List of Postings of User fretmeister

Darwin Fish 1-7 1-9 6-9 10-9
The End of Faith by Sam Harris 7-2
Why/when/how did you become an atheist? 7-9 16-6
People saying Bless You when a person sneezes 40-2
Musicians? 7-7 8-2 8-4 15-3 15-4 16-4 17-5 18-8 19-2 20-3
Are you on MySpace? 9-2 10-6
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 30-10 39-7
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 95-8
The Forum Banner Picture! 5-1 5-2
An excellent argument for Gods existence! 23-6
Irreducible complexity - The lazy detective 10-1
Atheistic quotes 23-1
Death 6-1
New atheist parents with a question 3-2
HELP - My 12 year old is a believer!! Any Suggestions? 11-1
Atheist Funerals 13-6 13-8
Recommendations for a second Dawkins book 3-2
Hello from Texas. Help needed. 9-4
Do you fear death? 12-6 12-7
e-petitions PROSECUTE Dawkins, or KNIGHT him? 2-3
How old are you? 27-7
Steven Pinker: The Blank Slate 4-2
100% Proof of God 86-1 86-9 87-6 87-7 87-10 88-2 88-5 88-6 88-8 88-9 96-2
Milwaukee scraps welfare 1-9
Smart Reply To "Atheist In Foxhole" comments 1-5
Has your interest in a "subversive" music style he 3-6
Greetings from a newbie 1-1 1-3
Religious family members. 1-1 1-5 2-9 3-4 3-6
fake religions 2-6
Other Famous Gods 2-3
Can atheists marry in a church? 2-5 2-8
Religious friends 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8
best board ever? 2-3 2-4
Cliché Newbie Post Follows: 1-5
I'm a 7 on Richard Dawkins' scale 1-10 2-3
A question I put to a religious person... 1-1 1-5
Homosexuality and Religion 5-2
Should Religious Sects Be Exempt from Law? 1-5
What would you say? 7-8
Abortion 6-2
I LOVE this conundrum ! 2-6
Proof of Jesus (forgive me I can't help myself) 4-8
What's Your Single Toughest Question For Christians? 22-3
Post here your affirmation of FAITH! 7-6 7-10
Evidence contradicts evolution theory 8-1
Okay, now I think I can think about having kids. 6-4
Creation vs Evolution: The ultimate summary. 1-5
Help PLEASE I need somoene to disprove this theory 2-3
The decline of religion is an illusion... 3-4
The truth about you and GOD. 4-1
FAO: Richard Dawkins. Audiobooks. 1-1 1-4 1-8
Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain 1-9
Most annoying thing a believer has ever said to me. 4-9
Will you worship God if he exists? 3-2
Why is life precious to an atheist? 1-10
Help needed for godless headstone..... 1-4 1-6
Ageing Changes... 1-1
Abortion and morality 8-3
Sacrifice? 4-10
How to explain concept of God to my kids? 8-6
Atheism and science are based on blind faith assumptions too 69-8
Pressure to attend Christian services at work! 6-2
Greatest AMERICAN sitcom/sketch show 4-9
The OUT Campaign 7-10
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 4-2
Any Chess Players Here? 3-6
Missing girl. Did her parents kill her? 39-9
Atheist Tattoo 4-6 5-1 6-10 10-9 15-10 16-7
Is anyone up for trying to organise Atheist 'event' the UK 1-2 5-1
Rant from another forum. includes apsostacy of Jonathan Edwa 1-1
Why are atheists so threatened? 35-3
Bachelor of Creation (B.Cr) in Sciences (sic) 5-3
I have just been accused of being an evangelical atheist... 1-1
Religious morals and the 'yuck factor' 8-2
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 8-6
The Picture Thread 21-8
Consciousness-raising posters 5-1
Explaining my views to my religious family and friends. 1-8
Law vs Faith 1-2
DISCRIMINATION! I was asked to not wear my OUT T-SHIRT! 7-8
The Alpha Course 7-9
Can Atheists be Composers? 3-5
Stephen Fry 3-10
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 3-6
BRAG BOOK *brag about your kid(s) in here* 7-2
Help in getting an article published 1-1 1-5
