List of Postings of User charlieallery

The Enemies of Reason 10-5
Darwin Fish 3-1 3-5 3-9
Musicians? 8-9
SIR Richard Dawkins ?? 4-4 6-1
Motorcycle Club Idea 2-9 3-1
Doctor Who 14-9 15-8 16-3 18-6
West Country Atheist 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-7
Gunman Kills 33 on Virginia Tech Campus 5-2
If you died and there was a God... 6-3
Dawkins is not a atheist! 6-9 7-1
Atheist comedians. 4-1
Hello 1-7
Hot Fuzz 2-10 3-2 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9
Red Heads? 2-4
Greatest movie of all time 8-6
Brown to subjugate power to declare war to parliament 4-3
E-mail signature? Coloured Wristband? 1-9 2-4 2-5 3-1
My path to the forum 1-5
Fear of Death 2-5
Confronting the Door Squad. 1-3
Serious lack of sport action!! 2-1
ANy Rogue Trooper fans? 1-4
Sam Harris and that chapter... 2-3
Childrens book? 2-4
Your most important philosophical influences? 2-6
spiderman is atheist 2-5
Greetings 1-4
Lewis Hamilton 1-3
Booze U Hate 3-8
father christmas 1-9
Need help with the logic. 2-1
Ugliest Woman Thread 3-4
Hello 1-2
Hello everyone, Just need a bit of help 1-5 1-9
My house was TP'd lastnight 1-3
Speaking up 1-1 1-4 2-6 3-10
How I "discovered" Dawkins 1-2
Atheism and science are based on blind faith assumptions too 2-3
The "Happy birthday Lalla Ward" party thread. 1-5
Building on flood plains in the uk. 1-3
Paula Zahn interview Dawkins - read the captions at 1.24 min 1-3
The rise of the slugs 5-2
Greetings and Salutations! 1-6
Is your child, or even are you maybe, goth? 1-10
Zapfino "A" necklace (OUT Campaign necklace) 1-7
Atheist bumper stickers, decals. 5-3
Hi from UK 2-4
British MPs read God Delusion 2-1
Hello from Upgrade01A 2-5
atheist symbols 1-7
Avatar for Richard 1-4
Atheist Tattoo 2-2
Mat 1-3
How many banned books have you read? 4-6
Hello.. 1-4
RD's accent 1-4 2-2
Evolution of Gills/Lungs and my personal incredulity 2-6
What age did you 'become' an atheist? 4-3
The shame of "designer animals" 1-9 2-3
Kia Ora, from a kiwi living in Los Angeles 1-4
Personal looks v ability to do a job 5-9 7-2 9-8
Hi! (an intro) 1-7
Atheism is a phase 2-4
Anyone ever tried WRITING a book? 1-6
Ignorant atheist I 1-2
Suggestions Needed 1-2
Thank you to Richard Dawkins 1-3 1-5
Calder on Dawkins and 'Out of Date' Genetics 1-3
New Member 1-6
Were your parents atheist? 1-8
Hello there! I'm new at this, chatrooms that is, not at athe 1-4
New member, double helix included!!!! 1-2 2-3
New member... hello everyone 1-3
Women may be hardwired to prefer pink 4-7
Challenging "harmless" religion? 2-3
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency on BBC Radio 4 1-6
Hello, I've just joined 1-4
Scarlet Letter spotting 1-1
benificial incest 2-4
Evolution in science fiction 4-5
DISCRIMINATION! I was asked to not wear my OUT T-SHIRT! 6-3
Why do you post here? 3-5
Greetings 1-4
Another one for the ranks! (this one in Madrid, Spain) 2-5
One Less Thing For a god to do 1-4
Le dormeur se reveille 1-2 1-9
The art of letter writing 1-2
Ancestors Tale T.V. Series 2-1 3-2 3-8
Why so little about Mendel? 1-3
Putting evolution to work 1-3
Decide a major for me! 1-6
What are the Benefits of Choosing Science? 1-2 1-5 1-8
How do you teach science to complete beginners? 1-6 1-8
Reply to Peter Stanford & John Cornwell in the Independent 1-4
what would you study? 3-4
Hello, Newbie here, sending greeting to you all 1-5
New in Liverpool 1-4
Teen cussed out by Mother for saying he is atheist 3-7
Hello from Bristol! 1-5
A is for addle-brained (Lawrence Krauss, New Scientist, 25/8 1-4
New Member 1-7 2-1
How to leave Christianity? 1-6 2-1
Football Fanaticism 5-1
Hello from the USA! 1-5
Hello all... 1-4
Misleading Reference 1-4
School Invaded by Bishop! 2-5
Am I the first to have snow this year? 1-7
I am officially a Motorcycle Mama *woot* 1-5
Greetings from Birmingham, Alabama 2-2
Not shure how to do this 1-6
Looking for interesting Sci-Fi films such as Sphere 9-7
Rowling and Dumbledore Revisited. 4-1
Favourite beers: 2-3 5-6
Bristol Atheists 1-8
Just Remember . . . 4-2
Religion? What religion? 1-1