9 32-7 33-8
what's your job? 7-8
If God proved he existed, I still wouldn't believe in him 2-1
Sunday Blasphemy 6-6
ok MOST annoying spelling mistakes... 8-9 8-10 15-7
That defining moment 4-3
Poll: Which do you prefer - cats or dogs? 7-4 10-3 10-6 10-10 11-5 12-2 12-5 12-7 12-10 14-1 15-1 15-9
What are, and what are not, legitimate 'targets' 1-9
I didn't like "Ben Hur." Is it because I'm an atheist? 4-5
illogical religious examples 2-4
Forum etiquette 2-3
Should I get a tattoo? 5-6
Learning to laugh at ones self. 3-2
Amazing new MMORPG! 2-4
Man flue! 1-8
The origin of time. 5-4 5-6 5-7 7-5
Braindead World 9-8
The atheist neurosis and how to fix it 4-8
I got two Dawkins books for Christmas :) 2-2
Deathbed Recantation 2-10 3-3 3-8
Why aren’t love and lust the same thing? 2-7
Atheist attacks the superficiality of Dawkins et al 4-10
Confessions of my recent activism 2-5 2-9
"I'm catholic so I don't feel pain"? 2-1
I've just been outed and I'm a little nervous. 3-7
Atheisms Values. 7-7
What would you do, based on your beliefs. 3-4
OMG, LOL, WTF!? 2-6 4-4
The Easter Problem 2-3
The 'intellectual elite' argument. 2-8 2-9
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven 1-6 2-2
Now I wish I hadn't... 1-6 1-10
The Goddian hits a new low. 1-1 1-2 1-7
rjgillen's opinion of this site 2-1
What colour are you? 9-2 9-4 9-6
What do you gain from "Coming Out" ? 18-6
Muslim woman having a pint 2-3
pain argh ugh 6-1 7-3
Atheist Bus Campaigns, Pt. 2 10-1 11-9 12-1 14-10
RDF cliques 17-3 17-5 19-4
'To stand in awe' 2-5
I am getting disillusioned by atheism 7-10
How many atheists do you know offline? 6-6
Ever get the feeling that Richard Dawkins hates you 4-3
What do you drive? 2-4
Any atheists 'seen God'? 2-7
1000 posts - go me! 2-5 2-6
Where does this Atheist logo come from? 2-1
Inventor of the döner kebab dies 2-1
fictional creationist in head 2-9
Come on then. Let's have another Glasgow meet-up! 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-7
On Ilkley Moor ba tat (Old lad) 1-9
The Decline and Fall of the English Language. 48-9
Do non-believers have an obligation? 3-3
Great one liners for atheists 5-2
John Sweeney on Tom Cruise's Valkyrie (v.funny) 3-9
atheist retreat 1-5
What happens to these people? 2-9
Oh wow. Atheism as defined by Dare 2 Share 4-2
Another problem... 2-1
Why are British christians embarrassed to say they believe? 3-1 3-6
Bleeding from the anus (medical question) 2-7
The Danger of the New Atheism 1-8
Barbed Reply, "The fool has said in his heart..." 1-8
Difficulty to reason with (new ageist?) 1-7
I quite like religious people. 3-4 3-8
Best response to "everything happens for a reason" ? 10-4
cholesterol and high blood pressure 4-3
Help, I've gone and done it now... 3-10
Would you consider killing yourself or killing someone else? 9-7
Are You Wrong? and Would You Like To Know It? 1-8
Should Ann Leslie be sectioned? 2-3
The destroyer of religion: Matt Dillahunty 3-7
I got Michael Jackson tickets! 2-7
Most disturbing - children's television 1-8
Dave the Christian on atheists 10-7
Dealing with bereavement when you don't believe 1-10
Why is evolution the main target of fundamentalists? 6-10
The scientific probability that it all happened by chance 3-6
Atheists call for 'debaptism' 2-4
Poll: Do you pee in the shower? 3-8
Devil's advocate 1-4
Philosophy Quiz! 4-1
