List of Postings of User GCSTroop

Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 25-7
A "retard" visits the Creation Museum 9-1 9-3
Atheist Dog Tags 1-8
Where in the heck is hell? 1-1 1-4 1-7 1-8
First Life? 1-1
Favorite malignant design feature 4-7
For Calilasseia: how fish survived the flood 3-9
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Part I 22-3
First cause 43-1
Petition for Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Donations needed by Sam Harris 5-3
Another Hovind sliming his way across the country 1-6 2-1
Why do males have nipples? 1-1 1-4 2-1 2-4
Never heard this one before! 1-1 1-7
Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy etc. for toddlers 2-1
Quote mining... Doublethink? 1-5
PROOF of a Young Earth! 2-2
PBS/NOVA on intelligent design - Nov. 13 4-9
Humans are a rubbish design 2-3
Why didn't anyone tell me about this guy?! 5-2
Question about 'Young Earth' Creationists 1-3
To Evolutionists 1-7
Morality.... 5-7 6-3
Lucy - Not Man's Direct Ancestor 1-9
Did I miss something? 1-1 1-3
New Low in Creationist Thought 2-1
Ever heard of Ian Wishart 10-3 10-5
"Space" by James Michener 1-1
Not all proponents of ID are morons 1-7
The 5th force? 5-6
Bill Maher's "Religulous" Movie 8-1
status of evolution in your country 3-7
Asian eyes 4-8 5-1
The evolution of the horse (and other domesticated animals) 1-6
At least it's a start.... 1-1 1-3
Atheism & Christmas 2-2
Jumbo shrimp, creationist astronomy 1-10
Most badass name for a god.... 2-7
Is it Impossible to Prove Evolution to a Creationist? 11-9
How can Ph.D scientists believe in Young Earth Creationism? 1-2
Human Immune System 1-6
Reversal of Earth's Magnetic Field 2-6 2-8 2-9 3-1 3-3
*Sigh* 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-9 1-10
So, Creationists Accept Micro Evolution? 1-3
Incredible creatures that defy evolution: rebuttals? 1-5
DesertGhosts very own thead 19-2 20-4 20-6
I Feel Ignorant 1-4
U.S. Supreme Court Banning "Intelligent Design"? 1-3 1-5 1-7
Michael Behe's motivation? 1-8
a few hard questions to evolutionists..... 3-5
The Blind Watchmaker didn't do it for me.... 2-1
Question on Evolutionary "Branching" argument 2-1
Answers in Genesis Starts "Peer-reviewed" Journal 4-10
Evolution at Work 1-1 1-5
Solving the flat earth/spherical earth "problem" 1-4
The use of the words "god/gods" 6-6 6-8 7-2
The Evolved Eye Argument 1-4
Atheist Seeing a Therapist 1-1 1-3
Transplants and New Talents 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
Thermodynamics and Age of the Earth 1-1 1-3 2-1 2-3
Ian Wishart Pays A Visit 14-2
I'm going to a "creation" meeting. 1-8
Noah's Flood debunked on Xtian radio! 1-3
How many species are represented by the entire fossil record 2-4
Dr. Johanson Lecture 1-1 1-3
Is debunking creationism a waste of time? 3-9
A Creationist Car?! 2-7
Genesis v. Darwin - Irish TV, Wed. March 26th 1-4 1-6
FSM in the News! 1-1
If Adam 1-9
Videos/website for fighting creationism 2-7
Formal Debate Challenge to Richard Dawkins 11-6
Did Adam And Eve Have Assholes?? 1-1 1-9 2-2 2-4
Question For Cal (Or Whomever Else Would Like to Respond) 1-1 1-3 2-1
More Danger on the Horizon for the Schoolchildren of Texas 1-1
YECs 'educate' kids at science museum. 7-10
Dog Emotions and Evolution. 1-1 1-4
Texas School Board Creationism Brouhaha 4-6
Kind Of Stumped 1-1 1-3