List of Postings of User mcadamsdj

What are you currently reading? 59-2 62-5 62-8 83-7 84-7 84-8 96-2 126-9 127-2 136-2
The 50 book challenge 30-9 31-1 31-2 31-9 32-2 33-6 34-3 35-2 35-7
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 70-4 81-3 87-2 87-5 89-1
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 16-7
Atheist Satellite Channel 2-5
RDF World Map ~ Add Yourself! 11-6
Favourite YouTube Videos 13-5 32-2 32-4
How do I raise my child if I'm an atheist. 3-7
Atheist Alliance Conference VA/DC (Sept 28-30) 7-2 7-4 10-1
Post here your affirmation of FAITH! 5-7
Can we have a little fun here? 6-4
The Picture Thread 22-7
What is it about God and the Bible that scares you so much? 15-5
Parenting Beyond Belief 1-3
Infant Indoctrination 3-4
I can ... but I can't ... 5-2 9-3
Hey everyone, I'm an Atheist...boy, that still sounds funny. 1-1 1-6
The breakfast you ate. 5-2
Crazy laws you would enact if you were king 6-8
Christopher Hitchens ... 2-8
Are you leaving your religion? 2-6
Farting - Why is it so damn funny? 2-4
If Dawkins converted.... 8-7
I am... 11-9 13-3 18-9
No Vote? 1-5
I am experiencing God 61-3 62-5 65-4
Are You There, Mister Dawkins? It's Me, Teci :) 34-3
Favourite line featuring god or jesus from song 4-1
Dinesh D'Sousa: Misquoting THIS SITE 2-2
What do you want done with your remains when you die? 5-3
Is this close-minded? 1-5
Most badass name for a god.... 4-4
So Much for the New Year's Resolutions! 3-2
50 book challenge 2008 2-1 7-8 11-7 12-5 14-2 21-9 24-9 26-8 32-6 35-3 44-1 52-8 53-7 61-3 71-3 80-2 95-8
The 'Good' test 2-5
Room 101 8-10
Vox Day - The Irrational Atheist 5-5
Apparently I'm a disappointment to my parents 1-10
Is it Because I'm an Atheist? 2-8
Fundies Say The Darndest Things/Xtian chat room quotes 5-6
50 book challenge 2008 Part 2 25-1
Intolerance of My Yard Sign!!! 1-1 1-10 3-9
50 book challenge 2009 17-10 33-10 47-2 81-9
50 book challenge 2009 (Part 2) 46-5