Four Horsemen question 1-2 1-6
My GF broke up with me for being Atheist. 3-4 5-5
A thought that has troubled me since becoming an Atheist 4-7
Hug Thread 11-5
I'm disgusted with television 4-4
Open minded or hard hearted? 17-5
What's going on with the Rational Response Squad? 1-3 3-6 22-7 23-4
Why do atheists bother going to funerals? 2-5 4-8
One liners to God 10-9
Oh WOW!! 3-7
Lack of robustness on this site 15-5
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 32-3
Okay, So everyone becomes Atheist. 6-10
Atheists for Jesus 2-3
Nostalgia 3-6 4-9
Is there a place for me as an atheist? 2-4
Are newborns atheists? 35-5 39-10 40-2 43-6
Must an Atheist still refer to a priest as "Father"? 15-7
What are some of your pet peeves? 7-5 22-5 22-6 24-7 24-8
Antitheism is perfectly reasonable... 1-1 1-4 1-9 2-7 4-3
Why ? Why ? Why ? 4-4 4-6
Poll: Which Beauty Will It Be? 29-4
Great Atheist Women? 2-7
Supposed Good Smells You Hate 1-9
What do you think is overrated? 4-6 5-9 14-9 15-1 15-6
Atheists and proper grammar 6-4
Transitional Words 1-6
Are you an open atheist? 6-2
Can you become funny? 2-7
So, I've given it a good few years of thought... 6-1
Science Fiction 3-3 3-8
Do you ever get frustrated... 1-5
Who are your least favorite comedians? 5-2
Favorite Beatles Song? 4-5 4-9 5-5
What do you think is more important in life : love or money? 4-2
Celebrities you hate 2-9 4-2
Guess the quote 9-1
Can something come from nothing? 3-3 3-4
Do you have an underlying hate for religion? 6-5
Katherine's Ten Years of Atheism Party Thread!!! 1-9
Where do you shop? 1-4
Advice on responses to religious questioning 2-3
What-aboutery 1-4
Good things about stuff/places/people you don't like 1-2
It is true that Jews love money 7-8
Living life to the fullest 2-8
Mental Sanity 5-5
Favorite Pretentious People You Like To Mock 8-3 8-8 9-1 9-10
Religiously tinged TV, film, etc. you actually like 1-10
What's your (first) name? 7-5
Classic dilemma multiple choice 1-3
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 59-3
Plumbing the depths of sexual politics 2-5 2-8 4-1
Rant on the list of reasons you can't sleep properly in uni! 2-9
Most Beautiful Frontwomen 3-5
Question 1-5
<3 <3 <3 <3 2-4
AA's first step 25-2 25-6 25-10 26-3 26-4
RDF, sexy callendar for the charity? 5-9
Anyone Know Examples of Past Definitions That Have Changed? 3-4
Best answer to "Have you got Jesus in your life?" 3-10 5-9
What's your fastest mile run time? 3-1
What are your other net aliases? 2-7
Where do you stand on the class ladder? 4-4
How do you become a moderator? 7-2
What are you ashamed/embarassed about? 2-1 3-7 4-1
Where are you on the gay scale? 5-7 6-5
Responses From Christians Who've Lost a Debate 4-3 5-5
Weight loss tips? 2-9
Moral Question To Atheists 6-6
Atheism - An Australian Perspective 1-4
What are your Favourite Magazines Or Newspapers? 5-3 5-6
Mustard or Ketchup? 1-5 2-1 2-6
Help! 1-9
Sexiest Male 3-3 5-9
Movie: The Atheists 1-2 1-3
Are you happy? 5-2 6-9 6-10 7-4 8-6 9-8 12-3 24-1
Things from Europe you hate 14-9 15-2
Why would an atheist *ever* pray? 4-4 5-1
a prayer at an atheist wedding 3-5 3-6
Ok, I have a dilemma 2-6
What is the most convincing argument in favor of no gods? 2-8
Is there an epithet for Australian? 1-9 1-10 3-2
Thoughts of a dying atheist 3-8 4-5 5-1 5-7
Is Dutch an ugly language? 8-1
