List of Postings of User Zuul

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 15-2
wearing atheist clothing 6-4
Atheist T-Shirt Designs & Slogans 15-8
Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 16-4 18-4 19-10 41-7
What are you currently reading? 53-4
Dawkins on South Park 36-1 42-1 43-6 43-9 44-3 45-1 46-5
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 41-2 49-5
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Genuine Benefit? 51-2
Dealing with Christmas - atheists with children 4-4
Atheism vs. Agnosticism 20-1 20-3
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 16-10
Anthony Flew 2-10 3-2 3-9 4-1 4-3 5-2
Kalam Cosmological Argument 10-10
The End of Theologians: A Dawkins inspired disaster? 8-1 8-5
The case against free will 4-8
Mithras, wow if this is true it's pretty amazing. 13-7
Why are you an atheist? 9-6
Religious dogma assists in the perpetuation of homosexuality 5-5
Is philosophy bullshit? 14-1
How Evolution is not pure random chance 9-5
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 81-9 82-5 83-2 85-7
We should clean up our language 1-8
What's the best "religious" joke ever? 17-1
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 4-10
You're an atheist. Are you also moral? 28-8
Atheist Fundamentalists 4-5 4-8 5-5 5-7 5-9 6-2 6-7 6-9 15-5 15-7 15-9 16-2 16-8 16-10
To have children or not? 7-1
god hates amputees 3-1 3-2
materialism 23-6 23-8 23-10 24-2 27-3 27-5 28-1 29-6 30-2
What is it like to be an atheist in your country? 5-8
RDF Official Contest Thread ~ We have a winner! 10-3
How do I tell my mum I don't believe in God? 6-6
What Kind of Atheist are you? 4-7
What's the use of art? 2-9 3-3
Right to bear arms? 18-1
Vegan propaganda 8-7 12-6 13-9
What is the meaning of Life? 4-1
Virginia Tech Killings and Religion 3-4
The difference between brain activity and consciousness 7-1 7-4 7-6 7-8 8-1 8-7 15-5 16-2 17-2 17-4
Dawkins on Bill O'Reilly 3-2 7-3 24-1
Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, anyone else have them? 2-7 3-2 3-6
Punish the CO2didit proponents? 1-7 3-9
Einstein as an atheist 2-7 3-2 3-5 3-8 4-4 5-7 7-1 7-5 7-7 9-7 9-9 10-1 10-3 10-6 10-7
A different angle: What if the anti-materialists were right? 1-9 3-4 3-6 3-10 4-9 5-3 5-5 5-7 5-9
Proof/Falsification of God 1-7
Atheism is Insanity 4-1 4-8
Best anti-Bible site I have found 1-8 3-3
Yo. 1-1 1-3
Refuting the Omnipotence of God 1-3 1-5 1-10 2-2
Three things that fascinate you the most. 5-8
'The LOVE Delusion? 1-2
Godless sodomites on Christian talkshow 1-2
Stanford guy "prove" god (or disprove philosphy) 2-3
Do you think religion will survive the 21st century? 1-7
49% 1-5
Atheism is a belief. 49-6 62-10
what you've all been waiting for 2-4 5-5 5-9 7-1 7-5
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold 1-5 8-10 10-6
Over aggressive atheism counter productive? 1-5 5-4 7-3
Disproving God 1-4
Picture of What the Earth Looks Like According to the Bible 1-8 4-7 11-3 25-8 28-1
A Terrible PR-campaign 2-1
Violence in contemporary culture 1-2 1-6
Interview Scenario: Yourself and Dawkins 1-3
Questions for theists regarding an absurdity in the bible 3-7 4-10
Is atheism obvious? what am I missing? 2-2 3-10 4-4 6-5
A Question about Atheists and Ethics 1-2 1-5 1-7
talkorigins reliability? 6-4
Astaroth vs Jef on Aleister Crowley and Meditation 4-9
Philosophy of religion;If God exists hell cannot exist. 1-2 3-9
The Richard Dawkins Delusion 1-2 1-7 1-10 3-1 3-3
