List of Postings of User JemyM

Can an atheist celebrate Christmas? 15-9
The Bible Unearthed 2-1 2-3
Is there any Atheist/Freethinking Music? 20-5 21-9 22-5 22-8
What are you currently reading? 51-10
What evidence would make you believe in a God? 36-2 41-10 43-5
Fred Phelps / Westboro Baptist Church 6-9
Abstinence IS the Best Method of Birth Control 25-2
Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Pol Pot - Atheists? 22-6
Atheistic quotes 8-8 9-2 9-4
Send The God Delusion to your MP 1-9
Suggested Actions/Petitions for our Cause 1-9
Any bright suggestions what we should call ourselves? 23-5
Trying to Not Believe - Need Help 7-4 7-6 7-8
Your first inklings that something was wrong with religion 5-9
You're an atheist. Are you also moral? 32-9
Atheism and Jesus 5-7
How do I tell my mum I don't believe in God? 6-5
What Kind of Atheist are you? 4-6
Spread the word of Ecopsychology 1-2
What does an Atheist do when a Religious prays? 4-2
one step 9-8
Science, lack of morals blamed for Virginia Tech massacre. 10-5 10-7 10-9
Can we widely discredit the symbols? 1-1
The Ten Commandments 8-2
Stanford guy "prove" god (or disprove philosphy) 1-1
Atheism is a belief. 47-1 47-4 48-2 48-8 63-8
The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold 1-1 1-8 1-9 2-1 2-5 2-7 3-2 4-5 4-6 6-8 7-10
Ireland needs your help. 2-5 3-4
Questions for theists regarding an absurdity in the bible 3-1
Is atheism obvious? what am I missing? 2-9
Theists are neither illogic, irrational or unintelligent 1-1
Does sexual deprivation lead to mental problems? 2-5
Fun trivia, Crétin and Bigot 1-1 1-5 1-6 2-1 2-2
Atheism and "Bad Language" 3-4
What is your favorite quote from TGD? 1-4
Atheists having a cake and eating it. 2-4
But seriously: Can atheists believe in ghosts? 15-6
If you died and there was a God... 8-5 8-7
Destruction of Religious Nonsense Poll 2-5
Is personal religion ok? 4-5
Another Milestone in my Life as an Atheist...... 2-9
How far do you dare to push a muslim? 1-1
Richard's analysis faulty? 2-8
Do we need a non-supernatural equivalent to religion....? 1-9 2-10
The Politics of Atheists 1-3
Why Atheists are Theocrats 1-5
"Bible Unearthed" archaeology vs god 1-1
Has your interest in a "subversive" music style he 3-9
I'm a 7 on Richard Dawkins' scale 2-2
What Are Your Goals As An Atheist? 2-1
Atheism Causes More Wars Than Theism? 17-2
Oh. My. God (news article) 5-4
What's Your Single Toughest Question For Christians? 94-9 95-9 95-10 96-10 97-8
Is there any evidence in support of positive/strong atheism? 15-10
Is god the real problem? 2-4
If you could legally discriminate... 6-2
The Importance of not patronizing Christians 10-8
Poll: For "Born Again" atheists 5-7
Atheism books redundant? 2-3
Atheism and Moral Faith 6-10
Students Trade Bibles for Porn 8-2
Discovery backs Old Testament 2-6
Meaningless religious statements. 1-2
Christian Right Activists Disrupt Hindu Chaplain In Senate 2-8
No God? 53-1
Towards a Cinema of Atheism 3-1
Should we respect religion? 6-1
100% Atheist: Is That Possible? 7-3
I Used to be an Atheist... 15-8
"True Blue Aussies Love Jesus" 3-1
Conversions from Atheism to Christianity 8-9
Do atheists believe they "own" science? 7-5
Reconciliation of Science and Religion 4-9
Incidental Old Testament detail substantiated 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-2