what are your qualifications? 10-8
Recovered Atheists 3-1
What problem of evil? 1-4 2-7
Waiter, there's a fly in my soup! 1-2
Could you have been an Nazi? 2-9 4-4
What are your favourite music eras? 2-5
Open Challenge to All Atheists: Can you Disprove God? 4-5
What are best USA cities to live in for atheists? Why? 4-3
"Family Guy" helped me be an atheist 1-7
Inteligent Atheist Used To Be Dumb 3-9
"Militant Atheism Exposed" -- the Website 3-9
Freak Out!!! 3-5
Coming out is hard to do! 4-6
Sexy middle-aged men 1-2
What is "militant atheism"? 2-7
Atheist Graph 1-3
Here's one. 5-7
Atheist Alliance International 2009 Convention (Oct. 2-4) 2-7 3-4 3-9 7-10 8-4 8-7 8-10 9-6 11-4 11-5 11-7 11-9 12-2 12-5 12-6 13-2 13-6 13-7 14-1 14-7 15-5 15-9 16-4 16-6 17-3
Inappropriate question 7-7 7-9 8-4 8-8
Almost Died? Tried Suicide? Care to Share? 7-8
Anglo Slang: decode please 2-2 2-3
One single question can destroy atheism 47-3 60-7
Killing in the name of God, a question? 2-4
Fears and Phobias 4-4
James Dyson another clear thinker 1-2
Miracle 11-4
High Rising Intonation accent 2-4 4-10
The Immortals 2-2 3-1 4-1
Why can't men be wrong? 2-9 4-8 8-2 8-5
Scott Adams: "Fossils are bullshit" 1-1 1-2
Do you have nagging doubts that God may exist? 9-9 10-5 11-4 12-6
How old you feel, 3-2
Facial Hair 14-8 15-8 15-9 16-2
how do you know about muslims? 7-1
Are endangered languages worth saving? 9-2 12-3 12-7 18-2
Does this statement make any sense to anyone here? 4-1
What is/are your credentials/education/experience? 1-10
Landover Baptist Church Forum (an all time low?) 5-7
Atheist Language 4-3 5-1 6-1
How do you deal with christmas? 6-2
The Surrealist Compliment Generator 1-6 2-2 2-5
How are christians not rational thinkers?? 16-8
Anyone Else Find This Depressing? 2-3
Campaign to win official apology for Alan Turing 2-4 2-7
The Six Questions For Richard Dawkins: 12-2 14-5 17-10 21-5 24-10 25-1 27-8 29-10
Brian Eno 5-5 5-8
Legion of the banned 1-1 1-4 1-8 1-9 2-1 3-3 5-1 5-2 5-6
What Does RichardDawkins.Net Think Of Greydon Square? 1-7 1-10
I can't prove it, but... 2-7 2-9
AronRa & some creotard: Where did EVERYTHING come from? 1-10
NSFW: Dojo allows Student to beat "Jesus" Master to Death 1-7
Genetic Lightning Bolt 1-4
What is God then? 1-10 2-4 3-9 4-1 4-7 5-2 5-4 5-9 5-10 6-2 6-3 7-3
Does Richard Dawkins ever visit here? 1-9
The Metafilter Richard Dawkins hate-on 1-1 1-4
Video: 5 Questions Atheists Must Answer 1-7
funniest demotivational posters 6-1
A good replacement for rest in peace? 4-9
"You are not authorised to view this forum" 1-1 1-4 1-7
I don't hink I am making sense but here goes... 1-10
favorite beers? 14-6 15-1 18-2
Wisdom teeth 3-6
"What do you want written on your tombstone?" 8-6
The Atheist Moral-O-Meter 6-9 7-9 8-9 9-4 11-3
stop fighting for atheism :) 4-1
Old Farts (11) "Never too old to learn stupid new things" 78-2 78-10 83-9 84-1 84-7 84-10
Smoking Dope 8-4 8-5
Movie Reccomendations 4-8
Atheism - the sneaky snake in the hat! 4-10
The Closest You've Ever Been to Believing. 2-2 2-7
I will kill you with this Jeebu$ trash from Mississippi 4-7
Instruction Manual for Life 2-4
Invitation to comment on warnings, suspensions and bans 45-5 45-10
Would I call my self a civilian? No. 1-8
Racist or not 8-4 8-5
Goodbye Mate... 5-6
Your usernames 9-1
Seeing Doug Stanhope on Friday! 1-2 1-5 1-7
