List of Postings of User kinboshi

Marriage 24-2
Atheism and suicide 12-9
Future: Have humans stopped/slowed/changed evolution? 14-10
Arab Woman gives Muslims a Thrashing - Wafa Sultan 4-2
Child prodigy says she communicates with God 7-4
Quick hello 1-1
Hair on humans 5-2
RDFRS Team for Folding@Home 2-9
mother sues because hospital wont let her eat placenta 3-9
Making Oil with Genetically Engineered Bacteria 1-4
Explain Your Avatar 12-5
Anyone translate this into English I can understand? 1-1 1-7
Drinking evolved, or at least our taste for it? 1-2
My Problem with Atheists 14-7
What is it about God and the Bible that scares you so much? 5-9
View new posts 1-1 1-3
The "Did You Know" Thread 2-4
The official "who would win in a fight " thread. 1-4
measles cases soar 1-2
Single answer killer response to God question needed 4-3
Do you believe that pleasure is the root cause of evolution? 2-7 3-1 12-1
Proof of God, the real one 7-4
Breaking News Ex-Gay therapy doesn't work! 5-1
FOX News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead 3-5
Atheism as "just another belief". 67-2
Guinea Worm Soon To Join Smallpox As Eradicated 1-4
DISCRIMINATION! I was asked to not wear my OUT T-SHIRT! 3-7 3-9
God Delusion Review, an angry Christian responds 2-8
Sports Question - Anyone know? 1-3
Newbie Brit in Japan 1-4
Your favourite moment in school science class 1-5
Ernie Chambers suing god. 2-1
Ahmadinejad: "There are no homosexuals in Iran" 4-9
My belief. 13-9
God taking credit for the work of man and science again 2-1 2-3 2-5
Batting for Jesus 3-7
Existence of God! 1-9
Obesity not the individual's fault? 1-1
Fish spends several months out of water 1-8
Google [Bot] 1-2 1-3
What's a good book to give to a fundie? 1-4
Teddy Bear names 3-4
Open links in new window 1-9
Post your best argument against Christianity 1-3 10-5
I'll huff, and I'll puff... 1-1
MMR Vaccine DOES NOT CAUSE AUTISM - Results from new study 1-9
'The Passion' - BBC1 / Indoctrination..... 2-4 2-5
Offensive Christian Imagery on Clothing 1-8
Breeding animals for tourist hunting 1-8
Proud without being patriotic? 1-1 2-1
Hempel's Ravens - proof that all Koppites are Gobshites 1-4
Jesus in hospital window brings some to tears 1-2
smart person CAN believe 1-2
Here we go again ... another preventable death ... 2-8
WAG Weakest Link 1-9
Atheism is pretty meaningless; why bother promoting it? 1-3
Man sues after faith healing injury 5-9
Conservapedia wants to see Lenski's research data 8-6
Evolution Disproven 33-10
Analogies for Atheism 1-4
Acceptable to disrespect 1-7
British Muslims offended at police advert 1-4
Mammoth missing link 1-1
Why you shouldn't ask for help on a web forum... 1-1
British Creationists 3-2
Vicar accused of threatening herself 2-2
Fundamental Flaws in Dawkins' Approach 8-1
Jehovah's Witnesses 3-1
Against Science 13-9
'Maybe...Dawkins [is] the new Luther' - Guardian 2-7
The god delusion is boring 3-5
BBC - Oceans 1-1
Christian email spam campaign 1-5
Stephen Greens continuin crusade against free thought 1-2
Any Arab atheists? 2-8
"A Mind So Wrecked..." -- Richard Dawkins 1-6
Plants grow bigger through changes in their internal clocks 1-5
Ex-Mormon 1-2
How the turtle got it's shell. 1-9 2-3 2-5
How Evolution Proves the Existence of God 3-6 3-10 4-4 6-2 6-7 7-10 9-5 9-9 9-10 10-4 12-10 14-4 15-3 16-2 17-4 21-10 22-9
Why are Audi drivers aggressive a***holes? 1-5
Women say foreplay is overrated 1-2
Europe court says no to turban on Sikh's driving licence 3-1 6-8
Magnapinna squid video 1-1
Why have I lost my faith in Islam? 2-8 2-9 9-6 9-10
Atheist son; pressured by Islamic parents to believe in god. 2-7
Welsh taxpayers get a huge tab 1-7
Fat people should be bullied 1-5
"Macroevolution does not occur" comments thread 2-6
Where are all the Atheist Charities? - David Quinn, Ireland 1-8
MMR: Are vaccines also a religion? 5-5 8-4 9-3 14-8 15-1 16-3 39-4
Virgin Mary on Playboy Cover ! 5-10
Women shift 800 kg train engine to rescue child 2-2
Domain Squatters alert 1-7
Seeing and the Flight of Fancy in The God Delusion 3-4 6-5
Anachronisms in the movie 10,000 BC 4-8
How are "kinds" assigned to organisms? 13-1
a problem with search engines 1-7
I have proof that God exists 3-5
So I guess I'm an atheist... 1-5
The atheist's paradox 5-2 5-7 7-8
Profound benefits of islam 5-2
atheism and meditation 1-5
Do you think RD has mixed feelings about this forum ? 1-7 2-1
Charity workers quit over new logo 2-2 2-5
Is eating human meat unhealthy? 1-1 1-3 1-7
Outrage in Chile at busty Virgin Mary models 1-5
Greetings, Interesting website you got here 2-9
22-Year-Old Sells Virginity Online 5-4
More science focused on economic benefit in the UK? 1-1
Get Brian Cox Off BBC Science Programs!! 2-8
Read first what you are replying to, aaargh bang 1-3
BBC bias against atheists 1-3
so...gazza has discovered, ahem, God... 1-4
5 'witches' being burned alive in Rwanda (video) 1-6
What do you want in a woman? 1-3
Advice on HDTV? 1-3
You know, I think the word 'woo' is way overused. 2-7
Afterlife question to Richard 1-2
Latest example of pareidolia from the Pacific 14-5