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 1-4
what would you study? 2-10
Anyone like to add a comment to my community paper(faith sch 1-3 1-4 1-6 2-2
Christopher Hitchens ... 3-1
More Catholic Idiocy from Poland. 1-1
Are you leaving your religion? 2-1
Anyone in or near Northampton? 1-1 1-3
what great films should I buy? 7-3
BBC asking for panellist suggestion for questiontime 1-9 1-10
Why should people stop raping? 4-7
Oxford Theology under Threat 1-4 1-5 1-9 2-1
Excellent letter in The Independent today... 1-1
Allah and Yahweh co-exist!!!!! 1-1
No aferlife. It fills me with dread and panic attacks. 12-10
Fundraising for Cancer Research: Please help. 1-1
Lets Start A Secular Political Movement 2-7
Help from former Christians needed!! 1-1 1-6 2-2
Why Dosen't the Gospel Praise Intelgence? 5-7
Sam Harris: The Problem with Atheism 4-7
Preventing Childhood Religious Indoctrination? 3-1 3-2
Batting for Jesus 6-3
SPIN-OFF: Batting for Jesus. Article rejected by the Indy 1-1
Andy Hamilton comedy show 1-1
Muslim Council Questions - email them in! 1-1 1-3
Taglines for atheism? 1-2
Net Authority entry for this website!!!!!! 1-1 1-3
Dumbledore from Harry Potter is Gay 3-3
J. K. Rowling and Christianity 2-9
Martial Arts mixes practical skills with B.S. 3-3 5-5
Christmas Cards 5-4 6-2
The "No Atheists in Foxholes" line 1-2
Crime and Punishment 2-9
Getting My Own Back on the Gideons...... 3-1
Morality and Law 1-6
Why have children? 5-10
Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy etc. for toddlers 1-10 2-3
Violent Christian Civil Rights Groups? 1-4 1-5
Rowling and Dumbledore Revisited. 1-6
Freezing sperm and having a vasectomy... 1-6 1-10
Why do some atheists convert? 7-1 7-5
Swearing an Oath in Court. 5-1
Ben Elton "Blind Faith" 4-3
Sorry for the spam... 1-1
School selection criteria 1-1 1-3
Is the death penalty ethical? Part 2 6-7
What are your "irreducible" truths? 19-8 21-3
** ALERT ** - Richard on BBC's 'Have Your Say'...... 2-3
Jerry Springer the Opera - Trial News 3-8
Desperately need advice with court case 1-3 3-4 4-3 4-6
Nosey Journalist 5-8
RDFRS Volunteers 7-10
Creationists plan British theme park 4-10 5-1 5-7
Saudi rape victim pardoned :) 2-8
americans - did you call your dad sir? 3-8
What is wrong with US films? 1-5
How is This Trick Done? 2-7
LibDems leadership / Clegg and God 7-3 7-5
Merry Christmas 4-8
Is it ethical to kill animals? 23-3 23-6 23-9
"free thinker" the new euphemism for atheist? 1-10
Wife wants to baptize children, husband doesnt. 2-4
Which philosopher has most influenced you? 17-10
Wearing a cross 1-9
LOLDawkins 12-3
How many Christians banned? 5-7
Pre-op transexuals and car insurance - m / f ? 4-3 4-5
Does Chi exist or is it all bollocks 4-6
U.S. Supreme Court Banning "Intelligent Design"? 3-6 3-10
How about a music section? 2-6
Religion Books for Children 6-3 6-7
Condoms 'too big' for Indian men 2-3
Poll : Should atheists try to find common ground? 3-5
Talking to Theists 24-8 25-9 26-1 27-1 27-2
Anti-evolution conference in Imperial College? 2-3
Allah = Yahweh 1-8
Pope tackles pedophelia.... with prayer! 2-5
Attempt to abolish UK blasphemy laws 12-3 12-4
Can Creationism Keep Evolving? 3-1
Breathtakingly intelligent and wittily sarcastic letter 17-2
Aggressive Creationist hymns 2-1
My new article 1-1 1-5 1-7 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-6
Any good Philosophy Intros/ Tutorial? 1-6
I got my first murder warning from a fundi!! 1-1 1-4 1-8 2-8
Dr Rowan Williams on Dawkinsian thinking 72-1 73-10
I'm Going to Marry a Christian 2-3
The New Christian Science Text Book :) 1-4
Help! Sick fundi relation 1-1 1-6
Strongest argument for atheism 1-3