Jonathan Miller on identity, religion, atheism and morality 1-3
Marcus Brigstocke takes a swipe at Dawkins 3-10
Help settle semantic argument... 3-5
A Deal I Made With My Mom 3-5
Pictures of thee, Thread Part VII! 6-8 7-4 12-9 13-2 36-9 97-8 97-10 98-4 99-2
Sexiest Accents 3-5 10-2
Satan Dunnit- The Dumbest Argument that Sort of Wins 2-3
movie that made your stomach turn? 3-8 3-9 6-6 6-8 7-2
Being forced to go to church & mom is scaring me, help? 8-10
How many countries can you name? 3-6 4-10 5-9
there is no god,but ALLAH 9-3 11-10 15-4 16-9
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 32-3
Anything new to say on atheism? 1-7 2-10
evolution of cats 2-8
Another one of life’s pleasures lost to the god botherers 1-10
What would you do for $1 Million per annum? 6-3 6-5
Self Esteem 1-7
We eat babies? 5-6
This Youtube Christian belittles atheists 3-7
Worst messageboards you've visited 1-2 1-4
Yarrr, shiver me timbers. 1-3
Group Solidarity 2-4 2-5
What do Atheists shout in orgasm? 3-10 7-5
Atheism as an identifier. 4-2
POLL: Do you binge drink? / Discussion 3-1 7-7 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-10 10-9
An atheist in a pickle. I'm looking for advice. 4-4
A Challenge To Atheism Using Logic 11-3
Who is the most badass atheist? 4-5 8-9 9-3 9-9
What moral solution does atheism has for poor countries? 3-1
Nature doesnt like me and wants to end my bloodline. 1-7
What is it about religion that disgusts you the most 25-4
Top 10 similarities between the Religious and Liberals 2-8
Trivial Embarrassing Things About Yourself 20-7 23-5 24-1
Would humans be better off with only world language? 3-3
Everyone says something nice about the person above them 70-4
What is everyone going to be for Halloween? 3-9
grrrrrr 3-9
Music that makes you smile 5-9
Lives, like money, are spent. What are you buying with yours 1-6
Drunkest Guy Ever 2-2
Where do you stand? 2-3
The letter J - ban it! 7-6
The disciples were changed by the fact of the resurrection 9-2 9-4 12-6
Frank Skinner talking arse. 1-10
American History X a racist film? 1-10 2-7
Help Refuting Theist Logic 1-6 1-8
Asshole things you do 6-4
You'll Never Know 6-1
Is There An Intrinsic Conflict Between Science & Religion? 8-2 8-4
RDF Good Egg Experiment Round 1 of 3 2-4
What are you currently reading? (Part IV) 5-5 9-10 13-3 14-1 33-6 35-8 40-5 40-7 42-8 45-1 45-10 46-4
I am a Deist 13-5 19-5 20-7
We must stop arguing with Creationists 3-6
RDF Good Egg Experiment - Round 2 of 3 2-5
Are we at risk of becoming fanatics?? 7-5 8-3 10-8
Scatological remarks.. split from Dawkins Delusion thread 3-7
A Universe From Nothing? Maybe So. 3-4
Proving God Right Here Right Now 10-9
Why Richard Dawkins is Wrong About God 4-1 4-2 4-3
Evolution is a mathematical impossibility. 2-2
What is the Purpose of Life? 7-2
A Challenge To Meat-Eaters 10-7
Atheists: An Australian catholic speaks 4-10
When did you last eat Sardines? 4-9 5-2 5-6
Horrendous Lag 23-4 23-7 23-9
Why is feminism still important? Please help. 21-9 27-7 29-5
Jokes that make you feel smart when you get them. 20-4 20-5 21-2 21-8
Whose on Skype? 3-5
"Came Out" Gay to my (Muslim) Parents - Didn't Work Out :( 10-1
So what do you believe in then? 2-10
Relativistic post dilation. 1-1 1-5 1-9 1-10 2-4 2-5 3-10
How Do you feel about having Atheist Conventions? 4-1