Is Scientology the Silliest Religion? 1-4
Robert Winston attacks 'arrogant' Dawkins 1-9
The Radio and life after death 4-5
Penn and Teller on Creationism 1-5
What do you think about deism? 1-10 3-8 8-8
Is Santa Child Abuse? 2-9
Can someone please defend Islam? Anyone? 2-5
Militant Atheism - Curse or Blessing? 1-10 7-5 11-3
Question for a True Atheist 4-2 4-7
What's wrong with saying we don't know? 1-6
Honestly - did you have a HAPPY CHILDHOOD? 4-4
Atheist online community void? 1-10
Jehovah's Witnesses want you to AWAKE! 2-2
"an inconvenient truth"-style movie? 1-2 2-2
100% Proof of God 27-9
If you were omnipotent, could you do a better job? 1-2
But seriously: Can atheists believe in ghosts? 6-3 6-6
The evolution of insect behaviour 1-1
Athesitic circular reasoning and self-refutation. 1-10
best way to counter theist arguements against genetic ..... 2-10
Let's come up with an alternative ten commandments 3-3
If there's a mind-body problem... 1-3 2-1 4-7 8-5
If you died and there was a God... 2-4 3-2
Dawkins for Satan? 1-6
That Old Black Magic... 1-8 2-1 2-9
atheists sure spend allot of time... 2-9 3-1
Creativity and Alcohol... 2-10
Insane, stupid, retarded? 3-4 5-5
Richard = Dick 1-8
The Atheist Bible 1-4
For Dr. O: Materialism: actually true or just a useful tool? 2-3 2-5
Child prodigy says she communicates with God 1-10 2-9
New Atheists 'unable to challenge religion' 4-3
Could God have prevented the tsunami? 2-4
Dawkins is not a atheist! 1-7 4-8
Historicity of Jesus: Formal debate Challenge? 4-3
Ray Comfort V Atheists, tonight! 4-2
Why doesn't God ever speak up in any Debates? 3-5
Richard's analysis faulty? 1-10 3-5 4-5
For Fun -What would you do? 1-6
The Politics of Atheists 2-3 2-9
Is God The Source Of Evil? 1-3
To former christians: Why did you stop? 2-7 3-6
Introducing a Religious Richard Dawkins 2-1
Attention all atheists!!! I want your honest opinion 3-1
Scientology: reporter goes for jugular.... 6-9
Atheists with Bibles... 6-5
Has your interest in a "subversive" music style he 4-1
Attention all atheists!! I want your honest opinion (part 2) 5-1
A Message for Tommy Davis 1-4
For the next goofball that says atheism requires faith 1-10
Is there any point to life? 4-2
What to tell your children ? 2-4
What Should We Be Called? 2-6
Please sign my e-petition. RE in schools 2-4
Is God in here or out there? 2-6 2-9 3-8
Science does NOT involve any leaps of faith 8-6
The Problem of Evil - arrogant theistic viewpoint 2-4 2-6
A priori anti-supernatural bias 1-1 1-4 1-6 3-7 3-8 4-2 4-4
Isn't faith just another word for bias? 1-6
shh: UE the one trick pony : here it is again 1-7 2-2 2-8 3-3 3-9
Epitaph for an atheist 2-10
The reality about Jesus 2-3
Attention all Atheists!!! 1-7 5-9
Atheism Causes More Wars Than Theism? 3-10 5-2 5-8
is it ok to? 1-2 1-5
god and science dot org 1-3
The quality of debate on these forums . . . 4-6
The Black man is you genetic father. 11-4
Strong Atheism is just as irrational as theism 3-5 7-3 8-3
Did Dawkins assist you into an atheist life? 2-7
The universe is an "accident?" 1-3
Hilarious atheistic philosophy 2-2 4-9
Ouija boards 5-8
Is Atheism the first step on the path to Anarchism? 3-6 3-9 5-8
What does it mean to be 'created in god's image'? 1-3
need urgent help about the origins of judaism 1-9
Atheists: which faith were you raised with? 2-9
What are angels? Who is satan? 2-9
At near death, What is that bright white tunnel? 1-3
Peer review or censorship? 3-1 4-4 4-7 5-8 13-10
