List of Postings of User Chris H.

Bible Code 2-8
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 43-7 43-9
Ann Coulter 8-4 11-2 13-9
Video games - why demonise? 14-2
Libertarians, Ron Paul is running again 11-9 13-9
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens 18-9
Political Compass Questionaire 30-1
Campaign 2008 1-6 1-7
Should I be worried? 1-7
Religious terrorism and atheism 3-2
Fox News report: Latest craze in American culture - Atheism 3-6
Dick Cheney: The VP is not part of the Executive Branch 1-2
Praying for Rain 1-1
PC went too far? Soldier demoted for "fuck terrorism si 1-6 1-7
Al Sharpton 2-2
I don't like Christopher Hitchens 1-7
Bush sets his people free! 1-6
Discovery backs Old Testament 2-4
Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In Senate 1-8
Impact of Left Behind Series 2-4
God and American politics 4-1
Is this correct? No way?!? 1-6 1-10 2-4
Online gameing and filling a fantasy gap aka religion? 1-10
Are you a Specieist? 2-8 3-1
Why did America invade Iraq?? 2-3 3-1
A very sad youtube vid 1-8
Bush's Executive Order (2007/07/17) 1-7
Want to go back to this, America? 1-3
Christianity vs. Islam 1-1 2-3
Obama and Faith Speech 2-3 4-5 4-9
New Details on Tillman's Death 1-5
Jena 6: Shocking racism in modern america. 2-8 3-4 3-10 4-4 5-10
Attempted exorcism of 3yo girl ends in man's death 2-4
Environmentalist: A new synonym for Dumbass? 1-10 2-2
Instinctive avoidence of the Obese 2-3
Toy/replica guns: Should they be banned? 1-10
CNN/YouTube Debate atheist question: HELP IT MAKE TOP TEN! 1-8
Australia will become a police state if this Bill passes 1-9 3-2
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 3-1
Religious website calls for atheists to wear badges at all t 1-4
Iranian Jews against Zionism 1-3
Our public school motto is "For God Country State and Commun 1-8
Amnesty Abortion and Apes of Rome. 2-1
Karl Rove announces resignation! 1-4
"Convert or die" video game. 1-3 1-9
The Ultimate Bible Quiz 4-1
Bill O'Reilly's review of The Bourne Ultimatum 2-2
Kid Nation - interesting idea 2-6
CNN's God's Warriors special 2-1
Selling one's soul to the devil 1-7
The War on Religion by Ron Paul 1-2
BBC forced to remove 'bastard' slur about Jesus from its web 1-5
Religion as a neurotic condition. 2-5
Hypocricy amongst Christians 2-9
Vote for atheism for Larry King Live show! 1-2 2-5
Sikh girl "will convert to get into right school" 1-6
John Edwards, my hero 1-5
Pascal's Wager: wishful thinking in disguise 1-4
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 51-3
Fun *legal* ways to pester door to door religious salespeopl 4-7
Vibrators banned in Alabama 2-2 3-4
What to do with Atheists that reflect badly on the rest? 1-4
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 2-1
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 2-5
Another One Bites the Bullet.... 1-9
Sweden: Cartoons offend muslims yet again 1-5
The Anti-Americans 5-4 14-9 15-6
Summarized Closing, too over the top for me. Last day here. 6-2
Is George W. Bush evil or just stupid? 4-6
If the presidential election were tomorrow.... 2-6
Breaking News Ex-Gay therapy doesn't work! 1-2 4-3
FOX News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead 2-2
Does anyone listen to Conservative Radio around Cincinnati? 1-1
Stalin a religion? 2-4
Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel 1-5
David icke, dawkins gets a mention 2-2
Brave New World and Athesim 1-1
Bush again 4-8 5-4
is everyone laughing at us? 2-7