A worldview more questioned than Christianity? 27-10 30-6
What were you doing at age 18? 8-2 10-4 11-3 11-5 11-10
The Laws of Physics 4-7
Your favorit atheist thinker(exept dawkins) 4-4
greek latin 3-1
Atheism Leads to Shopping!!! 3-10 4-1
Silly question but does anyone feel like me 4-8
Atheist Apparel 2-1 2-5 2-7
How can an Atheist deal with death of a family member friend 2-2
The best Lyricist 2-7 3-1
Jeremy Hardy "Hates Dawkins" shocker 1-1 1-3 2-9 3-2 5-1 5-4
Bad grammar? 7-1 14-8 20-4 20-6 20-8 20-10 21-4 21-5 21-7 21-8
Richard's writing style. 1-1 1-9 2-2
I just came out as an atheist to my family and friends. 1-10
Richard Dawkins calls Ray Comfort an idiot 2-4 4-7
Ray Comfort Thanks the Atheists! 1-6
Lolcats - show us your favourites! 2-4 2-5 2-7
Atheism is history 1-2
Nominations for Post Of The Year 1-2 2-3 4-3
Atheists and snoring... 5-1 7-1
Best stand up comedy show ever? 2-1
Atheists' morality 3-4
"Sumerians Look on in Confusion as God... 1-1
How do you calm down? 9-3 9-6
Can You Write Without The Letter 'E' Game 11-10
Swearing (Bollocks!) 6-10 7-4 7-8
Online Identity 22-6 22-7 25-9
W.T.F. 4-3
HELP! My atheism might be in danger! 6-5
Atheism is a Fad 5-10 6-1
Do you play an instrument? 8-9
Goodbye Teta... 6-5
Painful Junction 2-3
What's your story 3-3
Is the atheist merely sinful or intrinsically evil? 17-2
Attractive Violence 4-5 5-3
What job would you never do? 6-3 7-4 8-9 11-2 11-7 11-10 13-4
Alastair Campbell defends 'every word' of Iraq dossier 1-2
UK, the land of depravity? 4-2 4-4 4-8 5-2 5-4 7-8 7-9 11-9
Post music so beautiful it almost makes you believe in a god 7-2
I'm easily forgettable 1-6
How to argue against these people?! 2-9 3-1
Am I the only person to read the FUA? 2-9 3-9 4-5 4-6
Gaining Atheism but losing yourself 4-9 5-2
POLL: Who Is The Most Charismatic Individual? 3-5
RDs Zodiac sign 1-3
Talking to christians. 2-3
Relief for Haiti 2-5
What movies have you watched recently? 6-4 12-1 12-5 13-4 15-10 16-4 22-1 22-2 23-4
Somewhere 1-4
the power higher than the state 2-4 3-1
What Job Would you LOVE to do? 2-8 3-8
The McGurk Effect: A Poll 1-6
What made me happy today? 1-3
What jobs have you had? 5-3
I Do Not Care If You Are Offended. 1-5
How do you deal with life's blows? 5-4
Religion percentage breakdown UK 2-3
Guilt? 2-3
Disappointments 2-6
Desperately looking for a song 1-2
Your favorite Atheist Philosophers? 1-7 4-5 5-8 6-1 6-10
Please remove NON-BELIEVERS GIVING AID banner on front page 3-2 3-4 3-6 4-2 5-7 6-9
Act of God or Coincidence? You decide. 1-6
Cowardly, is it a bad thing? 2-7
Talent - do you have one? 5-3
If you HAD to pigeonhole Bill Hicks: Atheist/theist/woo? 1-9 2-1 2-3
God's Control Panel 1-5
Congratulations, hackneyedslash! 2-3
Failings - do you have any? 2-10 3-2 29-2
Best theological argument.... 1-4
America or Canada? 1-2 1-3 1-4
Will i go to heaven? 3-8
Tennis 1-7
What is your secret? 1-5 2-5
Any physics/maths degree holders (UK)? 1-2
Why Atheism? 8-3
Feminism - Do atheist men treat women better? 26-5
Why does god allow natural disasters? - Haiti 27-6 32-4
Why do people call atheism a religion? 7-1 7-3 8-2 8-3
I made a scene today because I wasn't praying when asked. 7-5
Atheistic Evolution, Philosophically is in Deep Trouble 30-2
Breaking point 3-10
Chris Morris - Four Lions. Premièring at Sundance. 1-2