Any bassists on here? SPAM 1-1
Your university degrees 3-4 10-3 15-10
How do magicians/illusionists fly? 1-3
Is this 'agnostic' book really religious propaganda? 5-8 5-10
Book Finds Missing Link Between Evolution, Racism 3-2
Justice vs. Revenge 4-3
Lie to Pollsters? 2-1
Creationists commit cinematic fraud 1-5
Natural History Museum tomorrow.... 1-1 1-2
Prayer 1-9
Weird places for priests! 1-1
Children must be forced to believe in Jesus! 4-1
Are you on Facebook? 15-8 19-7
How can someone not believe in god? 1-7
Anyone on Live Journal? Keep a blog about freethinking? 1-1
Catholics Protest Human/Animal Hybrid Embryos 1-3 1-5 1-7
Videos: Extraterrestrial World Contact (June 6th) 2-4
BBC Radio 4: Thought for the Day 8-1 8-3 8-6
Alan Davies? Atheist? 1-1 1-6
Another Flea on the Way! 1-2
Do you/have you, mourned at gravesides? 4-6
Calculate Your God Delusion Index 6-6 6-8
25% of Britons think Churchill is a myth 2-9
Respectful Phrasebook 1-4 2-6
A Christian threatened to punch me.... 4-5
RDFRS POSITION AVAILABLE: Assistant - Los Angeles, CA 2-5
Rowan Williams on Sharia Law in England 20-7
Very Long Shot: Job available 1-1
Six Nations 2008 2-6
The Times 'Faith Central' 1-1
"Evolution doesn't fit, as a term or as a theory" 2-10
Christopher Hitchens Email? 1-3
Is Waterboarding justified? 42-3 43-7
Wedding reading 1-3
Why do we believe in God? £2m study prays for answer 1-4
I’m Dreading My Sisters Wedding! 2-8 2-10
Calls for death penalty in Britain to be revisited 2-7
Religious first names. 7-4
My mother is a mess over my coming out 5-9
Do you proudly acknowledge your atheism? 3-2
Atheist Arrogance, Intolerance, Dishonesty 9-4
Did you ever really believe? 4-2
'Rape me' game of 7 year olds 1-3
I've been invited to a church! 1-1 2-4 2-6
The last day... 3-3
wear an athefix (OUT Campaign) 20-3
Recommend a book please... 1-1 1-8
Max Moseley - in a bit of bother? 1-1 1-4 2-2
Musicians Dilemma 4-4
Student teacher in desperation 1-8
Science Education 1-1 1-3
Why do Xtians fear death? 1-1 1-8 4-6
Getting hate mail from Christian Extremists - any ideas? 1-3 2-8
Faith Schools breaking admissions law 1-1
Are the "Terminator Movies" religious?? 1-4 1-9
The Inadvertant Linguistic-Offence Thread 8-7
Do atheists have to come out of closet? 1-8
Charlton Heston dies 2-7
Richard Dawkins on The Big Question 06/04/08 3-9 4-10 5-7 5-8 6-3
Hello from Edinburgh, Scotland!! 1-2
Would you kill in the name of Atheism? 8-2
Religious Inter-Atlantic Blogging Warfare? 1-4
My First Time 1-4
Psychics subject to new consumer regulations! 4-8
Religious Relatives and Bereavement 1-3
Post Your Art!...You artistic devil, You! 24-7!! King James Version 1-1
How are you wearing your A? 3-6
School motto ? 1-10 3-1
Alternative names for atheists II 3-10
Religion Does Not Poison Everything!!! 6-4
The law and defending life... 2-6
What if God were evil? 2-6
When Dawkins dies who is going to take over? 4-4
Is Religion like rape or sex? 1-8
PSA: Water contamination alert in UK 1-1
Do you have any atheist apparel on your car? 2-2
Daily Mail Bad Science Thread 1-1 1-2
So what is Hell actually like? 2-2
Stephen Green and Christian Voice facing Bankruptcy! 2-3
UK Law re: Religion in State Schools? 2-1
Bequeath a gift to the RDF. Everyone should have a Will. 1-2 1-9 2-2 2-6
Young Earth Creationist Poll! Take it! Skew it! 2-5
iTunes pulling some atheist items?? 1-1 2-1
Recycling Is Bullshit 2-1
You are proof god exist! 3-8
If heaven existed, what would it be like? 1-10
My son requests your help re: Christian girlfriend 7-4 7-6
Who's your favourite Atheist? 1-8
Silverstone loses British GP to Donington 1-1
Ten People at a Dinner Party 4-5
Opinions Wanted :) 2-9