should people fight if there is no chance to win? 1-4
Original Sin etc 1-4
Whats the alternative 5-1 5-5
Atheism the Core of Marxism? 1-2 1-5 1-7 2-4
Should atheism be taught in religious studies classes? 3-5
Beckham: England - 0/USA - 1 4-6
New mutations implicated in half of autism cases 1-2
How do we stop blind faith? 1-3 1-5
did you reason your way out of theism or was it a gut feelin 1-8
How knowlegable does an atheist have to be? 2-3
Spirituality without the 'spirit' 1-8 4-5
Incredible Documentary Called "Who Wrote The Bible" 1-2
reasons to be good without god 1-2 1-8
What if atheists are wrong? 1-3
Deism versus Atheism? 1-6
Secular Humanism vs. Atheism; which defines us better? 1-10
Dead end thread, sorry. 1-3
Power of Prayer 1-2
UK thought crime 1-2
Can an Atheist be a Bigot? 2-5
Faith Schools? 2-4
Something I think we need to remind ourselves of here 1-8
What's most likely to happen to religion? 4-5 5-9
Pathologising Atheism 1-2 1-3
God=mc2 2-7
North America speaks 6-5
An Answer to Hitchens 1-10
Jena 6: Shocking racism in modern america. 2-5
Trust Issue: Secular Humanists vs. Atheism 2-8
Manna, thy bread from heaven (Magic Mushroom theory) 1-1
Would an atheist return a wallet with $100? Why or Why not? 2-2 2-7
Why do many atheists dislike religion? What is religion afte 1-4
Very tough question, if you really think about it. 1-3
You've read the gospel, now get "Jesus The Action Figure!" 1-6
Inverse relationship between self belief and belief in God? 9-4
Can somebody please help me counter this ramble 2-4
What percentage of atheists are against the war on Iraq? 2-10
Ontario - election soon, Conservatives and faith schools 1-2
Theists:Why does "god" not simply remove "satan" from existe 3-7
Humanism is more absolute than Godism. 1-7
Is atheism really a choice? 1-3
Hoping you guys can help with a few questions on U.S and rel 1-3
Would you join a religion based on science? 2-5
Humanist weddings 'soar' in Scotland 2-4
Have you read the whole bible (poll) 7-1
Daily reminders that there is no god 1-8
Swedish christian gays in organised celibacy (Translated) 1-1 1-3
Scary Ignorance 2-5
How Rational? 2-6
New name for Pro-Lifers 1-3
Archeological evidence? 1-5 1-6 1-8 2-5 2-10 3-3 3-9 5-6
Adam and Eve 1-2 1-5 3-5
What are you? [Poll] 1-6
Was nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki necessary or a warcrime? 2-7 2-9 3-2
Hello from the Island of Sin. 1-10 3-7
Asperger's Adults - a question please? 1-10 3-3 3-7
Comparative Study 1-2
My issues with faith 1-5
One day Mr Dawkins is going to feel very, very silly 3-1 3-3
Swedish Church Leaders join Pride Rally 1-6
Your Views? 1-6 2-9
Your stance on Downloading Free Music from Internet? 1-10 2-7
Are atheists more likely to recycle? Why or why not? 1-5
Swedish Humanists speech on the pride festival 1-1 1-4 1-5 1-10 2-1
Why do I lack friends and Social Skills? 2-5
Should we be teaching people to rationalise away Love? 1-6 1-8
Are they any atheists who are anti-gay? 3-10
What issues are you clueless on? 2-3
Mensa - is it worth it? 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-8
How do spiders learn to make a web? 1-1 1-7
The Dawkins Atheism Scale and Unicorns 2-6
ADHD: Is it a disease? Should it be treated? Why? Why not? 2-1
A symbol for all types of rationalism 1-4
Permanently embedding atheism into popular culture 2-3