It's been a long, hard road. 1-1 1-3 1-7
Could this trick be real? 2-1
Attraction and Attractiveness II 14-7
As an Atheist how do you get over fear of hell? 11-7
AA Higher Power 2-5
If Jesus came tomorrow, how would we know it's really him ? 2-2 4-1 4-6
Is it? 1-8 2-4 2-5
Peter Hitchens getting his knickers in a twist 1-6
You are old, in failing health and your relatives are gone 1-6 4-9 7-3
Can you? 34-7
The Dogma of Atheism 9-1 10-8
Atheist Country Singers.... 1-3
Where in the world do I come from?! 4-8
why does religion persist? 2-1 2-3 2-5
Are you proud...? (poll) 2-4 3-10 4-1 4-6 4-8 6-4 6-10 7-5 7-9
Conservapedia Article on Richard Dawkiins. 1-7
What Would You Do If You Own a Toyota or Lexus Vehicle? 5-3 5-5 5-7
Create your own David Cameron poster 1-3
Mars Visible on Friday in the UK 1-4
Who Is The Better Leader: Men Or Women? 4-1
How BBC News works 1-5 1-9
Bad movie history 4-6 5-3
Rule # fucking 3! 1-5 1-9
Are you a cultural Christian, Jew, etc.? 2-10
Have you read it? 2-7
Why does God Not Exist? 10-10 11-5
PZ Myers talk in Dublin tomorrow (Feb 1) 1-3
The Daily Mail's 'Most Dangerous Man in Britain' article 2-6 2-9 3-1
PZ to speak in Dublin tomorrow. 1-3
the power to strike dead 2-7
A group of starving artists from Virginia with an inquiry! 2-5 3-10
The C word and the N word 12-9 13-3 13-7 14-3 14-8 14-10 15-2
Which country would you like to live in? 7-2 12-6 14-2 14-3 14-7 15-2 17-5 17-9 19-10 21-4 21-5 21-9
Should Richard Dawkins be arrested for incitement to religio 3-1
how does an atheist come to believe in God 1-8
Which One? Please Pick One... 2-5
Zeitgeist Movies, help or obstacle? 1-7
Marcus Aurelius and the Stoics 1-3
Would Absolute Zero qualify as proof there is no god ? 1-6
Gratitude 1-5
Dealing with Family 2-3 2-6
Change of topic title 2-8 3-3
What would happen if a God was showed to exist? 1-8
Best Commercial ever (IMO) 2-3
Atheism is a belief 8-6
two questions 1-3 1-7 2-1
Have you ever been to church? 4-4
Where is GOD ? 2-1
Facism 1-2 7-8 7-10
Pareidolia Help Needed 2-4
Gov introduces safety pint glasses 1-7
Men at Work stole riff from Kookaburra 1-3
Atheist only forum? 1-7
Your All-Time Favorite Writer (Fiction)? 2-3 2-4 3-2 3-3
Newswipe: the week in bullshit 1-5 1-10
Surely Ayn Rand didn't actually believe what she said. 2-10 3-5 3-7 3-8
Humour and Intelligence 2-4 2-10 3-4
Fundie protest in Oslo 2-1
Mental Images of Each Other! 10-3 11-3 12-2
Any guitarists? 1-2 1-5 2-3 2-10 3-2 3-9 4-2 4-6 5-7 5-8
an interesting approximation about existing of god 3-8 4-2 5-5 5-10 6-6 6-8 9-5
Puritanism? 1-2
Hilarious! 1-5
Chris Mooney Kerfuffle 1-2
Gods greatest Gift? 6-10 8-10
Monogamy & Atheism 3-7 3-9 4-3 4-6 7-10
Proposal- not that kind. 7-7 7-9 8-8 8-9 9-3
Taking Offence 1-5
Girls saying "Mom and Daddy" instead of "Mommy and Daddy" 4-3
How Autistic Are You? 14-10
Funny Pictures: Take Two & a half 3-10
Political leanings and atheism 2-9
Reviewing the personal attack / insult criteria (part 1) 31-4
Why I'm not an atheist 9-10 14-2
Bioshock Game discussion thread 1-4
POLL: Should Biden Display His Ash Wednesday Mark In Public? 2-3 2-10 3-3
Worst Christian vid/"rock" evar 3-4 4-10
Why this cow eat a baby chiken? 1-4 1-10 2-6
When did you move out? 1-4
The author of Mark appears to have borrowed from Josephus 2-4 2-6 2-8
Another deity another dollar 1-4