Christian blogmeister won't follow instructions 4-7
Let's support Bishop Gene Robinson 1-9
Do you think Incest is wrong? 71-6 71-8
Do you believe in Ghosts? Part I 11-2 11-6
Any bassists on here? Sansamp for sale! 1-1
"Top 10 Signs You’ve Taken Your Faith Too Far" - Need Help 1-4
Testifying under oath as an atheist 4-8
Lawyers Secular Society.... 1-1
Best Drummer who ever lived. 2-8
Woman ‘tricked into sex’ by penis cream treatment 3-4
Does anybody know Applescript? 1-3
Bully advice 4-3
Question for Double Bass Atheist 1-4 2-2
Reasoned argument to show that 'The God Delusion' is rubbish 11-1
Borrowed technology: ideas please? 8-7 8-8 8-10 9-5 10-8 11-2
Selfish Gene on Audio book??? 1-1
Tatoo advice 3-3
A den of atheism 2-8 2-9
Any luck in converting believers to atheism? 3-10
Secular / Humanist / Atheist Christmas Cards 8-7 8-10 9-1
Child is going to have VERY religious Grandparents. 1-7
Fingers Crossed ( ;) ) 1-1 2-1
Doctor slang is a dying art 2-6
Would you convert for the sake of love? 5-9
Blue Peter's Peter Purves on His Atheism.... 1-4
excommunicated! 3-7
Religious test for a child's education 1-5
RD's chapters about the bible aren't solid enough. 17-10
Atheist Bus Campaign 68-6 90-10
Horror fiction recommendations? 4-7
Atheism vs. Agnosticism II 99-2
You know you're an atheist when... 8-6
Waterstones in Cardiff bow to pressure from Christian Voice 6-4 15-6 15-10 16-2
URGENT HELP: Creo-tard cartoons needed please 1-1 1-4
Why not have Bible in Courthouse as the Book of Law? 2-7
Should I Just Come Out And Say I'm Atheist 2-4
Would you rather be an astronaut or a celebrity? 1-2
The first atheist clothing brand? 1-5
The Hitchhiker's Guide - What's the big deal? 4-4
I have a low IQ 6-7
Comment on the previous poster's signature. 4-7
AVAILABLE NOW! New God Delusion T-Shirt 3-10
Any advice on dealing with christian parents? 1-7 1-9
PS3 players: Post your ID here 1-1
US soldier sues defense secretary over forced religion 1-3 1-9
Your favorite Dawkins TV appearance 2-1
Does being rational come easy to you? 2-8
Trouble at home / the Xmas assault 1-1
Religion in private English school 1-4
Anyone expecting Xmas gifts from Theists? 1-1 1-10
'Lego' terrorists 2-4
Church funeral... Do you go? 3-10
Now Dinesh D'Souza "almost" feels "pity" for Dawkins. 2-5
Dumped by a religious girl 2-9
Do you love churches, cathedrals, and church music? 3-3 5-8
RD's view on the Jury System 1-1 2-10 3-1 3-3 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-4 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-8 5-10 6-2 6-4 6-9 6-10 7-2 7-6
Stephen Green vs Patrick Jones (again) 1-9
Where do atheists find comfort? 5-9 7-6
what's your job? 2-8
Revenge on the Telesales Pests 2-9 2-10
Bush talks of belief in god, evolution. 1-3
My best friend is getting married 4-4 9-9
Death Sky... excellent parody on Dailymash 1-1
Interested in taking part? 1-7 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-10 5-4 7-5 9-10 10-3
Writing a letter to the editor 3-4
Teacher axed for telling class, "There's no Santa" 2-10
Do I dare.....? Office Xmas Cards related 1-1 1-3 1-5
Anyone got a really good pic of the HMS Beagle? 1-1 1-3 1-5
Documentation: A Reply To Richard Dawkins 2-2
Fictional Atheists 4-6
MMR: Are vaccines also a religion? 3-4
Palin's Wasilla Church Damaged By Arson 1-9
Why is this site littered with conspiracy theorists? 2-5
What does your loo say about you? 1-6 3-1
Postman Pat appears in Nativity play + stupid fundi argument 1-1 1-3
Swear on Richard Dawkins 1-3
Cake request denied for controversial name 1-6
The theists have beaten us... new rules for salvation! 1-1
Academic essay writing 1-6
atheist uncovered 2-2