Hitchens vs. Hitchens - A theist takes an on atheist 3-9
Richard Dawkins and the God of the Old Testament 9-8
Why I believe in 6-day creation 61-6 61-9
I don't like Christopher Hitchens 4-6
Is your god the right one? 6-9 6-10
100% Atheist: Is That Possible? 6-7
We all beleive in something 2-6
Who is more over the top, Richard Dawkins or Dreamer 1-2
Atheist science fiction or horror. 2-5
Should atheism be taught in religious studies classes? 1-10 6-2
Can an Atheist Believe in a Higher Power? 2-4
Religious Education and Richard Dawkins 1-9
Dawkins vs Hitchens. 1-6
You'll never guess why the floods in the Yorkshire happened! 1-3
What symbol do you want on your grave? 4-5
Deism versus Atheism? 2-2 2-6 3-5 4-1 4-7
Why do theists mourn their dead? 2-4
What happened to Jesus after he ascended into the heavens? 1-9
Who are your "Gods"? 1-3
Can an Atheist be a Bigot? 1-4
God TV 1-4 2-4 2-9
Faith Schools? 1-9
Reality and faith positions 9-10 10-8
Something I think we need to remind ourselves of here 2-4 3-6 3-7 5-1 5-7
Why are children declining? 2-3
Does the bible admit that there is more than one God? 3-3 6-6
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 1-9
God is Real, Dawkins is Wrong, and I can Prove it!!! 2-9
Metaphysical beliefs of religion can't be evaluated with sci 2-9
Why are we so scared of offending Muslims? 1-3
Could God Be An Atheist? 1-2 2-7 3-4
BBC URL classifies Atheism as a religion? 1-6
Scenario: Religion as a Mental Illness 2-1
ATTENTION: Jesus Myth Scholars (Pro and Con - you too Jerome 1-10
Atheists object to passive religious practices 1-5
Which Version of the Bible is the Most Accurate? 1-6 2-6
The 'No God' delusion. 1-4
Would you join a religion based on science? 3-1 3-3 3-6 4-6
What did Arabs believe before Islam? 1-4
The existence of the Bible equals God. 1-5
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 2-8
Help me solve my pub argument 2-1
Atheists obsessed with Christianity 1-8
What are you? [Poll] 2-7
Three Atheists - 1/2 Hour News Hour 2-2
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 2-7 4-10 12-5 36-7 37-1
View on attractiveness of circumcision 1-7 4-4 4-10 7-1
Chuck Norris Jokes about branding atheists... 1-10
Does the devil really have all the best tunes? 1-5 4-3 5-1
A symbol for all types of rationalism 2-6
Your Favorite Christians 2-2 2-9
Lee Strobel - The Case for Christ 1-8
The Big Bang Theist-Atheist Scale: where do you stand? 7-10
Is this s#!t for real? 1-7
Rational Atheism 1-2
Yeshu Ben Yosef - time to call a shovel a shovel 1-10 2-3
New song The God Delusion 1-3 1-6
Prepare to be physically sick 1-7 8-4
Pantheistic Atheism 1-4
Akercocke on Irish BBC TV 1-5
Why does human nature search/crave for the end of the world? 1-3
Any Atheist Please Read! We Need To Debunk This 3-9
Atheist colony! Would anyone buy a ticket to go? 5-8
What to do with Atheists that reflect badly on the rest? 2-4
Positive Atheist Characters in TV and Movies 1-9 3-3 6-7
levels of consciousness, evidence of spirit 3-8 4-7 5-2
Would you deny your atheism under threat? 1-8
My Problem with Atheists 1-5
Single answer killer response to God question needed 2-2 3-1
Dawkins is wrong about Deism 1-5 2-9 4-2 4-10 5-1 5-8
how do you see this evidence in favor of Christianity? 1-7
Why do Atheists believe in science? 37-1 37-4 37-10 38-2
The Comparative Faiths of Theism and Atheism (long post) 2-8
Is Judaism Rational? 2-8 4-10
I'm disappointed in Atheists 9-2