The 3 evolutionary traits that led to religion? 1-2
Man to be executed despite not actually commiting the murder 2-9
"Convert or die" video game. 2-5
The War on Religion by Ron Paul 1-9
Education board opposes intelligent design in curricula 2-7
Final proof of the existence of God! 2-10
The issue of Abortion 5-10
Sweden: Cartoons offend muslims yet again 1-3 7-10 11-1 15-4 17-1 17-10 19-3 20-7 20-10
The Anti-Americans 19-2
"Closed-minded" 2-3
Why christianity is the opposite of love 1-1
Single answer killer response to God question needed 3-2 5-5
Valedictorian Must Apologize for Mentioning Jesus or No Dipl 5-3
Does anyone actually buy into the 9/11 conspiracies? 1-6
Islam V Christianity 1-7
Breaking News Ex-Gay therapy doesn't work! 2-9
Capitalism vs. Socialism + other questions 1-3 1-7 1-10 2-5 3-3 3-4 3-7 3-10 4-2 5-5 5-10
UK Faith Schools 18-5
Can anyone debunk this? 4-1
Why do secularists often lean towards collectivism? 2-2
Rationalism vs an institution built on human emotions 1-1 1-6 1-8 2-1
Study: Sexuality Can Be Changed By Faith 3-1
A non-preaching argument for the existence of God 2-7
Archbishop Joachim Meisner warns of "degenerated culture" 2-6
Atheists, Your Strongest Pro-Theism Arguments... 2-2
Blessed Assurance? A christian guide out of faith 1-1
Positive articles in Washington Post today 1-1 2-1
Why should people stop raping? 5-1
Best book for arguments against god (christian fundamentalis 1-2
Conservapedia's atheism article 3-6
Respecting Islam. 14-5 15-5 15-7 15-10 16-6 17-5 19-2
The God Conclusion 3-8 3-10
Am i religious, or an atheist? 2-7
How to deconvert believers 5-9
Evidence for Pre-Flood Sacred Writings -- Source for Genesis 5-5
2009, you are the new President... 2-10
Comparitive Philosophies 2-2
Atheism, a life lived with impunity; good or bad? 2-1 2-3
Why atheists DO believe in something 1-5
Why do you hate God? 1-8
Sheltered Atheist? 2-2
Fear of Freedom of Choice -> Religious Fundamentalism 1-4
Atheist and BLACK! *gasp* 2-7
So does Atheism have a code of morality? 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-1
OT vs NT 2-6 3-5 4-1 5-1
My sister has stopped going to church. 1-3 1-9
Greetings from rural Oz: Constantine INVENTED Christianity 3 4-10
Happy Birthday, love jesus... 2-1
Atheism and its agenda compared by countries 1-8
Short letter to an atheist messageboard 4-4
Happy Atheist Kids? 2-3
Muslims warn Pope "survival of the world is at stake" 3-1
How atheism is being sold to America 2-6
Al Gore gets Nobel prize. 5-5
The case for the REAL Jesus 1-2
If churches went away would we miss them, or replace them? 2-7
Mythology and Theology 1-9
Sweden bans religious content in school lectures 1-1 3-8
If Dawkins converted.... 8-3
Not going to the U.S 1-3 1-5
Is a womens place in the home??? 2-9
Using the wedge strategy against the christian institution 1-1 1-4 1-8 1-9 1-10 2-2 2-7 2-8 2-10 3-3 3-4 3-7 4-2
The Top 10 Atheist Songs 4-9
Philosophy. Why bother? 9-2
My home town spreads its disease. 1-8
To debunk the International Faith Curriculum 1-1
Religious/Antireligious Video Games 1-9
The Theist-Atheist Scale: Where are you? (Part 1) 20-1
Being addicted to computer games (therapies?) 1-1 1-4 1-9
Offensive offensive list (Computer Games for Christmas) 1-1
Conscious raising: Defensive, not hostile 1-1
Was Jesus Real? (Part 1) 46-2