List of Postings of User bdelloid rotifer

Big Bang Theory 19-9
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 101-3
The Secret / Law of Attraction ? 30-6
What happens when we die...? 25-10
Are you a nihilist? (non-theists only please) 8-10
Hypnosis - What do you think? 7-9 8-5 8-7 8-10 9-3 9-5
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, anyone else have them? 8-2
Theist in Toronto - Hi guys 5-2
What is Enlightenment? 7-5
Organ transplant patients having memory traces from donor 4-10
Hilarious atheistic philosophy 17-3
what do aliens look like? 2-3 2-4
So I'm really an atheist!? 1-8
Is Dawkins for real? 1-1 1-6 2-3 2-4 2-8
Can an atheist alcoholic go to AA? 1-8 3-2
Death to the Invisible Pink Unicorn 1-1 1-4 3-4 3-6 3-10 4-2
Richard Dawkins is God's Right-hand Man ..We must Thank him 14-3
Where does the idea of Hell come from? 3-5
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? 5-4 6-4
The global warming religion Pt. 2 18-6 19-2 19-5 20-4 20-6 21-1 24-4 24-5 24-7 24-10 25-4 25-6 25-7 26-2
Students Trade Bibles for Porn 5-1
will they let anyone on the internet? 2-2
I Am, therefore I think? 1-1 1-3 1-10 2-2 2-7 3-3 3-9 3-10 4-2 4-4
Are you a vegetarian? 11-4
Lost posts 6-3 6-5
Does the universe exist if we're not looking? 5-6
The Great Divide 3-8
Has Dawkins missed the point? 1-9
The Great Horned One offends again 1-1 1-3 1-6 1-8 2-10 3-2 3-5
Can Dawkins Take the Pepsi Challenge? 1-2
Is anybody out there somewhat looking forward to death? 6-10
Adam and Eve 2-3
Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Science? ... or just mathematics? 1-8
Exorcism can be hazardous to your health 1-1 1-2
So before we start any new Witch Trials... 1-9
A 'consciousness' related analysis of 'hot & cold' 2-5
The Paranormal/Perinormal Considered 2-5 2-8
Explain Your Avatar 8-6
The Disclosure Project: Massive hoax or proof of UFO's 3-3 4-8 6-2 6-5 6-8 6-10 8-2 8-4 14-9 14-10 15-7 16-8 16-9 17-7 18-2
Flying Triangles, Nick Cook and otherwise being Rational 1-5
Is it rational to believe society would be better w/out reli 3-2
Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations 3-3
Question: What are the best methods to change people's minds 2-1
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 9-7
Conversation with a Jehovah Witness 3-4
Global Warming: The 11th Hour 2-7
Doppleganger? 3-1 3-3
Can I get drunk on homeopathic booze? 2-8
Philosophy Intro for Beginners? 3-2
The concept of Satan does not make sense 3-6
Can anyone think of a purely unselfish act? 4-10
Why should people stop raping? 6-1
Arguments for god Dawkins missed 1-3
Zecharia Sitchin, can someone explain? 1-5
Is life a test? 2-9
God's personality type 1-4
I am a theist--should I run for cover? 9-4
The Ethics of Monogamy 23-3
Dualism - refuted? 34-8
Individual Identity in Buddhism 2-7
Does Evil Exist? Wow...broad subject. 1-8 2-4
All life will die eventually - so what's the point? 6-5
Why am I me? 10-2
What is the supernatural? Is it a coherent concept? 6-5
Hypothetical: If aliens were on their way 6-3
TRIM22 gene blocks HIV 1-7
Theodicy: Religion and the Problem of Evil 4-1 6-1
Satanic Atheists 8-9
Belief VS Knowledge 2-2 3-4
Hitchens's view on Buddhism. Incorrect or correct? 13-2
Pose your question to the Jehovah's Witnesses 3-9
When is the last time you saw wildlife? 8-6
Is it bad to be a Cynic? 1-2
no altruism is possible consiousnessly 1-9
Love 3-4
Psychedelics and reality by Michael Persinger 1-4
Viagra: the other side 1-3
Ayn Rand thought homosexuality was immoral 4-7
What if God is evil? 3-10
Question about ghosts and supernaturalism 3-1
Anyone knows how to kill a meme? 2-1
That Woo You Used To Do 6-7
Global Warming, Science & Implications 1-6
'Why can't I own a Canadian?' 1-8
-The Death Penalty- (Part 1) 79-9
Have **you** had a "psychic" or "ghost" experience? 11-8
Why is this site littered with conspiracy theorists? 7-3
Are falling house prices all bad? 1-2
If there are an infinite amout of parallel universes... 5-2
Climate Change -Doubts, Denials, Scepticism, and Politics II 41-7
God Defines Atheism 15-4
Psychedelic Use and New Age Mumbo Jumbo 2-9
Vancouver Insite safe injection site 2-5
Are we doomed 2-7 3-2
What is the most rampant form of woo? 3-8 5-4
Evolution question 2-3
Cryptozoology: real science or pseudo-science? 3-6
Do you know what you are eating? 6-1
Ganzfeld and the woo-fighters 1-1 1-6 1-7 1-9