Questions for Dawkins 11-5 11-10
e= mc 2? 1-7
To Ex-Christians ;] 2-1
Richard Dawkins responsible for Predjudice. 4-2
If atheists have no problem with the universe existing forev 5-4 7-6
Would it be fair to say that....... 1-4
omnipotent god obviously not possible? 2-10 6-1 6-7
science and faith 6-9 8-6 9-3 12-3 13-1 13-2 13-6
Do you need god to be "good"? 2-10
Can Atheists Be Poets? 3-6 5-5
Faith without Religion 2-10
What value is atheism? 2-1
Can Atheists be Composers? 2-1 2-3
Jaded non-believers 1-5
Did Jesus really die on a cross? 1-2 4-9 5-1 5-6
The Supreme Test 2-1
Guardian article attacking the 'new atheist orthodoxy' 1-3 2-9 3-6
Why hell is necessary (and very real) 1-4 6-5
I'm a Christian -I'm also an atheist ! Confused -you will be 1-5
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 2-6
The greatest work of art created by an atheist? 4-6 4-10
Thought experiment about an atheistic civilization. 2-2
The intricate beauty of theology. 1-6
Matter implies God? 1-9 2-8
What is your IQ and how important is Religion to you? 3-3
Is religion related to latitude? 3-8
Is atheism sexy? 3-3
Why should people stop raping? 3-2 3-4
Conservapedia's atheism article 1-5
"GOD DOES NOT EXIST" Is An Affirmative Claim 1-6 2-3
Bible question - Laws from OT made obsolete in NT? 3-6 4-9 on "naive atheists" 1-4
Your Favorite/Least Favorite Part of the Bible. 2-6
Bill Maher: 8-4 8-8 11-7 11-9 12-7
Russel's comet 1-3
I am a theist--should I run for cover? 2-5
Evidence for Pre-Flood Sacred Writings -- Source for Genesis 3-1
Check this out, Argument from a christian. 1-6
William Lane Craig 84-6 86-2 90-3 95-4
Beware The Believers 24-8
Who Killed More - God or Satan? 4-7 5-3
Free Will 24-7 24-9
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? (Part 3) 3-8 26-5
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 9-7
Pornography 28-1 28-10 29-6 31-10
Who is Your Favorite God? 42-8
Simon Singh to be sued 8-10
Pictures of thee, Thread Part IV! 75-1 75-10 79-1 84-6
Why Capitalism Sucks. 81-7 83-6 83-9 84-1 84-3
Favourite YouTube Videos II 84-8
How Bad is Socialism anyway? Pt. 2 70-6 77-2 77-7 77-9 78-6 84-8 87-9 88-5 90-10 91-3 91-9 94-5
"A dedicated Darwinian would welcome genocide" 5-6
Whats your Cognitive dissonance? 4-5 4-7 4-10 5-4
'Islamophobia' is a False Concept 26-8 26-10 29-7 30-8
Profanity 6-10
Christianity: A History (Channel 4) 5-1 5-4
Is evolution incompatible with Christianity? 13-7
Best response to "everything happens for a reason" ? 4-7 8-10
British Jihadis 8-7 9-1
Pornophilosophy (Dawkins book review) 2-1
Christian funerals 2-3
Was Jesus Real? (Part 1) 46-6 47-6 49-8 49-9 49-10 50-6 52-10 53-4 53-5 55-7 56-3 56-4 57-1 57-3 57-4 58-3 58-7 58-9 59-3 59-4 59-9 60-3 60-4 60-10 61-9 62-6 63-9 64-2 64-3 64-4 64-8 64-9 65-1 67-10 73-3 74-7 80-2 85-10
Richard Dawkins: Darwin disproved God? 1-8
Religious attendance rather than devotion = Martyrdom? 1-1
Screw You Guys I'm Going Home :) 8-10 9-7
Atheism and the Negative Proof Fallacy 2-10 4-8
What if you could prove there's no god? 1-7 4-1
Where in the Bible do I find this? 1-7 2-1
Hetero, Homo and Bi 5-3 5-6 7-9 12-3
Why this prejudice against Muslims? 2-1
I'm debating a creationist 1-4
Secular Turkish Islam 1-8 2-8 3-1 3-7 5-2
Proving a god with math? 1-10
Being told,"I will pray for you" 4-2
Something mr. Dawkins said. 1-8
why does god hate sex 5-4 5-6
Deborah 13, Servant of God 5-1 13-8 15-9
Dissilusioned with Dawkins 5-9
heterosexual,bisexual, or homosexual? 7-2