Thought experiment about an atheistic civilization. 2-3
Iraq war excedes $450 billion 3-8
Iraq about Oil?? bet says Greenspan...Bush torpedoed 1-3
IQ vs. Religiosity ; The graph 1-4
Lies of the secular reproductionists. 2-2
Moral Debts of Democratic Nations 2-1
University student gets apprehended and tasered by police 5-2
Evolution or not, hear it from the experts 1-3
The U.S.-Punching through the debt cieling again. 1-6
Atheist pride? 4-2
Not Ready? Better Get Ready. 2-8
George Galloway Debates Christopher Hitchens 1-4 1-9
Atheist's home vandalised 2-6
Creationist group to get $100,000 earmark - your tax dollars 1-4
When does Iran get it? Know what I mean? 1-5
Bill Maher: 2-6
High School Students in Colorado Walk Out on the Pledge 1-5
President Bush a hypocritical christian? 1-9
Vatican bars prelate for being gay 1-3
Florida: evolution's role in class set to grow 2-5
The Sad Irony of Cultural Conservatives 1-4
Mike Gravel Will Save Science...First you've got to get MAD! 2-7
Evolution and Atheism 1-6
Hairdresser sued in row about headscarf 1-4
Not that i had much respect for Dane Cook in the first place 1-7
Are we in the west more evolved than others? 6-7
Would you get out of America? 26-8
Is a Democratic President for 2008 In The Bag? 13-10 18-3 21-2
Kucinich/Paul 08? 1-1
The Religion of Secularism 2-5
Being Atheist/Non-religious in Public Schools 2-9
We're all doomed 3-1
the pledge of allegiance 1-2
Spooky Game!! 5-2
Why is allying with Ayaan Hirsi Ali? 3-1
The 2008 US Presidential Election 3-1 10-6
CNN/LOU DOBBS/ atheists are (Not) Criminals 1-3
Ahhh... this feels good! 2-1
More persecution of Christians by evil secularists 1-3
Should we cancel/reform the United Nations? 1-7
Why organic food can't feed the world (Cosmos Online) 4-1
Dignity and choice, and how right-wingers DON'T GET IT!!! 5-7
Social conservatism is a step backward. 2-10
Possibly the biggest news story of all time. 1-2
Atheism and vegetarianism 2-2
Bhutto killed in suicide attack 8-5 10-1
Noam Chomsky? 11-5
Hey Global Warming Fanatics! 1-4 1-6
Aliens in the Bible?! Psh... 1-2
Religious Christmas Present causes confusion... 1-4
New Political Compass test for the current US election 3-6 4-1
Pat Robertson's Annual Predictions 2-9
Stupidest conspiracy theories? 3-1
Baptist Minister takes the Iowa Caucus 4-2 4-5
US elections for dummies... 1-3
Stress Tests! 1-8
Letter from America 1-4
David Icke: "George Bush [snr.] is a notorious paedophile" 1-4
Google finds searching for the word Jew offensive 1-8
SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint 1-10
'God made me cook girlfriend' 1-8
Illegal Immigration, Should We Just Shoot Them? 2-7
Bohemian Grove 1-4
America was founded on Judeo-Christian Principles! 1-9
Accidental Incest 1-7
Doing atheism badly? 1-4
US Presidential Candidates 1-10
Judaism and Geopolitics 1-3 1-5
Jaw Dropper 1-2 1-9
Michigan Primary 1-3
Satire? 1-1
When George W. Bush became a "Lame Duck President" 3-10
Presidential Candidate Tool 2-4
John McCain knows the way to hell 2-1
Pro-science Republican Presidential candidate? 1-7
Ben Stein on The O'Reilly Factor 2-8
Dutch film: Freedom of speech, or Hate speech? 32-2 33-1
Evolution and religion do not mix 1-8
The Veggie-Tales Movie 1-2
Halal Meat in Subway 2-2
Will Bush's tax rebates do anything other than sink... 2-5
Buddhism is as irrational as Catholicism. 1-5
Marijuana vending machines 1-7
Bush says religion helped him overcome alcoholism 3-5
Edwards & Giuliani - out of the race 2-7
Political hyporacy. How to fight it? 3-5