What are you having for Christmas dinner? 1-3
Okay, who's giving The God Delusion as a gift this year? 1-6
'Cheap shots' against Richard Dawkins 2-2
Did you ever go to a religious school? 2-8
Joan Bakewell on Bible stories 1-8 1-10
Best blogging site? 2-3
Sam's baby 7-1
Should I get a tattoo? 5-1 5-5
Politically Correct seasonal greeting 1-1
A polite invitation to debate... 7-6
Contacting your children 3-6
I got "Deluded By Dawkins - A christian response..." for Xma 1-1 5-1
Family Troubles 2-1 2-3
I Guess PS3 Home Users Aren't Fans of Atheism... 3-7 4-1 4-4
What are you doing with your life? 10-6 13-2 13-6
Looking for emotional classical music. 4-7
Please show your support for justice by signing this petitio 2-9 3-5
John Travolta's son died today 7-9 7-10 8-4 8-6 8-7
Proof God Exists 2-6
What do you gain from "Coming Out" ? 2-5
'Atheist Day/week'. What date would you suggest for annual? 1-5
Tell Your Own Atheist Creation Myth 1-9
If there is no God 2-9 4-1 8-4 8-6 9-4
Would Richard Dawkins dare to enter the next Big Brother?! 4-6
Richard dawkins contacts 1-8 2-1
Coming clean to a parent. 1-5
Muslim Forum rules 3-9 4-4 4-5
Where does this Atheist logo come from? 1-1 1-7 1-8 3-3
Great one liners for atheists 13-9 14-10
BBC4 Documentry - What Darwin Didn't Know 1-4
Anybody here play guitar? 1-4 6-3 7-1
Dawkins to appear in another Channel 4 series 3-5
Darwin commited incest 8-1
Make your own Atheist Bus Sign 2-7
Christian foster mum struck off after muslim girl converts 1-1
Get 'acts of worship' out of UK schools 1-3
Dawkins' Review of "Why Evolution is True" 1-6 2-5
mental enchancers you'd recommend? 2-7
Does Masturbation Cause Prostate Cancer? 3-6
When atheist forums go bad they look like Pharyngula 50-8
What Are You Currently Reading? (Part III) 60-9
What Can I Say To A Highly Religious Parent About Myth Study 1-8
Star Wars noob: What Movie to Start With? 1-8
Just in case any muso's want some equipment... 1-1
Deborah 13, Servant of God 6-9 8-1
Which is the real "Football", American or European. 11-4
Dealing with bereavement when you don't believe 1-6
Poll: Do you pee in the shower? 3-4
Is there a lawyer here? (uk) 1-3
What would you do if you won the Lottery? 3-1 4-5
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 72-4
Are you an open atheist? 5-6 6-6
How Do Atheists Get Married? 5-2
Susan Boyle - A metaphor 7-6 7-7 7-9
Lawyers Secular Society is LIVE!!! 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-8
The Calilasseia Smackdown Fanclub 1-8 1-10
How many people used to be Christians? 3-2
Proof of recent human Natural Selection.... 1-1
Hello from a Christian 9-6
Atheism: Life is fulfilling or hopeless? 2-4
Melanie Phillips blasts Richard Dawkins 2-2 10-6 10-9 11-6
Atheism and purpose 4-9
Has anyone read ANY good comebacks to the God Delusion? 16-1
That's it !! - Atheists need a hell 1-3 3-4
Could you have a partner with a different faith? 2-5 3-10
Angels and Demons Questions...alot 6-1
Advice needed: "daily act of worship" at son's school 3-3 3-6 4-1
getting better but... 1-10
What is the worst thing said to you by a believer? 5-4
So proud of my daughter!! 1-1
RIP David Carradine 1-1
Having to take someone to church at work. 4-3 6-4
Open Letter to Richard Dawkins 11-10 12-2
Anyone watching the Download webcast? 1-1
Gideon Bibles - a moral question 1-5
Who do Men Dying in Combat Ask For? 1-5
Inside Nature's Giants (Documentary featuring Dawkins) 4-4 6-1
Clever Pro-Evolution Shirts 3-2
Anglo Slang: decode please 2-5
Was that really a word? 7-5 8-3 8-7
Medical anorexia question 1-1 1-3
How do babies think? 3-3
New Times story - 1 in 7 Brits are creotards 1-1
01/07/09: A Special Day 1-1 1-9