De-baptism for atheists 2-9
Hate Speech, Hate Crime, or Really funny Joke 1-5
The worst thing Ronald Reagan ever said or did Poll. 1-6 3-4
Being Fat 7-2 8-3 8-5 9-6 11-3 17-4
How Bad is Socialism anyway? Pt. 3 1-3 2-8 4-1 8-2 84-6
atheist who rejects evolution?? 1-7
Proud to be British? 5-9 6-10 8-3 9-3
JW's are never mentioned 5-3
Did Darwin Kill God? 4-8 6-8 12-2 13-1 16-5 18-2 19-2 19-4 19-8 20-7 21-3 22-1 22-5 22-10
Would you "outlaw" theism? 1-10 2-2
If Atheists Ruled the World 1-2
Lack of robustness on this site 1-6 2-9 6-5 16-8
Christian Rock/Exploitation 4-5 6-6 7-1 7-7
Male Circumcision: Religious Stupidity or Benefit? Part 2 80-10 81-3 98-4 98-8
What's your fav. X-men character and Marvel Character(s)? 1-7
What are some good movies with an atheistic storyline? 1-10 2-3 8-2 9-6
Puritanism and Sex 1-1
Do you Regard Yourself as an Intellectual? 5-3
god is not Great, the movie 2-10 3-4
Antitheism is perfectly reasonable... 12-5 12-7
If we got rid of religion, what then? 7-6 7-8
What movie character do you most look like? 3-2
Are you an open atheist? 11-6
Can you become funny? 3-2
Share thy music 1-1
Was Jesus Real? (Part 2) 5-1 70-8 75-9 76-4 76-7 81-9
Dawkins & co. - The liberal supremacists 2-5 5-3
Atheist show on radio 1 1-1
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 2) 78-6
Waking Life Cartoon With Dawkins? 6-9 7-2
Revelations: How to find God 2-3
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - Atheists? Part 2 13-2 14-7 15-9 16-1 16-4 19-4 19-7
Jesus the deified Julius Caesar ?? 2-4
any goths on here? 8-8
Nietzsche and Dawkins. 4-5 4-8
Richard Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth 21-3
"A Bulletproof, Airtight Case For Intelligent Design" 3-4 12-2
Anti-theist Music 3-6 3-10 6-1 6-9
Dawkins interview questions 3-3 3-10 4-2 4-7 9-10
Should Freedom Of Speech Be Absolute? 2-7 4-4 4-6 4-10
Is pacifism the morally correct stance? 5-6 8-1
Questions to the anarchist 8-10 11-8
Penn and Teller Bullshit 4-6 5-3 6-3 6-7 6-9 7-1 7-4
Sobriety and Atheism 2-9 5-10 6-4 6-8 6-10 7-3
Modern Theory of Perception Entails Realism 4-4 5-3
The question of an afterlife has been frustrating me. 1-4 1-9
Neo-Hedonism 2-3
Marcus Brigstocke takes a swipe at Dawkins 1-7
Society, like the Easter bunny, simply does not exist 1-4 3-2
Is Dawkins a Utilitarian? 1-1 1-4
Pictures of thee, Thread Part VII! 39-8 74-7 76-4 76-6 84-2
Frank Turek's 6 arguments for theism, lets discuss them. 1-2
The Meaning of Life 2-2
how legit is this site? 6-8 8-9
Fallacy of Naturalist Refutations of Monotheism 5-8
Nazis get BBC slot 33-7 33-9 34-2 35-4 36-1 36-8 37-3 37-4 39-4 57-2 57-7 63-4 63-6 66-9 68-7 83-5 85-7 87-9 90-1 90-4
I'm a Christian from Blackpool, England...come get some lol 8-3
Ban nazis from being school governors - legal move 6-2
Dawkins attacked Chopra with tactics 1-6
Let the hate flow... 7-5 9-3
"Sometimes we must fight terror with tyranny." 5-4 5-7
school votes to send lamb to the slaughter 2-2 3-7
Starlight problem 2-6 3-3 3-5
Creationists to EDIT ORIGIN of SPECIES - THEN Distribute! 19-6
Matthew Parris - Agnosticism is not enough 5-9 6-1 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-10 7-2 7-5 7-9 8-2 10-1 10-6 10-9
Artists' poll: your favourite medium? 1-4
Boy, 12, turns into girl over summer holidays 19-2 19-8
Another Challenge Question for Atheism: 9-5
Should posting on-line sources be a requirement? 4-3
Evolution points to a creator 3-8