Why Xtianity is so effective 4-6
Revealed: Chávez role in cocaine trail to Europe 2-6
Assault Victim Forcible Strip Search 1-1
Which country do you have in mind? 2-10
Super Tuesday today :) 2-2 2-10
Arguments against gay marriage/adoption 3-1
Should nations repeal their Holocaust laws? 3-10
Poll: Obama/Clinton 6-4
The Gays are Coming to Your Town!!!! 1-6
Lebanon 1-5
Why There is a 90% chance the Dems will win the presidency 1-7
A person with a vendetta against organised religion... 1-7
"I didn't major in math. I majored in miracles..." 3-4
Ann Coulter: "Godless: Church of Liberalism" 3-3
Tom & Jerry: a Jewish conspiracy 1-2
Mosquito device 1-7
Danish Muhammad cartoons reprinted feb. 13th '08 in Denmark 2-9
USA: Still jumpy since 9/11? 1-6
Michael Moore says Religion out of bounds 2-8
Internet Terrorists freed. 5-7
Xbox game 'Dark Sector' banned in Australia, allowed in USA 1-8
Bush defends US record on Darfur 1-9
Republicans Upset over Contempt Charges 1-1
Dane apologies to muslims (cartoons) 4-5
Turban wearing motorcyclist 1-3
Charles Barkley on The Situation Room: GOP full of “fake Chr 1-4
The Illustrated History of Scientology 1-4
Iran - nuclear program 1-4
John McCain and Abortion Law in the USA 1-3
rant about dems 1-10 2-2
Americans Think Nanotech immoral 2-8
Israeli Knesset member blames gays for recent earthquakes 1-7
Moving obese people a strain on the Fire Service? 1-2
Group proposes $5 monthly unlimited song downloads 1-4
The Shocking Photo Barack Does Not Want you to See! 6-6
Muslim shock !!! 13-6 14-2 14-4 15-10
Canada's Theocracy in waiting.....first glimpse 16-5
"21-year-old fathers seventh child" 1-8
John McCain and Catholic Education 1-3
Lost a little respect for Sam Harris 2-6
Code Pink 1-2
Will History vindicate GWB? 5-6
NY Governor Spitzer Involved in a prostitution ring? 1-6 1-9 6-2
Tehran police chief caught with 6 prostitutes 3-1
Kevorkian to run for office 1-3
Anyone know if Barack Obama's church... 1-7
Chinese Kill Tibetan demonstrators 2-1
Christian Fundamentalists launch "MuhammedTube" 1-2
Obama's racist pastor 5-3 41-4 47-8 48-1 48-5
How dumb is blue collar America? 2-5 2-8
Barack Obama is the son of atheists! 2-5
Celebrating Christian Holidays: Easter edition 2-5
Poll: Obama/Clinton supporters to vote McCain 1-5
An 11-year-old girl died because of her parents 4-1
Get off my bus, I need to pray! 1-4
Race Part 1: race and rape 2-2 3-4
Virtual reality child pornography? 2-2
Sex In This Election 1-5
Max Moseley - in a bit of bother? 2-9
Universal health care/health insurance? 8-3
The Olympic Torch 4-5
Is Bob Dylan a Christian? 2-1
US Presidential Election 2008 - John McCain 8-7 8-9
"The neocons may yet get their war on Iran." 3-5 3-7
Are you an elitist liberal? 2-1 4-10 5-3 5-9 6-1 6-6 7-2 7-3 9-2 9-7
The incompetence of Fox News. 1-10
What sort of person hurts Animals for fun ? 3-9
shit survey 2-2
Coral Ridge Hour ;"Darwin's Deadly Legacy" hate propaganda 1-2
lets all move to 'Ave Maria" 4-4
Europe in Mid-Century 3-8
Vote for the world's top intellectuals 2-3
Time Magazine Sells Out to Global Alarmists!!1 1-3
Chris Hedges, a new side 1-5
'Syrian reactor was weeks away from being operational' 1-10
Scientific Fact: Infinite Radiation from Mecca 1-1
what is art? 2-1
The BNP, what can be done? 4-6
General Member Survey 1-9
Channel 4's misleading documentaries 1-4
Ralph Nader Thread (Independent Candidate for US President) 1-3
John Edwards admits to having affair 6-5
Tropic Thunder Controversy 1-3 2-5
Are US high schools really like the movies? 8-9