New reality TV show (Turkey): converting atheists 3-5
The Modern Jesus Army 1-1 1-4
Miracle 14-9
"Atheism is a religion" and other things that make me sigh. 16-10
You are not your arguments 9-6
Why I believe in god and why big bang and evolution is false 8-5
F1 driver Felipe Massa has life-threatening crash (GRAPHIC) 1-5
Cool idea for an atheist bumper sticker 4-3 6-5
Suggestions on things to write in hotel bibles please 9-2 12-2 12-10 13-4 14-6 15-5 16-5 16-6 16-7 16-9 17-2 17-4
Private prosecution against a medium? 1-7
Telling Parents about my Atheism. 1-8 1-10 2-5 2-8
Atheists, ever feel like giving up? 4-6
Atheists required to join important group 3-5
Potential Proof that the Supernatural World Exists 2-10
Do you criticize beliefs that are held quiet? 3-1
Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft? 4-1 4-4 5-10
8 irrefutable reasons that god does exists. IRREFUTABLE! 6-4
Why destroy someone's faith? 1-5
Anti-theist Music 6-7
Any of you posting in The Times at the moment? 1-1 1-2
Why does God want worship? 3-1
Fundamentalist teaching in Britain 1-3
"3 Wise Monkeys" is a racist terms.... so is "Witch Hunt" 1-1
Flying rabbis 1-7
Teen devises a prayer app for iPhone 2-6 2-7
Sharpening the Saw: Improving Forum Quality 1-9 2-2
Flat Screen TVs 3-4 3-5
who listens to metal!?!? 3-4 5-6 6-1
Best avatar competition - NOW OPEN 10-9
Why People are Religious - The Real Reason 1-9
Peanut Gallery: DNA/Information "Design" Debate 6-9
Creationists, now they’re coming for your children. 1-5
Sylvia Baker - creationist teacher.... 1-1
GCSE results time again. 1-1 1-3 1-5
Richrd Dawkins and child abuse. 1 1-9
PS3 gamers... COD4 invitational tonight. 1-1
Musicians! Fancy a writing a tune as a collaboration? 1-1 1-5 2-3
Personal safety/security and physical threats from believers 1-4
Goodbye Mate... 2-7
Your usernames 2-10 3-3 6-7
James Caviezel 1-3
A Deal I Made With My Mom 5-1
Children 2-7 3-3
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 16-6 18-3
Did atheists evolve to believe in atheism? 13-5
A Christian's Response to "The God Delusion" 4-1
Should I challenge my religious cousin? 2-1 2-10
Long time lurker, first time poster. Hi! I need some advice 6-10
school votes to send lamb to the slaughter 1-2 4-9
What would you do for $1 Million per annum? 5-1 5-4 5-9
A Bit of Legal Advice Needed Re: Adnan Oktar/Harun Yahya 2-9
FAO: RD. Audiobook issue for The Greatest Show 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-2 2-4 2-9 3-4
Evolution of God? 1-2 1-6 2-3 2-6
Rotary Club question 1-1 1-3 1-5
The judgment of San Francisco and LA in prophecy 60-10 78-5 82-4
Wow. Please enlighten me. 1-10
How will Professor Dawkins be remembered in years to come? 1-2
U.S. Government Finds $20 Trillion 1-5
F1: Renault guilty!. Briatore and Symonds go! 1-1
Matthew Parris - Agnosticism is not enough 1-4
Has Richard ever been in a fight? 2-9 3-1
a question for other atheist teachers 1-4
Beyonce 'a Freemason' 1-6
A Bible Story Story 2-5
Christian Here! 34-6 36-6 39-2 39-5
About to come out to parents (atheism that is) 2-6
Ken gets hitched 1-3
It's NICE to be an Atheist. Why? 2-3
Why do we Atheists refer to god as "He" and not "It"? 2-1
Alternative name for "god-parent" please! 1-1 2-8
Magic 1-1 1-6 1-8
Kindle ebook reader and similar. Anyone got one? 1-1
Deepak Chopra Responds to Richard Dawkins 6-5
Do you treat "Jesus Christ" as a curse word with your kids? 4-1
Xmas Carol game.... 1-1
Episcopal Church allows priests to conduct gay weddings! 1-1
Food Quiz help needed please!!!! 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-8 1-10
The Stupidest Thing You've Done to Yourself ??? (Pt 2) 15-8 15-9