EUGENICS: Myth or Fact? 9-4 9-7 9-10 10-2 10-4 10-10 12-1
A Humorous Guide to Being a Libertarian on 1-7 22-8 22-10 24-7
Why so many Liberals on this site? 10-4 11-6 16-10 17-6 17-9 18-7 21-7 21-9 22-8 23-3 23-6 24-9 25-1 25-4 27-4 28-5 28-8 35-7 39-2 39-5 40-2 40-8 44-3 46-4 48-4 48-6 49-9 50-7 50-9 51-6 52-1 55-1 58-1
A newly honest atheist! 3-6 3-9
Socialism, yay or nay? 2-8
A place for our talented musicians! 5-9 17-6 17-8 18-8
Derren Brown and the Casino 1-9
Pseudonyms on blog and forum sites 1-4
Obama as Communist/Socialist 3-4 4-4
Finally some STATISTICS from O'Reilly of all people 2-10
Richard Dawkins on the Bill O'Reilly Show october 9th 2009 9-4
Exploitation of British accent in US 9-2
How can you be a happy atheist? 11-8
I am a Thelemite - Do what thou wilt! 4-3 4-10 5-3
2nd hand smoking 2-10 3-2 4-3 4-5 4-8 4-10 5-5 5-8 5-10
Ridiculous slutty versions of costumes 5-4
Spooky Music 2-1
Tony Blair: "Aggressive Secularism is Just As Dangerous" 3-2
Give Me Your Sex!! 3-4 10-9
What's your funeral song going to be? 5-8 9-2
Criticism of Israel 2-6 16-9 20-10 42-1 45-1 45-7 54-1
Hate Crimes & Legislation 4-1 4-9
What do you see in my avatar? 5-9
Non-Physical Cause of the Physical Universe 5-8
Pensioner homophobe shaken down by rozzers 26-6
BBC News: Darwin teaching 'divides opinion' 5-8
London Islam4UK demo and counterdemo 1-3 3-6
Some constructive criticism of Dawkins 1-9
Where have all the Libertarians gone? 9-6 9-9 10-1 12-3 19-3 21-2 22-9 23-5 24-4 25-5 25-9 26-7 26-10 29-6 29-10 30-2 30-6 30-10 31-6 34-1 34-7 34-9 35-2 35-3 36-6 37-8
Puppy kicked to death? 16-10 17-6 34-2
Does Global Warming Denialism Belong in Woo 2-9
Paying ppl with Genetic Diseases to abort & be sterilised 4-5 7-1 7-5
POLL: Should transsexualism be performed by the NHS? 5-8 8-6
Vile atheist quotes 1-7
What is your IQ? 6-2
Johann Hari: Ayn Rand Another L. Ron Hubbard 8-7 11-5
Who will admit that they like country, folk, etc. music? 5-5
Conversational taboos 2-3 3-6 4-3
House of Lords debates whether the BBC fails humanists 1-10
Hell is more interesting than heaven 1-9
How can "nothing" fluctuate? 2-9 4-5
New avatar for Gallstones.. 6-9
Pictures of Thy Pets! 3-9
Still-Gay-Ex-Gay Ted Haggard Was Never Anti-Gay 1-5
Question directed at Anti-Abrahamic Atheists 1-6 3-5 3-6 3-10 5-2
Your favorit atheist thinker(exept dawkins) 2-7
Atheism is literally a delusion 17-10
Help me with my stupidity (facebook debate) 1-6
An actual Christian on RDF!! 8-8
Avatar Chat 23-7 24-9 26-6 27-8
What does it mean to objectify women? 15-5 49-2
William Lane Craig - II 8-6 8-8 12-8
William Lane Craig - III 11-9
The Deity of Science 11-2 12-6 16-4 17-9
Can someone explain Determinism? 1-8 3-6 4-2
A proposal for the 25th 2-5 3-2
Atheists who celebrate Christmas ITT 1-9 4-4
No God = No Meaning To Life? 5-1 5-10 15-5
"Avatar" film anti atheist? 6-10
Pictures of thee, Part IX 48-4
Am I the only person to read the FUA? 3-2
Does Not Believing in the God of the Bible Compel Nihilism 6-3 6-6
Which is more dangerous SCIENCE or RELIGION? 11-3
Kill Them or Kill Yourself 5-2 6-7 8-4
agressive atheists alienate people 2-5 4-1 4-7 8-6 15-8
Re: Dawkins on South Park 2-8
Capitalist Catastrophes 3-1
Why hate communism? III 2-5 3-3 4-4 5-1 5-2 5-5
The Bible: A History - Channel 4 - Now (UK) 1-5 1-8 1-10 2-8 3-6 6-1 7-2 7-5 8-1
Imagine no religion... 1-6
Something is eternal 1-7 3-1
A few questions for the social democrats 3-3 7-5
My answer - Why god allows natural Disasters 1-9