List of Postings of User Interpretation

What are you currently reading? 37-2
The world that Tolkien created 3-1
The Cruelty of Man 3-9
Sam Fryman - His slating of Dawkins in an eBook... 1-6
The Phenomenon of Man 1-5
"American Gospel” 1-3
Neutral monism is unparsimonious 7-1
Libertarians, Ron Paul is running again 5-2
Al Gore: The Assault on Reason 1-3
Einstein as an atheist 12-8
Your Wishlist. 2-9
US evangelicals aim to influence European law 2-8
For Dr. O: Materialism: actually true or just a useful tool? 19-10
Four kinds of Atheist 3-1 3-4
Words and Worlds: philosophy, language and truth 5-8
Whoa! Murdoch (Fox News) Goes Green! 1-8
John Bolton: Europeans are thwarting the Worldbank 1-2
I have finally arrived 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-9 2-4 3-5 3-7 3-10 4-4 4-6 4-10 5-2
Richard Tarnas? 1-6
The Deadly Science 1-1 1-3 1-8 1-10 2-3 2-4 2-7 2-8 2-10 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-5 4-9 5-6 6-5 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-2 7-8 8-1 8-3 8-5
I'm A Recently "Converted" Atheist 1-9
The Natural Selection of Consciousness. 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
The Consquences of the Atheization of Western Civ 1-1
What Does Dawkins Think Of William James ? 3-1
Question about evolution 1-5
The Rationality Game! 3-6 3-10
Is it true? Question for the US members 5-1
Government with Atheists in Control 1-1 1-7 2-3 3-5
Simple question about Evolution 1-4 1-8
Richard Dawkins is a "dangerous man" 1-4
The Book Of Mormon 1-10
The Primary Reason I Believe... 1-8
Evolution and Falsificationism 2-3
On the danger of right-wing atheism 4-10
For Treehorn: Nietzsche, Genealogy, History. 5-10 6-1 7-9
The Skeptics Annotated Bible 1-5 1-8
shh: UE the one trick pony : here it is again 3-8
Fahrenheit 9/11 true or no? 2-9
Bush Using James Dobson to Spread Fear about Iran 1-8
Attention all Atheists!!! 1-2
stealing college students 1-7
The Differences Between Obscurantism and the Esoteric 5-6 7-2 13-9 19-10 20-1 22-2 22-4
"Inner Empiricism" 1-2
Boycott of Israeli academic institutions 2-3
The greatest living philosopher? 2-7
Is this what passes for reason with xians? 1-2 1-5
New To Philosophy 2-5 4-6
God stole my Girlfriend 2-8
Schopenhauer and postmodernism 2-1
Could we prosecute the religious? 3-10
Fibonacci ratio and stages of life 1-5
In praise of Consumerism:The spiritual fruits of Materialism 4-3
the "right" to be wrong? 1-3
You Know How Dawkins Talks About The Moral Zeitgheist? 5-2
Do you take good care of your books? 5-8 5-9
Monist, Dualist or Pluralist? 3-7 3-10 4-3 5-3
Questions about Philosphy Degrees and Careers 2-9 3-5
Reading philosophy vs. studying philosophy 1-7
History of philosophy. 3-9 4-1 4-4 4-6
Philosophy is Not Dead (nor bullshit) 1-6
Your List of Books To Be Read Soon (5 or less) 6-8
Nausea 1-8
If you had to have one book, what would it be? 3-8 3-10
"Must Read" Atheistic Books 1-8
Why is science beautiful? 1-6
Shakespeare... 2-9
Why do you read? 3-2
Creationism edges into U.S. high school classes 1-7 1-9
America and the Caliphate 1-4
A question that we could never answer, supporting an I.D. 2-2
Any other Neil Gaiman fans here? 1-9
Why is philosophy so difficult to understand? 6-9
The Meaning of Life. 4-1
Will Christianity become a myth? 1-1 1-4
"the portable atheist" 1-4
Decuctive Reasoning vs. Inductive Reasoning 1-10